Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Hokkaido (final)

And we came back last week from our winter holidays. Overall the girls were in their bestest behaviour.. not sure if its bcoz the winter made them more lethargic or having to take public transport, but they didnt seem to have so much energy to pick on one another while we were there. In fact, they all helped one another, for which I'm thankful.. Hahahah..

Becoz some, if not all of us, were sick, the trip was further scaled down..so that we could just enjoy each others presence..had wanted to go to more places but the weather was either too cold, or the girls simply took too long to get ready..  I'm not kidding when I say we probably take 2 hrs to get ready each day...lol..

白い恋人 was one of the places we did coz all of us were fans of the famous biscuit. The girls also did some baking while we were there but it's really a tourist attraction la..
If anything, I have to give credits to them for ever so willing to q for food.. probably bcoz seats were always avail while queuing.. the good thing abt traveling in japan is there are no misses when it comes to food. Whatever we had, was always good or super good..hahah..
Pictures while queuing 
Otaru - beautiful small town. The place where we took a cab back to the train station coz we were too cold and tired by the end of the day. The girls were so grateful for the ride.. did it made them more appreciative of our car when we came back to sg? I wished.. hahaha..

The highlight for me personally has got to b the Doraemon park at the airport. It was like a dream come true, to be able to take photos with the crops/ sets while we were there.. n I'm glad that the girls obliged.. hahaha..

And this wraps up our trip. The girls first time seeing/playing in the snow; Joy mastering sking and uncle choo finally buying a real winter jacket while we were there. It was really a nice experience, and we are considering if we should bring them for another ski/ winter holidays next yr. But we shall see la.. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

hkk day 3-4

Thank God for papa choo, for being the anchor and compass today! We finally managed to see a doctor today bcoz there wasnt any at the ski resort.. lol..there is so many things to be grateful for today.. grateful that it didnt snow! Yeah! Bcoz if it had snowed, travelling from the bus station to the sapporo hotel would have been crazy! Grateful that papa choo is so good with his directions! We didnt need to do any 冤枉路 and we manage to take the train and walk to the hospital.

The hotel staff was v helpful in checking if the hospital had any translator around. Bcoz in japan, there are pretty strict abt this. U basically cant see a doctor unless u know japanese or there is a translator for u. All in all, the excursion at the hospital took an hr! For which I'm thankful. So thankful that William could entertain the twins while me and joy went to see our respective doctors. (Coz the hosp insisted she should go to paediatric even though she looks v much like a full grown adult) 

Had a good ramen after that and some light shopping just to top up on some lip balm etc.. actual itinerary probably starts tomorrow.. william says it's going to b light light coz we are still sick but I do feel so much better hrs after I had the meds.. yeah! Thank God for his protection on us! 
grace having a nose bleed after we got back and vera being her nurse..
then there is finally the powdery snow yday bcoz it snowed ! (Finally!) At least before we leave the ski resort, we could experience the powdery snow.. the kids were thrilled by it..n if they are happy, I'm happy.. hahahah.. 

see how cold we have become! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

HKK Day 2

It hasn't been an easy day caring for 2 sick kids and trying to prevent the healthy lonely one to be infected but we just wanna pray and give thanks that for all things, God has a plan and we only need to lean onto Him and Believe that in the end, everything is gonna b okie..

Us in the morning when Grace's fever had gone "shopping" (in her own words) 

The weather was beautiful, not too cold. It was bright and sunny. I know the girls are disappointed that they have yet to see Mr. SNOW yet.. and to be honest, I was getting a little worried too, that we would miss out like our last trip to Korea. But william reminded me again that it is all in Lord's hands and that He would know what's best. So simple and sweet. Indeed, it is always best to focus on God and His plans than our own. And with that, this little anxiety is too, gone with the wind.


Joy had a full day of ski class, and I'm thankful that she managed to enjoy herself and really learn how to do it. By the end of the class, she could take the chair lift to the higher mountain levels and ski down. I'm glad she enjoyed it, even though we almost had to forfeit the whole lesson coz she was unwell. But she said she could n wanted to do it. I reminded her that she could end it anytime she felt the need to.

this was the only photo her coach took for her..lol.. oh well.. 


probably the only free activity in the resort..  the twins took so many times of it..lol..

if anything, the food at the ski resort has been mind blowing... hahaha.. I've been to 2 ski resorts (korea) and the food were "attraction" standards.. but the food here is soooooo good.. that it kinda made me forgot how expensive this winter holiday is. Hahahaha..  thankful la.. that food is good..

Give thanks to the Lord , for he is good; his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV

Winter holidays Day 1

09/12/19 2pm
Less than 10 hrs before we head to the airport and begin our winter holidays. Feeling excited yet jittery. Praying that the trip would b good, I would survive the night flight with enough sleep, praying that the girls would b in their best behaviour, and we wont b too overwhelmed by the cold weather. 
We are using more bags instead of the luggage bags this time round bcoz uncle choo says it would b difficult to lug them around on the snow ground. I'm praying that the logistics / transportation of us/luggage would b smooth; that we would b able to find the landmarks/hotels with ease. Praying that I wont go berserk on the trip bcoz of the endless bickering.. 

09/12/19 1030pm
Waiting for the cab to pick us up.. the girls are starting to fall sick with grace having a full fever now..  praying that they will recover quickly and that God will make them well! 

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him,
Nahum 1:7 NIV

 chilling at the lounge before the flight 
Doraemon! Hopefully we have the chance to visit the cafe when we head back to chitose airport.

On the 2hr bus ride to our ski resort 

And we finally arrived!

Joy and grace are officially sick, both with fever and sore throat. Praying that they will get well tomorrow. The kids are super excited abt seeing snow. I do hope we be able to see snow-ing action tomorrow. Trying to take things easy with 2 fever kids. Not sure how joy is going to start her ski class tomorrow (which is non refundable) but we shall see. Praying that God will heal the girls in super speed; and that we be able to spend some time together as a family. Thankful that in spite of the circumstances, things were pretty smooth sailing today. Looking forward to day 2!

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12 NIV

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

环岛追追追 II

Now that the PSLE results are out, and Joy is probably going to a far far away school. So has the search for a house began..

We went for our 1st viewing last sun. There were 3 contestants: A) super old but huge penthouse condo which is in serangoon; B) new 4 bedroom condo at bartley and C)2 storey terrace house near the twins school. All 3 contestants carry the same price tags but the living conditions are vastly different. For people who prefer an "ang moh chu", taking up opt C) might be a good choice. But landed being landed, it's super far to the nearest mrt. At best, its walking distance to the nearest bus stop. Nah, it's not for us. We all concluded that we prefer B) bcoz it's new and its sheltered walkway to bartley mrt. 

But we probably do more viewings before we decide further. 

Since then, we decided to do a trial of the actual time taken if we were to stay at B) and joy going to sch etc vs the time the twins take to go their sch too.. thus began our adventure today.. hahahaha 

We parked the car at nex; took the train to bartley and walk to that condo. Then from then, we walked back to the mrt, took the circle line; changing for downtown line and eventually arriving at king Albert park.
The duo continued to walk up to the sch while vera and I rested af KAP. I was exhausted. Time taken: 45mins. That wasn't v near. I had hoped it to b under 30mins. Oh well. 

We headed back to nex, have lunch and took the car. Drove to the condo, and started the time from the place to twins sch. 
Time taken: 3mins 

It would have been perfect if joy stayed on at pl.. while we were discussing the various options etc, Vera blurted out "otherwise chek chek can go pl sec ! Why must u go other schs when u can go pl sec 🤣"

Such wisdom..  hahaha..(I agree too) but I want to believe that God has plans for each girl and probably Joy will b happier with her choice. And if that's the case, then we will try to make it as comfortable as possible for each of them. It would have been nice if she had stayed in PL and she could enjoy the proximity as well. 

We were all exhausted by the adventures today, even Joy. I told her that she would have to do it everyday when sch starts and probably the knowledge is finally going to sink in her now..

Praying that God points us to a place that's most suited for us to stay. Praying for wisdom to make the right choice. 

I need a nap. William is right. Nap is an option if I work full day. But it is a necessity if I'm a mama full day. Hahaha