Thursday, March 31, 2022

Bible verse

 “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭40:1-2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Ever had the feeling that the wait is too long ? Or if not doing anything but simply waiting patiently is the right thing that God wants you to do? 

This verse came in handy today, just as I’m feeling helpless about the situation or if we should do MORE to get things move faster. Things haven’t been moving as fast as we wanted; be it for the application of our new helper or the sale of our houses. Some passport issues cropped up for the helper we selected and we are back to square one (again); just that becoz Hari Raya is round the corner; there isn’t much bio data to choose from, or even video interviews to conduct. That’s when I asked William if we should do more; perhaps looking for other maid agencies? Or should we trust this current agent to give us a reliable one and if nothings from her at this moment, we just wait. 


Easier said than done ya? 不是没有乖乖地等待着。Living in this face paced environment where productivity is measured by results / output, it really isn’t easy to just surrender to the Lord and wait patiently. But God, You know our needs and You know what is best for us. So we shall wait PATIENTLY for the right person to walk thru our door. God, I pray and know that You know what’s best for us in terms of our housing arrangements. Lord I pray for wisdom to discern what is from You, and not rush into things. Lord I pray that You continue to guide us in leading this small kampung of ours, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Monday, March 28, 2022

A day of thanksgiving

I look like crap today (even the filter doesn’t help).. hahaha.. haven’t showered coz I wanna swim then the rain came etc. 

Nonetheless I’m grateful for all that I have. My life is complete, not perfect but complete. with a husband who makes me the best out of me, and 4 annoying but otherwise healthy kids. Thankful for the chance to still be able to carry a baby at this age: though it’s tiring but I’m thankful for this precious gift. Thankful for a job that is able to cover our bills and still have time with the kids. Today, I feel privileged to be a parent, to be able to hug my baby as he struggles with his nap. Today I’m thankful that I’m sitting here with joy, waiting for the GP to see her. (Not Covid, but just fever and fatigue) teenage life is tough I guess, and it’s not helping when my girl wants to have it all on her plate. She’s currently running for house captain; and then execo for NCC air next; and doing a food channel on IG. Sometimes my heart ache for her when I see her take on so many things, but I guess the best gift I can give her is Time and support.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Received a text from a client late afternoon asking me if xxx bought plans from me for her kids. I told her to check w xxx directly as it’s P&C. Turns out that one of her kids just passed away and my client is helping out with all the funeral/logistics 🥹🥹🥹

It’s always heartbreaking when I hear news like that. And even more so after I entered parenthood. Dunno the details of what happened. Just praying for her and her family, that God be with them in this difficult times. Many a times we don’t understand why such things happen, or if we could have prevented it from happening. There’s many questions marks and even as a bystander, this piece of news is enough to want to hug my kids tonight more .. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Emo emo

 Sa-a-a-d movies

Always make me cry
He said he had to work
So I went to the show alone
They turned down the lights
And turned the projector on
And just as the news of the world started to begin
I saw my darlin' and my best friend walk in
Though I was sittin' there they didn't see
And so they sat right down in front of me
When he kissed her lips I almost died
And in the middle of the color cartoon
I started to cry.
Oh-oh-oh, sa-a-a-d movies
Always make me cry
Oh-oh-oh, sa-a-a-d movies
Always make me cry
(Doo-be doo-be doo-be doo-be doo be)

The lyrics of the song kept ringing in my head. Not that we watch a super sad movie ..I mean, Batman was okie, not sad just boring long.. 

Brought the uncle to the movies today.. thought it would be a nice birthday treat esp since the kids aren’t around + he wouldn’t be able to watch any movies after his op Tom.. but by the time we were done with the movies, I’ve started to pick on him for every comment he made. I know it’s me. My emotions / fears / hormones are eating me alive. And it’s not his fault. 

Cried in the car coz I was afraid. Yes. I’m afraid of losing him. Yes I’m being drama. It’s just a minor op. I know. But it’s the fear of losing him in the long run that is killing me this very moment. That each time he has a health scare / episode, this is how I react. 

I know this at the back of my hand. I pray on this whenever I have doubts at work. Yes, leaning on God’s strength and wisdom becoz I am only flesh. 

Praying for His protection and covering on William; that God provide us with strength and wisdom to lead the household for the next few weeks. The fear of the op is one thing; the fear of managing the kids is another thing. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Thought I do a quick update abt me and the family. Have wanted to blog a couple of times but each time I got distracted; either bcoz I spend that window catching up on social media; or playing my wordle or sudoku.. hahaha..I know I’m boring.. haha 

It’s the start of the mar hols and February just flew past, just like that. Baby J is nursing a cough and flu so William and I are skipping church this weekend. 

We are still Covid negative - Thank God. I think it has reached the point whereby if it happens, it happens. 

The last 2 mths have been quite hectic for me. Work wise, I’ve been trying to catch up with most of the clients; esp those that I didn’t manage to last year. Going to take a break from work for now bcoz William will be doing an op next week, so I will b stepping in as the chauffeur; maid; nurse etc. Work, if any, will be during the small window timings when I don’t need to pick kids or attend to them. I’m trying not to think too much abt the op etc; coz worrying doesn’t help anyway. 

William is going for an eye op next week bcoz during a recent eye review, the doctor found some growth in both eyes. So we gotten to remove it ; an eye at a time. (The next op probably would b in jun) It’s a minor operation (according to the doctor); but bcoz of his own pre existing conditions, there will always be an increased level of risk.

I’ve also been swimming a lot these 2 mths; at least 3-4 times a week. Yeah! I’ve gotten a swimsuit tan becoz of this. But it’s fine, it keeps the weight away and more importantly keep my mind away from negativity. We have also started walking. More like William has been bringing me along for his walk to MaRichite. I love the fresh air; the greenery; though I doubt the calories I burn beats swimming.

That day when I thought it was just a routine walk to MaRichite but the uncle brought me to Gardens by the Bay. I felt so paiseh in my sports attire! Hahahaa.. plan to grow old remains…愿你陪我同在.

Joash is 10.98kg as of today. He has managed to sleep thru consistently for the last few weeks; all thanks to William’s sleep training. The thing is just a few weeks ago, his sleep was rubbish + William upcoming op, so he finally agreed to engaging a sleep therapist. The day I paid for her services, our little friend started to demo that he can actually sleep very well!! And by the time when we finally had our arranged consultation, it didn’t felt necessary. I should have just waited. Lol.. oh well.. nonetheless, I’m thankful that he is sleeping well. 

Ending the post with a photo from the past.. baby looking no more but forever my babies!

Happy weekend !