Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Counting down to ten weeks!

Entry blogged on 18th Feb........

Yes, it's that fast.. We are finally seeing the twins in another ten more weeks! Although The expected EDD is 21st of May, but if the gals can tahan n stay in me till 1st of may, we will b more than satisfied. Coz by then they would be abt 37 weeks, which is also about the same as Joy. Well, if they can reach 40 weeks that will be the most ideal scenario coz we would hv more time to prepare for everything .

The thought of merely 10 weeks only sent me to sleepless nights frenzy coz it feels that I hvnt completed my work yet n I really really don't hv much time. Ahhhh!! Plus it juz seem that we hvnt completed our shopping list even, not to mention preparing the delivery bag.

Lord, I pray that You will deliver the twins in yr timing, that you give me enough time 2 complete my work @ hand, motivation and energy to meet up with all my clients. Lord, I pray that you will help provide for all, and that they will all be timely. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

A Hearing Aid (Part 2)

This is the hearing kit that Uncle Pig went to collect y'day. It's the same kit that the clinic recommended him, but at 25% discount.

Thank God that he manage to find a small shop in Chinatown that sells the same model, but at much cheaper price. During the trial testing of the hearing kit, did I realize the seriousness of his hearing, or lack of hearing. Sounds that we've always taken for granted, conversations that we always had, all these were nv in his hearing radar since a long time ago. And all along, I always thought that it was juz a small humming sound that he was hearing, once a blue moon. But while he was doing the analysis, I realize that he had always been suffering in silence. My heart sank. I was not aware, nor was I sensitive to him. I even picked on him, when he can't hear me at times. Haiz.. Y am I such a wife? Y wasn't I more understanding or sensitive?

I thank God that at least now I know and I thank God that Uncle Pig had taken the initiative to wear a hearing kit , ignoring the glances of others. He did look pretty sporty with his new toy! Haha.. I also wanna thank God for helping us find this clinic that offers the same pdt at 25% discount!

God, right now I wanna pray that u help Uncle Pig get used to using it, that there will be little interferences, that it will help reduce the humming sound and the kit will be able to last us for a long time. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
p/s: blogged on 16th Feb, but didnt get to upload it till now..hehe..

Monday, February 13, 2012

Every Day can be a Valentine's Day

Was looking rhru my past entries, and trying my best to recall how we celebrated Valentine's Day last year, but to no avail. I only blogged about the eve of V-day, which was spent in church, and the few days after V-day where we were embarking on our family trip to Korea. Nothing was mentioned about V-day last year...haha..gasp!

Anyway, not that it mattered to me. Coz after dating for several years, I suggested to Uncle Pig about scrapping the whole celebration on V-day, coz I felt that it was an overly commercialized event and I guess, I always felt that we can always treat each other better, n not juz in one day of February. Having said that, I was kinda taken off guard, when he planned his surprise this year.

This year, the celebration started on 10th Feb, on a friday morning where I woke up with heart-shaped French toast for breakfast, which was nice. I had ordered for French toast for breakfast the night before, but having it heart-shaped was sweet.

After breakfast, we went to the office as I had to prepare for my evening appts. I was greeted with a nice bouquet of purple roses! Kinda surprised coz i really didn't expect it. And it was one of my fav flowers, coz it was the flowers we used for our wedding. Nice!

The beaming Uncle Pig was so super happy, cause he had managed to pull off a couple of surprises, without me suspecting anything! Usually, I would always kinda figured out even before the actual day. haha...

Anyway, Sat proved to be even exciting cause he had "pre-booked" me way in advance, that we were going for a date on Sat. And yes, I enjoyed sat even much better too! First of all, being a control freak, my usual pattern is, I always need to know in advance where and what are the things we are gonna do for the day, but on Sat, I simply leave it to him. I didn't cause where or what we'll be doing, but just the dress code to start the date.

After dropping Joy at my in-laws place, we headed to Suntec. He says we are gonna have Tony Romas for lunch, and since it was still early, we went for a cup of coffee at Ya Koon's. After coffee, we headed back to the carpark (which I thot was kinda weird, coz Tony Romas is just a 5mins walk), but I followed obediently..hehe.. he drove to Marina Bay Sands..haha... coffee at suntec, was just simply becoz we were too early for lunch, and he was afraid that I would be too hungry by then...

Lunch was at this international buffet called Todai, a Korean restaurant, with a huge spread! And the nice part of it, most of the food were in bite sizes, so we wouldn't add up stuffing ourselves juz by trying all of them. Nevertheless, we didn't get to try all la...coz the spread was really too much... food is nice, service is nice too..juz that it's too crowded...will try going there on a weekday lunch and hopefully it will be better. Sashimi is super fresh, and the cold crabs are nice and aided with scissors.

After lunch, he brought me to watch the Musical the Wicked. I've not read up much on the musical, but several of my friends have watched it, and said it was good. My personal opinion was that, the musical tend to be a little draging at the start and there were times when both of us had problems trying to stay awake. (maybe it was the food). But it didn't matter if the musical was super good, or there was no one performing, becoz what mattered was that, it was a date, with him. A long awaited date, and a date that I treasured so much. =)

Back in the car, i asked him, when was the last time we actually dated, and both of us couldn't really rem when it was. He attributed it to his busy weekends while baking for Haven Bakery, which was kinda true. After the bakery was closed, I could really see parts of my house being much appreciated, and me being overly pampered by him. Haha... I guess, I just can't share him with the world. Sorry mummies but I'm sure you will find another baker!

p/s: paiseh, that this entry is kinda long..juz wanna start blogging down our dates, so that at least I will rem...haha...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Hearing Aid

Today while waiting for Joy's class to end, Uncle Pig & I stumbled into a hearing clinic at the mall. It provided a free hearing analysis within 5 mins n he suggested going for it. ( I think largely bcoz recently his hearing went from bad to worse). 

The outcome: it reaffirmed with the last test we did at TTSH tat his left ear nerve was severely damaged n there was no known possible cure at the moment. So in addition to the relative loss of hearing in one ear, he would also hear the humming sound. But what they suggest alternatively is to start using a hearing aid so that it can still continue to receive the sound waves from his left ear to the brain. The rationale for doing this is so that, the brain doesn't "close" the left channel as time passes due to a long period of lack of messengers. Sounds pretty logical to me. And I was puzzled y the pple at TTSH did not offer this advice. 

So yes he would need a hearing aid. I didn't want to rush him into getting it on the spot bcoz to me, getting an aid is a BIG thing. It's bigger than getting his first pair of long sighted glasses when he was first diagnosed of 老花眼- a sign of aging. It didn't matter that the aid itself was pricey, but the main crux of it is, Uncle Pig muz be prepared to acknowledge tat his hearing has failed & it was necessary to use an aid to help him . It was like a woman agreeing to remove her breasts becoz of breast cancer- something that may seem logical but hard to do. 

While @ home, he started to research more onto the different models n brands. Apparently, at least based upon our limited research at the moment, the model that was recommended is really a very gd one, bcoz it's water proof, and comes with several modern gadgets. I'm kinda surprised how hearing aids has evolved over time with technology improvements. Looking at my gentle giant do his due analysis, my heart go out to him when he commented tat he was aging faster than his peers. I think what he was concerned about was not being an old man at 40, but if he had the abilities to continue to take care of me & the kids, with his accelerated aging. Seeing him worry, sent tears to my eyes. This is the man that has given his all for this household and even now, his main worry is still on us. 

I thank God once again for blessing me with you, and also for the random ear analysis that we juz decide to do spontaneously. I pray, Lord, that You give us the wisdom to choose the right hearing aid, & I wanna trust You Lord, that this clinic is the right clinic, one that is professional & right-priced. Lord, if it's only right for us to get a second opinion, then I pray too, for wisdom to decide on this. Lord, I wanna trust that You will help us in situation. In Jesus name I pray - Amen

Monday, February 6, 2012

24 weeks update

Juz as I was feeling better n feeling the feeling of in my "honeymoon" trimester last week, the backaches n lower half pains came back this week. The pains were more unbearable than the backache n I could literally feel my uterus undergoing a free fall whenever I stood up or was abt to walk. It's really time to get a maternity belt, I guess. And Thank God we didn't register for Vegas.. Coz I was feeling so gd last week that even a 14hrs flight seem achievable. 

@ 24 weeks: everything seem to be happening so fast n in another 10-12 weeks time I'm gonna be due. It's a bittersweet moment.. Sweet bcoz after all the pains n heartaches, finally we will b seeing our precious two soon.. Bitter bcoz I'm not sure if we were (or at least for me) prepared mentally, emotionally to survive the rollercoaster initial mths. I survived terribly during my first mth when I had joy, despite the fact tt Joy was an easy easy baby.. Even slipped into depression n the thought of having doubles did scare me at this moment. My only consolation was tat we r no longer first time parents, thus we will b more experienced n able to cope. But bcoz things happened so long ago, honestly, I can't really rem how to take care of an infant! Hopefully William is not like me! Just have to trust God for his protection upon my household, and tat He provide helpers for us in times of need, and give us wisdom in taking care of the little ones.. Thank God for everything He's made possible. -amen

Friday, February 3, 2012

Home alone on a Friday night

Home alone on a Friday night. Uncle Pig brought joy to one of his long time friends gathering. I can't rem when was the last time I spent fri night home alone. Before he closed his shop, fri nights used to be the nights when I had to pick Joy from sch n make her zz while he does his last min baking for his weekend orders. It was mostly a time when I arranged gatherings so tat Joy will b kept occupied. 

It was pretty shiok to reach home at 7pm alone. I had the freedom to do the things based on my own time, my own way n my own routine. There was no need to rush home to make joy zz, or surrender the tv to let hot catch her fav cartoons . I was the king of the house for tonight! Yeah! 

Of course, after catching my fav drama n reading papers at my leisure time, by 10plus, I had run out of things to do. Haha.. Tired n sleepy n maybe I shan't wait up for them. Maybe I shld hv gone for the gathering, since all of his friends brought their spouses along. Pity him, he had to bring his daughter along bcoz his wife was kinda anti-social. Haha.. And much as I'm bored now, I think if I were to choose again, I would still prefer "Me time" @ home vs "vase @ social gathering". Kinda critical but thats me & I don't know when it starts to change (maybe with age?) but I juz dread striking new conversations w new pple or maybe shallow topics at acquaintances gathering. And I'm blessed in the sense tat Uncle Pig never pressurized me to attend his friends / relatives gathering and neither would I do so. We had choices. 😊 And sometimes I feel tat he does enjoy his gatherings better when I'm not with him. Coz w me by his side, it's comparing to bringing another infant to the meet up. On Good Days, I would start playing w my hp or signaling him to go home almost immed after i finish my food. On worse days, I start to rebute the childish comments made by his friends, which can be pretty awkward. Haha.. Guess I'm a spoilt child but socializing with not -impt pple is really not my forte. I'm glad tat Uncle Pig is not a typical spouse who expects his wife to attend all the gatherings. I'm glad tat he loves me n accept me for who I am. 

Anyway they are back so I shall stop here for now.. Enjoy yr weekend!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Retinal Detachment : Review

After a mth since I did my operation, I'm here again for a review. I do hope it's the final review although I seriously doubt it as my vision is still blur n I've been seeing a few floaters during this past week.

Nevertheless I'm still thankful for the many things tat has occurred in this short span of 30 days.

From the initial pre-assessment of only having half of my vision for my left eye, to doing an emergency & super traumatic operation on New Year's Eve, and having to rely only on my other senses for the initial few days. I'm thankful to God for his miracle healing. It seem so long ago but its only been a mth when I couldn't even open my two eyes becoz the left eye was so swollen tat it hurt even trying to open the right one.

It was a situation whereby there's nothing much one can do except pray and ask God for protection. It was when I really felt helpless and a time when I could only look to God for peace, for help - complete reliance, just like an infant relied completely on mummy for milk.

Im also thankful for Uncle Pig, his prayers & constant caring tat help speed up the healing process. At the review today, the doctor even mentioned tat it was a test of his love for me. I don't know y he said tat, but it was true. I wouldn't have make it, if not for Uncle Pig.. 他那种无微不至地照顾和爱护,只希望我能赶快康复。我真的深深感受到了,也非常blessed他在我的身边。Actions that may sound trivial but matters so much to me.. Eg, Although it was only required to clean the eye once a day, but it was having so much discharge tat we cleaned it every few hrs, changed the dressing n he made sure the tape was "double-sided" so tat it won't hurt my face with the frequent changing of dressing. When I was well enough to stop putting on the eye patch, I rem asking him why my eye still remained so swollen n red, and I rem his reply vividly " Dear, you have not seen the worse." Indeed. According to him, for the first week after the op, my eye was red swollen and blueblack, very scary. And although the gentle giant was worried n heartbroken, he had to swollen his tears whenever he sees me, for fear tat I will realise how jialat it has become and be overly worried. It's a testimonial of being there for better or worse & how deeply blessed I am to have him as my hubby. =)

After seeing the doctor, he concluded tat I was recovering very very well such tat there was no need to see him again until July! Much as I'm puzzled why he said so, a trip back to my regular optician, Hazel, confirmed this as well. Although my degree will increase by 150 deg n my left vision will be downgraded to 6/9, both felt tat it was already much better than most patients. For this, I'm thankful. The doctor even suggested going to HK since we missed out previously! Haha.. Such a sweet doctor.. Sweet tat he remembered. I've made my new pair of glasses today and so looking forward to wearing them ! Thank God also for Hazel, who was alert n highlighted the problem. She even called me a few days ago, juz to check my recovery process, something beyond her call of duty.

Thank you also to all who prayed for me before, during and after the op. Thank you for all yr prayers and love.

Happy CNY!

During one of my sleepless nights, I went thru some of my past entries and stumbled upon the conversation I had with my Ah-Ma during the last CNY. It was something tat I had almost forgotten, but the main gist was on "不孝有三,无后最大。"

I had told her back then tat we were stopping at one, so as to simplify the "explanation process" on why our #2 and more weren't here yet. So much has changed since a year ago. Not tat I now have a "heir" (actually it didn't matter to me la), but the joy of going to cny gatherings n no longer having to face the pressure n questionings from "helpful" relatives was much greatly appreciated. Ultimately it was still a gift(s) from God and I'm thankful tat we didn't have to wait too long for this 2 precious gifts. I know of some of my closer friends are still trying, and my prayers are with them, tat they too get their deepest desire, in God's timing.

Anyway, during our CNY celebration in Melaka, everyone was pretty excited tat I'm expecting twins. This was bcoz I come from a family with many twins history. Haha... My mom was a twin, my paternal cousin was a twin too n whose wife juz gave birth to a pair of non-identical twins as well! So no one suspected tat mine was from IVF (not tat I would hv hide, if anyone asked.), since I had hereditary history from both sides of my family.

Well, the gd side of it was tt I could seek gd advice from these people, on taking care of multiples. But the bad side of it all, was tat they can be pretty insistent on their way of bringing up the kids too. Almost everyone i met during CNY, seems bewildered tat we r not getting either a confinement nanny or a maid to help us. We also wouldn't have help from either parents as mine are still wkg while my MIL is too old to cope w a newborn. My cousin hired a maid, a confinement nanny and a midwife to take care of his newborns while
It juz seems like we are seeking a route with no returns when we decided to juz rely only on me, uncle pig n joy.

Am I crazy to do this? Did I really think thru carefully before embarking on this decision? It juz seem so scary, esp when u talk to these people. Then why did we decide on this? Torture freaks? Control freaks? Or juz simply crazy? I like to think as having had a confinement nanny during my first delivery, was such a painful experience tat we decided to scrap tat idea altogether. I would hv preferred having a maid, but having one also means tat we tend to b more nuan n leave more things for the maid to do. Eg, if we do hv a maid, we would expect her to clear the table after we finish our meals, tidy the place etc. which currently is done by joy n uncle pig. I would want joy to grow up with initiative n not always relying on a maid or me to wear her clothes for her, tidy her room , and many more. Thats the reason why, despite all the rest we can take w the addition of another helper, we decided not to, at least for now until it really becomes unmanageable. And I'm not saying tat kids who grow up w maids tend to be spoilt, but I do know of some cases where the child really juz sits there n expect the maid/mom to do everything n tt definitely is something I don't wanna see it happening.
. I do find another friend who also had twins and didn't hv help like us coz she was staying in Europe when she delivered. And so far , she's been very assuring and encouraging. Hopefully we will be able to cope by ourselves n I don't end up killing uncle pig. :p