Saturday, January 1, 2022

And now we wait


And now we wait. Wait for his pee before the doctor can discharge us. The little man is sick (again). Fever started on thur and he stopped drinking and eating. Didn’t zzz much that night and we send him to a pd on Friday. Our regular pd wasnt around so we had to send him to another one. 

That visit was bad. I will never go there again. The pd didn’t even take his temp and I felt that he was just prescribing a lot of meds and tests. The no drinking/feeding/sleeping continued for the next 24hrs. 

And by this morning, we decided to go to kkh. I was more afraid of dehydration and other problems esp since he took less than 300ml for the whole of Friday. His usual intake is 1000-1100ml. 

Just as we cleared the triage, I decided to give him a bottle. And he polished it straight! Went on to finish 300ml in that single feed !

Just so thankful that at least he started drinking. The kkh doctor found an ulcer at the back of his throat which probably explains the fever and lack of feeding. 

And now we wait for his pee. The doctor is still worried that our little friend is dehydrated and he needs to pee first before we can go home.

- 2 hours later -

Little man is still not peeing. Doctor gave us 2 options : 
1) go home and feed and monitor input and output. 
2) admit and put on drip

I chose 1). We also did the Covid swab. Because if he needs to be swabbed, I rather it be done by kkh then anywhere else. 

And the swab took only 3 mins. And we are done (finally).

Heading home now and baby Joash, pls drink when we go home.

We came home and the little man had a small portion of cereal and a wet diaper and that was the end of our happy story.

Don’t want to feed/sleep/drink after that.. William brought him on a pram ride which made him zzz for 30 mins and that was it. We’ve even tried cold milk, ice etc.. the crying was heartbreaking and I wasn’t sure if I made the right choice for bringing him home. 

Even the carrier is out to make him zzz.. whatever pattern also can la.. showhand liaoz.. pls sleep a lot and drink a lot when u r well rested my dear boy..

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