Saturday, March 28, 2020

Giving thanks

Met a super old friend for breakfast at the airport this morning. She was going back to HK with her kids, 1 day before HK closes her borders. It was great to see her while she was back and as we parted ways, we all agreed that we probably only be able to meet again when this whole virus thing dies down and borders start opening again. 

She's been here since Feb coz schools in HK have been closed since cny. And when she goes back, she has to fulfil the 14days quarantine restrictions as well. Looking at the policies implemented by both govts, I'm glad and proud that I'm a Singaporean. I'm glad that schools have been opened for so long, that despite all the "peer" pressure, our govt has gone ahead to continue with schools becoz when schools close, there will b bigger problems. I'm glad that our country isn't in complete lockdown YET. Yes, the social distancing measures were recently implemented. But I'm thankful that I still get my freedom, my personal space and malls. I still could get my breakfast fix or late night supper if I wanted to. Maybe we would eventually go to the complete lockdown mode where everyone is required to stay at home. But right now, I just wanna give thanks for the little pockets of freedom that I have. 

The last few weeks have been crazy busy, bcoz most of my clients are working from home. And bcoz of that, I manage to meet up with more people, to which I'm thankful for. I know that my biz will stop when it comes to a complete lockdown, or when no other clients are willing to take a risk and meet me..haha.. and when that happens, I will b a SAHM! Simply enjoying the presence of my kids, we could watch tv all day long, or unpacked the boxes; or we could just daydream! Either way, I'm excited to see how it goes!

The 2nd budget was announced yday. And quite expectedly, I wont be getting much. I thought we might have a chance to get the self employed allowance, but I wasnt eligible. I'm glad. Bcoz that means the allowance is allocated to people who need it more than me, who truly deserve some help. The brilliance of coming up with this stimulus to help fellow citizens. =) 

Tomorrow is a relax weekend for the Choos coz vera doesnt have art class; I dont have appts; and joy doesn't need to reach church super early. We could take a super slow and long brunch, without needing to rush for the next appt. I'm looking forward to this kind of lifestyle.. haha.. 

Thankful for the opportunity to be thankful for... 

Friday, March 27, 2020

bible verse

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 NIV

Thursday, March 26, 2020

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.
Psalms 94:19 NIV

Such a beautiful verse to accompany me for the night. Had fallen asleep while making grace zz for the night and only woke up 2 hrs later, feeling wide awake. The jittery her is going for her op tomorrow morning and thus has been "rewarded" with a night with mama.. I didnt think much abt the op, but probably the nervousness has hit me now. After all, with every op, there are risks involved. I do hope, this will be the end of her freak accident. After almost 18mths of follow ups, 1 of her 2 burn scars has healed completely (Praise God!) while the other has grown to become a small hill. And over time, it has led to her being very conscious of her choice of clothes and her self esteem as well. And becoz it has also started to hurt/itch occasionally with signs of growth, we decided to go for the op to remove it completely. 

Praying for God's protection on her, that there would b no complications from the op, that she will have complete healing. Praying also for an uncle, who is currently in hospital for a bad fall, that he recovers soon. Praying that God will also protect all singaporeans from the current virus; and to give wisdom to our leaders in leading us. In Jesus name I pray, amen..

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Time to exercise

Went for my first swim this week and it felt so good after that. Havent been exercising for the last 2 weeks coz I was feeling burnt out from work. Was supposed to go trekking with uncle pig yday but I fell asleep in the car and he decided to let me zzz more. I'm glad that I finally crawled out to do some exercise today. The struggle is real. The inertia is HUGE! Hopefully I can swim tomorrow as well. 

Looking forward to the sch holidays coz we would b doing a 1 week staycation at rws. Would b a good break to simply spend time with the kids and enjoy them (I hope). Its also uncle pig bday this Sunday and neither me nor the girls know what to get for our man. I wanted to get him a new hp but was shot down. A colleague suggested getting him an iron since he's our iron man but it doesnt seem like a birthday present. I've given him ang bao before, and that is the last I wanna do for this yr. Oh God, I hate birthdays.. but its also the time to celebrate his presence with us isn't it.. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

mom's guilt

Waving bye to the twins before heading to work. Time: 5pm. Need head to office for an evening appt. Manage to have another morning appt today. I'm exhausted.The past 2 weeks have been crazy packed that I hardly come back for dinner. That's why vera made me promised I pick her up from school at least once this week.

Mom's guilt is real. I don't remember feeling this way for a long time especially now that the girls are older. Planned today's schedule deliberately around their timing so that I could pick them up from school and have meaning conversations with them. We played hide and seek for a while before it was time to head to work. They were sad n I felt so bad. Penning it down so that I make an effort to pick them up again and leave the rest of the day entirely to them. 

I love my work, dont get me wrong. And I'm thankful that in current times I still have people to meet up with. I just need to remind myself that I need to give TIME to myself and my loved ones.