Monday, November 29, 2021

Saying goodbye to the milk factory


Send these photos to a very nice friend who offered to help me sell them away. 

It’s final. The milk factory is closed. Did my last pump today and I’m happy. I’m glad that this is all over. I thought I would b more chilled about the whole bf thing this time round but no, it still affected me a lot and I’m so glad it’s finally over. 

Time to look forward to more exciting stages in life. It’s the school hols and we have a few things planned for the kids. We did a staycation at equarius last week and this week, there’s another staycation (just me and the twins only). 

I wanna spend these few weeks with the girls before I start working full steam in jan. 

To be honest, I’m very excited about what lies ahead. J is happy in his school, we are all settled at our new place, and now that I’ve closed the milk factory, this means more time and energy for more exciting things !

Handling over the keys of minton back to the landlord this week. Praying that nothing urgent crops up or nothing stupid screws up. 

Friday, November 19, 2021


This is me at 3am last night. For two nights in a row, our little friend has been waking up at 2, drink his milk, coaxed to zz, put into cot and wake up with big eyes smiling at me. And such battles usually last for 2 hrs at least.. For yesterday, William took over from 3-5. Then he woke up again at 5ish.. fed him milk again, changed diaper and zzz with nightmares .. kept waking up every 10-15mins… 

Praying for strength to carry forward. I’m tired, so is William. It’s the pre-weekend blues and if weekdays are so bad already, I don’t want weekends to come..😭😭😭

This too shall pass, I know … but God, can u make it easier for 我们两个老人家… 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Spend some time for myself, praying and journaling. Really appreciate such windows when I have time all by myself. No need to jaga the kids, do zoom, or reply emails. Just time for MYSELF.. 

Went for cupping this morning, after a long hiatus and had comfort food near the office!

It isn’t the best Korean food but it’s comfort food. Food that I’m familiar with; food that we always come when working in office was still the norm. Time passed; and suddenly wfh has been the new norm for the last 2 yrs; along with mask wearing and hand sanitizers. Overnight every singaporean were trained to wear mask, something quite unheard of before 2020. 

The last week was crazy for us because the twins had high fever for a few days. It’s been a long while since their temps cross 39.5! So along with nursing them, we had to make sure Joash and Joy were shielded from the virus. And our little boy had to choose this period to wake up every hr middle of the night (during the weekend) I really wanted to kill him.. hahahaha.. guess that’s what they say, the cuter the baby, the more “interesting” events. 

Going for my facial soon before heading home to pick the baby.. it’s been a long day for uncle pig and I’m going to take over his shift.. 

Thankful for today.. thankful for the break.. thank u God for everything!

“Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart—”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Saturday, November 6, 2021

We did the MRI yday.. like finally and it wasn’t a walk in the park. Firstly both of us couldn’t zzz the night before but we didn’t tell each other.. lol 

Anyway, on Friday morning brought the big baby for his MRI. You could see that for all the things he could do for his family, medical appts isn’t one that he can just go. Which is fine. It’s an opportunity for me to sayang the big giant I guess. Anyway, long and short of the story, he had to be sedated bcoz he freaked out again. I’m trying to be the emphatic wife but hor, I had to bite my lips several times just to remind myself not to say the wrong things.. 

We finally did it. The appt took 3 hrs plus. Next wed going to see the doctor. Praying that the results would be clear and that the dizzy spells are just due to fatigue or “gaming too much” (his own words). 

I slept so well last night. Could go back to zzz immediately after settling Joash motn feeds. So thankful! 

Brought the twins to their enrichment class today. We took public and literally crawled from woodleigh to Delfi! Enjoying my breakfast at Starbucks now bcoz I’m down to 3x pumps a day! Yeah ! First time on a Saturday where I don’t need to blog while pumping at the nursing room at forum. 

I need to focus on myself and my well being; instead of the pump! Going to eat clean again and lose the excess weight. (The emotional roller coaster and sleepless nights did nothing to help)

But today is good bcoz I had good rest last night. 🤗Beautiful Saturday!