Sunday, January 2, 2022

Celebrating small wins 🥳

Today felt like an ordinary day. Our little man zzz from 8pm-430am; woke up and drank 180ml and went back to zzz… woke up again abt 7ish and we dropped joy at her tuition before we head for our breakfast. 

It seems ordinary but my heart is filled with thanksgiving. The fact that he slept thru the night, finished his milk and went on to drink a total of 800+ ml and 2 solids.. 

Joash tested negative for Covid.. so we could go out today.. hahaha… and the outdoor walks/ car rides did help me a lot. 

The 2 impt men in my life.. we had candy floss.. sweet fluffy kind.. 

Before 8pm, Joash has fallen seems ordinary but it means so much to me. Bcoz he just zzz with William doing the usual closing..(not the baby carry / sleep on chest thing) 

Celebrating small wins, thankfulness. 🥳

Thank you God!

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