Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A little prayer

Always like the empty pockets of time when I could pray to the Lord , reflect upon the past week and enjoy a little of "me" time..

While waiting for my appt today, I penned a little prayer always reminded of what God has done in me and my household..

"Dear God, I pray for patience and strength as I carry on with the work. I pray for the right mindset in approaching my appts and I pray for the right attitude. No fear, no self doubt; with a willing heart to help all that comes my path; a humble heart to treat all with dignity and respect. Lord, it always seem arduous to begin a fresh week, with nothing. But many times, You have shown me the miracles and Yr ways; and many times, I stand in AWE of yr presence.  I pray that as the yr comes to an end, that You help me help all that comes my path, I pray that You encourage those who are struggling, that they b reminded of Yr presence and great love, that You are the answer to all questions and doubts. LORD, I pray that as I collect the keys to the new place, that You help me make things right. If this is the place for us to stay, I pray that You walk ahead and pave the way for us. Lord, if the plan is to sell, I pray that you bring the buyer to our doorstep; that we all will KNOW, it is from You. Lord, yday while talking to a colleague, he ask if I'm running for banding; which I wasn't. Nor was I running for any deadlines and he commented that life muz be good to be so stress free. It only daunt on me when he said that. Lord , I want to continue to believe that my purpose is You and I wan to look up to You. Wherever You point, I follow. Thankful for being in an environment where I don't need to chase after targets or any material possession, bcoz You are all I need. Thankful for Yr providence. In Jesus name I pray, amen."

I will say of the Lord, " He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust." Psalms 91