Wednesday, January 19, 2022


Had a long chat with uncle pig that night, on housing. If we were going to continue renting this place forever; or sell the two properties and move to a place of our own. And if moving, are we going to look at condo/cluster/landed? *hdb is out of the question for now bcoz I think my household needs at least 3 toilets 

Actually to me, our current place is fine too. It’s near to town; walking distance to 2 mrt stations; and Joy list of future JCs are all within a few bus/train stops. It’s also near the twins present and future schools as well. Unlike a lot of people, I’m quite comfortable renting. To me, this is my home leh.. I still regard it as my home, my house, not 别人的房子. So I’m completely cool with continuing this current arrangement. We have the space, enough toilets etc. N it doesn’t disrupt all financial plans. 

But if we were to get a place of our own, then we are constrained by space. New condos are either too tiny, or not enough rooms. Old condos will have the problem of increasing maintainence costs as the lifts /overall development needs more upgrading costs etc. Uncle pig is not keen to look at cluster houses bcoz he feels that eventually it will b borne down by the hefty maintenance fees as well. If we were to look at landed, then the price tag is going to be expensive. I mean can buy la, but that means die die need to continue to work and pay mortgage. 

While having this discussion with my BFFs, One of them brought up a v important point. “In life, some people strive to have a landed; some want to stay in a condo; and some wish to have financial freedom; or the freedom to pay bills (帐单自由), the freedom to shop and buy anything without feeling the pinch.. what then is the most important priority for me? What is my bucket list?” She actually made me write down a list of the things I wan for my house; and a list of good to haves… 

And after my convo with uncle pig, we concluded that financial freedom is what we valued as most impt. I don’t need to own a super expensive house ; a designer house etc. I want to have the flexibility of not needing to work to pay bills, like now. If I decide to stop work for the year , fine.. bills will still be paid. If I continue to work, that’s fine too. But it removes the stress of working to pay bills. And that’s what I think is most important to us now - financial freedom. 

Penning it here so that if I ever be tempted to get a much expensive property / car, I’ll be reminded again by my thoughts here. 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Brand new year brand new start

This was lunch, my deliberate attempt to eat clean and healthy again. Haven’t been super consistent in going for my cupping sessions and my weight has been on a yo-yo. I eat clean when I make a conscious effort but the eating gets screw up each time I don’t have enough zzz , then the craving for carbs or sugary stuff come in..

I do wish that with this new year , sleep will b better for everyone and then I can focus on healthy living and work too!

I walked to Poiz twice today. The first time to get the lunch and the second time to get a cup of kopi. I contemplated ordering the kopi on grab but paying $8 for a cup of kopi was just not worth it. And in the end, I’m glad I “worked” for the calories. Needed the extra dose of endorphins as well, just to keep me chirpy and energised. I’m having 3 zooms today, and also 3 zooms the day before.

It feels great to work (be it exercise / work work). 

Thankful for the fruitful day and thankful that January is packed to the brim.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Uncle pig send Me this while I was having appt. The thought of getting a second car, just for indulgence (mainly) came up again.. hahahah.. especially because I’m having quite a handful of face to face appts this mth. 

For today, he had to fetch me there, like old times.  J says I really shouldn’t get a second car and I know that’s a logical thing to do. But I’m illogical.. hahaha.. the flesh is WEAK too.. the nonsense me kept telling the logical me that if I had a car, I would have scheduled more f2f appts. Hahaha..and if I worked more, I probably “earn” the car back by this year end. 

I went to office after my appt today. It feel good to be working in office too. And it felt good that I can just take the train home after that. Hahaha.. I text him back that we will see the number of f2f appts I have for this mth before we discuss this again. 

Reasons for getting one:

- coz I want to buy something for myself

- Work 

Reasons for not getting:

- lazy to drive

- under utilise 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Celebrating small wins 🥳

Today felt like an ordinary day. Our little man zzz from 8pm-430am; woke up and drank 180ml and went back to zzz… woke up again abt 7ish and we dropped joy at her tuition before we head for our breakfast. 

It seems ordinary but my heart is filled with thanksgiving. The fact that he slept thru the night, finished his milk and went on to drink a total of 800+ ml and 2 solids.. 

Joash tested negative for Covid.. so we could go out today.. hahaha… and the outdoor walks/ car rides did help me a lot. 

The 2 impt men in my life.. we had candy floss.. sweet fluffy kind.. 

Before 8pm, Joash has fallen seems ordinary but it means so much to me. Bcoz he just zzz with William doing the usual closing..(not the baby carry / sleep on chest thing) 

Celebrating small wins, thankfulness. 🥳

Thank you God!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Bible verses

 “But now, this is what the Lord says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:1-3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Reminding myself that in every situation, our God is in control. He will not forsake us and He is with us, in every step of the way. 

Joash had a full meal for dinner tonight. We did purple carrot and it was sweet and he had his usual portion. At his closing feed, he refused to drink. I could hear William struggling to make him zzz. I went in and baby carried him and he went on to drink 150ml. I’m thankful coz I need him to drink more. But the fear of correcting the bad habits is real too. 

But for now, I will just surrender it to the Lord conpletely. He knows, and I pray that He will guide us thru our valleys. After all, He was the one who gave us Joash.

And now we wait


And now we wait. Wait for his pee before the doctor can discharge us. The little man is sick (again). Fever started on thur and he stopped drinking and eating. Didn’t zzz much that night and we send him to a pd on Friday. Our regular pd wasnt around so we had to send him to another one. 

That visit was bad. I will never go there again. The pd didn’t even take his temp and I felt that he was just prescribing a lot of meds and tests. The no drinking/feeding/sleeping continued for the next 24hrs. 

And by this morning, we decided to go to kkh. I was more afraid of dehydration and other problems esp since he took less than 300ml for the whole of Friday. His usual intake is 1000-1100ml. 

Just as we cleared the triage, I decided to give him a bottle. And he polished it straight! Went on to finish 300ml in that single feed !

Just so thankful that at least he started drinking. The kkh doctor found an ulcer at the back of his throat which probably explains the fever and lack of feeding. 

And now we wait for his pee. The doctor is still worried that our little friend is dehydrated and he needs to pee first before we can go home.

- 2 hours later -

Little man is still not peeing. Doctor gave us 2 options : 
1) go home and feed and monitor input and output. 
2) admit and put on drip

I chose 1). We also did the Covid swab. Because if he needs to be swabbed, I rather it be done by kkh then anywhere else. 

And the swab took only 3 mins. And we are done (finally).

Heading home now and baby Joash, pls drink when we go home.

We came home and the little man had a small portion of cereal and a wet diaper and that was the end of our happy story.

Don’t want to feed/sleep/drink after that.. William brought him on a pram ride which made him zzz for 30 mins and that was it. We’ve even tried cold milk, ice etc.. the crying was heartbreaking and I wasn’t sure if I made the right choice for bringing him home. 

Even the carrier is out to make him zzz.. whatever pattern also can la.. showhand liaoz.. pls sleep a lot and drink a lot when u r well rested my dear boy..