Thursday, February 24, 2011

Korea Day Four??

It's been so fun here in Korea tat i've lost track the no. of days I've been here so far... well, we've juz shifted back to seoul, after spending a nite at the ski resort and another at a village (korean kampung).. the itinerary's been quite okie so fun.. oh, and we went to a theme park today! According to Kim Min (our guide), its the world's no.7 amusement park.. haha... i tink out of the entire tour, only Joy was super interested in going there...mama and her friends had no idea that today was a theme park, and had to spend the few hrs in a cafe, drinkg coffee..while the other two persons felt that the queues for the rides were too long and only concentrated on shopping and buying gifts...haha.. at least we managed to take 3 kiddy rides with joy..and she was so super delighted after tat!
Will be spending another 2 days (1.5days?) before going back to singapore.. a bit sad when I tink abt it..haha.. which is kinda different fr the past..most of the time, i would miss home after 2-3days abroad..but this time round, i really wished that our trip can be extended for another week..haha... anyway, hopefully I'll be able to buy some stuff tomorrow during shopping coz we hadnt been able to buy anything for our friends or for ourselves so far...
Oh, Joleen, in case you are reading this, Thank you so much for covering my work these few days!!! Appreciate it greatly~ Smuacks~ Let me know if you want anything in Korea!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2

we've been here for more than 2 days already n I muz say this is one of the better traveling trips tat I've been w William since I've known him.. Haha.. Maybe bcoz this is a package tour so we didn't need to make any decisions; there would b no waiting time coz the bus would always b waiting for us outside; no need to search for reatuarants during mealtimes coz food would always be waiting for us on the table.. It's as though God planned this wonderful trip for us! 
Joy also enjoyed herself very much coz she got to spend time w her ah-ma & ah-gong.. It's been at least 20 yrs since I last travelled w my parents on a package tour.. N they hv aged alot.. It would b nice to travel w them every Yr at least to spend some time w them ba.. I rem tat the criteria for them to bring us on a trip was to complete a travel report each time we came back w them, maybe tats y i've also gotten used to blogging abt it.. Haha
Tomorrow breakfast would be abalone porridge which according to the guide is a must eat in Jeju island, followed by flight back to Seoul to the ski resort. Hopefully we get to c snow n the weather won't b too cold. Joy's looking forward to making snowman n it's only possible if it's freshly snowed snow,according to the guide.. Haha..
Thank God for everything made possible for the trip! 

Day 1 of Korea

Day one of Korea has been fantastic! Except for a small buggle made by the guide.. We actually reached 30 mins before her! I tink this is the first time we 've experienced this.. Although fuming mad initially, the guide us actually quite a nice person unlike those tat I've experienced so far.. First n foremost, bcoz she studied in Taiwan, her command of mandarin is very gd... At least we didn't get a Korean- accented English guide.. Haha.. Which would made communication super difficult.. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Korea here we come!

God I pray that U grant us journey mercy on the trip.. Tat the weather will b gd, the food will b gd n most importantly, we will enjoy the trip amicably, peacefully.. Tat there will be no quarrels n Lord we will continue to remember You in the trip!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 1

Juz as I was waiting and thinking , it has finally come.. Yesh, 3 days before Korea n my menses is here... Hopefully it's a short cycle..

Juz had lunch w my two dearest friends .. Friends who hv known each other for abt 8 yrs now.. After talking to them, the inpulse to do ivf is gone.. Not exactly a bad thing coz I know they want the best for me n we all know tat my emotional strength might not b able to tahan the disappointments n rollercoasters.. Will juz wait n b patient abt it.. As what J says, what if I hv triplets? Who's gonna take care now tat william has started on the bakery biz? Maybe God wants me to take care of joy more.. Maybe it's not my project to contribute to spore's population.. 

Am now at hubz shop, juz quietly watching him busy.. He senses tat I'm unhappy n right now I'm juz grateful tat he understand me so well..without him, I don't know if I could hv survive for so long...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's so wonderful to come back to church after so long! 今天真开心!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fun Outing!

Went out with one of my ex-colleague, Yp n her girl today's nice to skip work at times n bring joy out for fun .. Pure fun.. Usually her routine encompasses stayin in sch till 5plus n when we hv dinner, shower her, it will near her bedtime . I'm glad tat I mAnage to bring her out on my own, without hubz coz usually I'll b so reliant on him tat I won't dare to do tat..
While driving home, yp commented tt it's amazing tt even though I don't work on wed n e weekends, why is it possible that i continue to be one of the top producers.. Which got me thinking.. Shes probably right.. I rarely need to worry abt my sales goal coz God has always been providing .. Juz y'day one of my client called me requsting for a review coz he would want to increase his mthly contribution.. It's always incidents like these where God drop cases that provide for us..
In addition, unlike some of my gd friends, I'm blessed w a relatively easy mother-in law.. While some of theirs r really Monster-in-lawsl!!! Pondering on this I realize tat my life has always been so blessed!! Instead of focusing on the small obstacle/depressing part of my life, I shld focus on the BIGGER blessings in mine... A doting hubby, an easy child, mil, easy career..
Lord I will remember the purpose u hv planted in me, I juz pray tat u give me the wisdom to use the right words to say the right things so tat they will know more abt u n tat they will knw tat it's only thru U tat all things are possible.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Friday, February 11, 2011

3rd week part 3

Juz as I was complaining about the long wait in my previous entry , within 5 mins, while still attending a meeting, I stumbled onto this:
Her husband Elkanah would say to her, “Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don’t you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?” 1 Samuel 1:8

I've read this for so many times before but today, I didn't purposely look for this to make me feel better. I was reading on Ruth yesterday, so today, when I switched on the e-bible, it juz flipped to the next chapter, which is Samuel! Yes, doesnt "I mean more to you than ten sons"? What more can I ask when I already have one beloved Joy and a doting hubby?

Amazing how God work in ways that we cant comprehend and how things happen not by accident but for a purpose! Dear Lord, I'm grateful for the little messages you drop to me... I know and I have to remember that U will do the best for me, my family. Thank you Lord

Thursday, February 10, 2011

3rd week part 2

Picked joy yesterday n the teacher told me tat Joy has been telling her tat she's gonna hv a Mei Mei soon. My heart sanked.. Sorry joy, mummy's not successful tis mth again.. Hopefully there's hope in e following mth..Quite tempted to embark onto the next stage but we can't due to a lack of Funds.. 
God I know the word is on Patience.. I juz pray tat u provide a solution soon for us.. Much as we can't comprehend, but if u can feed the birds and clothe the beautiful flowers, wat more us right?

3rd week of the month

My emotions hv always been on a rollercoaster .. Now on third week of the mth n pre- signs of menses r here already, which means that it's not successful again tis mth. Which also means tat when we go to Korea next week, it's most likely to hit my period n tat kinda suck .. Told hubz abt it n he reply " why am I still tracking? I shld hv complete faith tat the Lord will guide n provide".
God I do hv faith in u but much as I try not to count the days, it always pop up in my mind . God I pray tat u help me keep my focus n rely completely in You. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

CNY@ Melaka

When u have a child n it's cny, friends and relatives usually take this opportunity to ask the Golden Question: " When are you going to have another one?" I've taken this quite at my stride nowadays. Most of the time I will juz reply with honestly, which usually will lead to an awkward silence (haha!), and the person wont be able to react or divert..but I feel that there was no pt in dwelling on the NEED to have another child, coz I alrdy know of the yes, awkward answer is preferred.. :)

But when my ah-ma of nearly 90yrs old asked e same qn, my reply to her turns out to be a more diplomatic one.."tat we r happy w juz having one". To some one who has given birth to 9 children, including my dad, it's a no-no to stop at one, and a bigger NO to stop w/o producing a heir to hubz family. Well, I can juz conclude 2 things: 1) people of my ah-ma generation can juz hv many many children, where in a land of probabilities, there will be some who excel subsequently n some who's juz a bummer in life.. It didn't matter if they had e $$ to finance e kids nor bring them for enrichments.. Haha..considering that my dad had to sell kueh to earn his allowances when he was in pri sch..anyway, it didnt matter if financing the child's upbringing was impt coz they would survive anyway.. 2) 不孝有三,无后位大 Nevertheless, in order to further dwell on this with her, I thought a faster and simpler way was to just say that we are stopping at one..she didnt need to know my struggles, and does she need to worry abt us.. :)

P/s: This entry was written half way before my iphone went swimming in the toilet bowl.. so i kinda had to finish it only when I came back fr msia..thus the non-connected..hehe...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A step of faith

Joy's been quite a darling recently.. she will touch my tummy and says "mei mei is inside, i wanna touch her"
Sometimes I will play along w her n sometimes I will believe her.. that it's her child instinct telling me tat i'm pregnant.. funny how one will trust a 3 yr old in this aspect but i guess it's bcoz this is the only hope/dream tat i can cling on...
There were times when after playing "pretend" and my period comes, the disappointment fully consumes me such tat there were nothing much I can do except hug a pillow to cry.. but I know tat God loves us n much as we don't understand y we need to go thru all these, I juz need to rem tat God loves us and each challenge given to us is a leap of faith and He's always with us.

- When there's faith, there's hope..

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Have you ever met with people who's ever so insistent abt their views? Such that they will just go on and on and on, abt their views and that only they are right? I always dread meeting hubz's relatives coz they will always insist that hubz quit his baking job and go back to being an engineer.. but in the first place, shldnt the decision be based on his personal choice?

Hubz has always been a household person. He can do all the housework and he enjoys it while i've always been doing relatively well in my sales career. So many years ago, even before Joy came into the picture, we have already decided that should we need a full time parent at home, it will be him since both of us enjoy our own environments, which can also be classified as Division of Labour or Specialization of trade?? But after so many years, his relatives were never supportive, always ridicule him tat he should come out and get a proper job. But hello, we dont need his income to maintain the household. But what we really need, is his time and energy in maintaining the household! Juz becoz you guys need a dual income, doesnt mean that the whole world needs that! Please wake up to yr ideas Please!

The 2nd part that i cant tolerate is that ever since hubz started his biz at fortune centre, this same grp of relatives kept inssisting that we change our place: to a HDB shopfront, whereby we can stay on the 2nd floor and he can operate his biz on the 1st floor. Their rationale is at least we can save the rent (maybe a couple thousnds), but at the same time, we would hv to spend hundreds of thousands just to buy that place!!??? this silly conversation has carried on for so many mths that i'm so sick of it.. if it really works, why dont you do that? It irritates me when I see people so insistent, and yet, when it comes to starting a biz, they juz shrug away and say its not for them! Since its not for them, then please MYOB! Please understand that much as yr idea is gd, we dont have the capital to get another place, nor am i interested to stay on the 2nd floor. Our stand now is juz to build our current client database, and since our bakery is in relatively town, that's where we are sticking to. You can decide on yr own biz, but please dont stick yr nose into ours! MYOB!

- But God chose what the world thinks foolish to shame the wise, and God chose what the world thinks weak to shame the strong. 1 Corr 1: 27

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blessings from work

Lord, I'm thankful for the blessings you've granted me in my biz.. it makes me always wonder.. y is it so easy for u to bless my biz but nv with a baby? is it bcoz of my utmost faith I have in you when it comes work? N yet when it comes to the latter, I'm always trying so hard that I may be ignoring your words? Lord, I surrender to you.. in ALL aspects of my life..i pray tat you give me the peace, the ability to have complete obedience in U and tat you give me wisdom to share yr miracles with a fellow friend so that they may too be able to know you more
- Amen -