Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy day!

Accidentally saw this while heading for my airport appt..  I had forgotten that llao llao is at the airport.. lol.. it's after all my favourite yogurt ! Hahahaha..  I know I will have to get it even though I'm trying to eat healthier..  Hahaha..  it's comfort food.. and it's a lot healthier than eating chocolate cake mah.. hahahaha.. 

I felt like a kid unleash on candyland. Probably bcoz I'm already on holiday mood. The village (minus joy) are going to HK this Sun; their first trip to Disneyland and I get to meet some of my friends whom I haven't met for yrs.

So thankful how this mth turned out. I know I was feeling Emo and unsure since I came back fr rio . And it was indeed a quiet October for almost 3 weeks. But certainly and surely the Lord has plans and not only did He provides , He does it in mega fashion. So grateful for all that He has provided, be it for my work; the protection on Grace and us on the car accident.. so many blessings; so many things to be thankful for.

I pray that more people will get to know my God and how he heals and protects; and how with Him, I have nothing to worry about.

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
Hebrews 10:36 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Bible verse

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 NIV

Just as I needed this verse.. been emotionally eating consciously or unconsciously.. haiz... probably too stressed over the recent happenings.. Will just lean on Him and surrender all to the Lord..

Saturday, October 20, 2018

An unforgetttabe experience.

"Pls pray for us coz we juz got into a car accident. Waiting for ambulance.."

That was the msg I send to my cg and joleen minutes after the air bag punched into my face and smell of "fireworks" filled the car.

We were on our way to church when it happened. The last I remember was using mr choo hp and trying to click some credit card promo and the next thing I knew was both air bags were released n joy was crying in pain.

We were the 3rd car in a chain collision. Not too sure what happened as all the Things happened too fast.

We weren't traveling v fast as the right lane was closed for gardening. Hadn't had the chance to go back to see the video.

The paramedics came and attended to us. Joy and I had minor cuts and bruises. Went to SKGH for more assessment and was discharged 4 hrs later. The pain and aftermath shock would probably come later.

Joy is still in shock. After all, this is her first car accident.

Looking at how damaged the car is, I can only thank God for his protection on the 3 of us. There are so many things to be thankful for:
1) twins are at my mum's place at time of incident
2) beside the minor cuts and wounds that Joy and I suffered, we seem otherwise Okie.
3) we didn't wait for a long time at SKGH. In fact, Joy was the only kid at PAED. She said 3 doctors and 2 nurses assessed her. I wasn't with her when we reached the hosp as all 3 of us went to different depts to be taken care of.
4) Joy had 6 stitches on her chin. But that was it. Thankfully not on her face or eyes.
5) all 3 of us were belted. Otherwise she probably would have flung out from the impact.
6) thank God for seat belts and air bag.

God protected us from any major injuries. In fact we could walk over to compass one to get Koi for Joy (hopefully that will relieve her traumatic experience) and took a cab to my mom's place after that.

As much as I shudder to think what s going to happen to the car and the possible huge claims coming up, I need to remind myself that thankfully no one was hurt (major). Not the other car ; nor us. Thank God for his protection and covering. Praying that Joy will be able to sleep tonight.

She still try to smile just so that her grandma won't be worried. Thank God for her maturity.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Bible verse

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

This verse came in handy, at a time when I'm trying not to panic in the midst of the drought, to relax and enjoy the serenity. That even though the cases are not coming in, that even when it seems that I have no one else to meet. It is Okie. Coz if this meant the end; that the people I needed to help has all been settled, then Yes, I will accept it. If not, then I too will gladly accept the break, the time to be home for dinners with the family ; to bring the kids out for a slow breakfast before heading to work.. yes, I can enjoy this. After all, everything is in His plans. I will surrender all to Him and take things at His pace.