Friday, January 20, 2012

It's pink, Pink & PINK!

Today @ 22 weeks, we went for our detailed scan @ NUH. The scan was to cover basic things like the features of the twins n to check for structural defects like cleft lip, heart murmur n such. It took quite some time as I'm having twins, so the space inside me is kinda limited to squeeze two n hv a decent scan. 

Anyway, the conclusion of the scan is both babies look fine, with no structural anomalies. And yes, we are having 2 more girls in the family. I was pretty delighted during the scan to know this, even though I was a tiny disappointed at the 18th week scan. But during this scan, I was simply satisfied, that God has given me two princesses to take care, to love and im happy with it. =p

My weight, their weight & our weight:
The twins are approximately at 500grams each, which is similar to the size of a singleton and the gynae was happy with it. Even though this means tat I've gained the most for a one mth period so far - 3 kg this mth & 4.5 kg since being pregnant. But as long as the girls are healthy, it's fine. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

(Nite) Toilet Training for Joy

We've started to toilet train Joy for the nights this week. Joy's been toilet trained since she was 2+, ever for her afternoon nap. But she continued to be on diaper when she zz for the nights so tt all of us could hv gd quality zz at night. So unlike her peers who have either scrapped the diaper altogether or hv reduced their pees on the diaper, Joy remains to be very reliant on it at night. 

But the 3 of us agreed tat we will start diaper training once she reaches K1, which is now.. So far it's been quite terrible, with Uncle Pig setting alarm on a 3hrly basis to wake Joy up for her pee breaks. We had wanted to do it on a 4/5 hrly schedule but the first night resulted in us always missing it, and ended wetting the bed when we got up.

Looking at how both of them only getting pockets of zz every night hurts me n there was nothin much I could do. I juz hope tt very soon we will be able to extend the intervals n thus getting more quality zz. 

Saying Goodbye

It's finalized. Today over lunch, Uncle Pig told me tat he's closing the bakery. The initial plans of doing it from home was scrapped becoz he can't find a fridge big enough to keep his cakes. He had sold his 2 - door fridge to his supplier as it couldn't fit into our house. And the initial plan was to trade in the 2-door fridge for a 1-door fridge but the supplier didn't hv any ready stocks and further waiting will juz mean nearer to my EDD. Thereby resulting in the fridge being a white elephant . 

Much as the practical reasons of closing the bakery outweighs opening it, when he finally decided on it, I did feel a bit of sadness n pity. Sadness tat he had to give up his passion, tt he had to sacrifice it for the family, tt he had to say goodbye to this r/s.. 

Nevertheless , whichever decision he makes, I will support him.  

Monday, January 9, 2012

21 weeks update

Yes, it's one of those nights when the Choos have all zzz except me.. Yes yes.. I think it happens to all my pregnancies (actually 2 only) where I can't seem to zzz.. Or at least at nights... So since I can't, might as well do another update on my pregnancy since its been quite a while.

1) Sleeping Patterns
- Like I've mentioned, my zz clock has kinda tilt to another time zone. I kinda am able to fall asleep abt 3plus am, and wake up abt 11am.. And by 2pm, will take another nap.. Then by evening, I will be so super awake.. In fact, I woke up today at 5am and hvnt zz a wink. And i wanna zz at the normal hrs so i waited till Joy's bedtime, which was abt 9plus..Deep zz as at 9pm, which was perfect, but only to wake up at 11pm for a pee break, n ended up feeling super energetic! Arrgh...

2) weight gain
- I've gained 3kg since being pregnant! Sob sob.. N it was only 1kg during the last check up (less than a mth ago)! Need to cut down on durians and Swëët stuff..And suppers!

3) Appetite
- bigger, but still manageable..

4) tummy
- for the first time in Jan, I've really noticed tat I'm pregnant! Prior to this, it juz felt like a bigger tummy due to lack of exercise and such but this few days I've realized tt my tummy is big! Really big! Kinda like due anytime.. Which is not the case! I wonder how I'm gonna survived the 3rd trimester.

5) cravings
- survivable; at least I haven't asked Uncle Pig to drive to Jurong for Nasi lemAk yet!

6) Mood swings
- still jialat.. Not sure if it's due to my pregnancy or the fact tt I'm on MC, thus the day seems longer and thus, more temperamental. Even had a mini fight with Uncle Pig (for reasons I don't rem know already) just a few days ago, after I had promised to treat him better.. Haha.. But he's ever so sweet la..

Okie, brain is sleepy now.. Woohoo! Will try to catch some sleep.. Yeah! Juz rem tat if I hadn't had my retina detachment, we would be at Disneyland now, enjoying the cold weather n buying lotsa toys there.. But anyway, we will be going USS Tom.. N hopefully the weather is gd, n not crowded.. Gd night!

Friday, January 6, 2012


A couple of weeks ago, our cellgrp was doing the chapter of Mark, and I found the following verses intriguing. I had wanted to write down immediately, but well, we sometimes get so caught up with our non-important daily activities that we neglect what's truly important

Mark Chaper 10
The Request of James and John
 35 Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him. “Teacher,” they said, “we want you to do for us whatever we ask.”
   36 “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked.
 37 They replied, “Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory.”
   38 “You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said. “Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?”
 39 “We can,” they answered.
   Jesus said to them, “You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with, 40 but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared.”
 41 When the ten heard about this, they became indignant with James and John. 42 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 43 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight
 46 Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (which means “son of Timaeus”), was sitting by the roadside begging. 47 When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
 48 Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
 49 Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.”
   So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” 50 Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.
   51 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him.
   The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”
   52 “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

My thoughts:
- Throughout the bible, we've seen many examples of Jesus creating the many miracles in the lives of the common folk, the poor, the marginalised. Simlarly in the story of the blind man, Jesus asked him simply what is his wish, and by a command of his words, his sight is healed, completely (verse 52). This is just many examples of the miracles that He has created while He was a man on earth. And sometimes what we lack, is faith. If we believe, God will grant.
- However, when we look at the requests of James and John, then why did Jesus say no? Why didn't Jesus reply in a one sentence command and grant his disciples their wish? This was actually pointed out by one of the cell member, and I found it curious as to why, Jesus, with his almighty powers, said NO.
- It just shows how we say NO to our children at times, and God replies to us in the same ways: Yes, No, Not Yet. And we have to trust Him, just like our kids trust us to make the best decisions for us. It's just like if today, Joy asked to hit her classmate, I would say NO! Becoz that is not the right thing to do. And God said No to his disciples too, because it is not in His plans. But we also see God saying Yes, when he performs the miracles to the common folk. I also felt his answers of Not yet, in the intial years of TTC.
- And then, you might ask, how do I know what God's answer is? My answer is simply, Pray. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us, Read the word for God is the word and no doubt, He will set challenges for us. But He will also set challenges, He know that we will be capable enough to accomplish. Seek Him, with all our heart and soul, and He will be with Us.

Just my personal thoughts and wanna record down, before I forgets them completely.. haha... 

Sweet joy

This entry was supposed to be shown in November. Maybe I wanted to attached the photo, thus didnt post the entry before hand..

November Entry:
Today after dinner, uncle pig suggested shoes shopping for me, in view that my feet will increase in size as I grow bigger. While at the shop, Joy showered her love for me by reserving a seat for me while I was choosing the designs tat were suitable. Subsequently when the salesperson brought the shoes over for trying, she again demonstrated her love by squatting down to try the shoes for me! I was overwhelmed by her thoughtfulness, the love of my 4yr old, who insisted tat Mummy not bend to try the shoes; touched by her act and extremely grateful tat I have an angel taking care of me, instead of me taking care of her.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

RD - Period

It's official! I'm having a period on my left eye.. Haha.. Juz saw the doc for my review appt. He was very pleased with what's happening inside my eye. When I asked him abt the discharge, his reply was tat it's quite common and anyway tats happening on the exterior of the eye n no cause for alarm. He reminded me tat he did mentioned to me after the op tat the eye would b red and swollen. "Red and swollen?!!" " more like bleeding and swollen, I thought in my mind." 
In fact, the bleeding has not subsided and it kinda really feel like having a period, with the need of changing a pad every few hrs. Otherwise my left eye will b swimming in a filled water goggle again.

Anyway he says the healing is so gd tat he don't see a reason to skip the hk trip tomorrow!! How not to love such a cute doctor? Haha.. Anyway I told him tat we've decided to skip the trip , esp since I have to be on the eye patch for another 1 week! Yes, one more week.. And MC is given now for a mth, and he says I can request for more if the need requires. If only I can claim for MC.. Haha.. 
But nevertheless, I'm thankful tat the review appt turned out well. Although I feel the same, but I'm sure I will get better! Thank you to all who prayed for us. 

This journey has not only strengthened my faith with God, but also my love with Uncle Pig. Sometimes, we juz need a little crisis in our lives to feel loved, don't we? :p 

RD - Day 4

Just went I thought I was almost recovering, I woke up early this morning and realised tat my eye patch was overflowed with discharge. I mix have accidentally scratched myself while sleeping. Oh my God! How could I be so careless?

The rest of the day became quite hectic as I had to change my eye patch almost every 1-2hrs. (imagine having period , but on yr eye). By evening, my face was red, bcoz of the constant peeling and sticking of new adhesive patches. We had switched to private thin eye patches as compared to the ones given by SNEC which were thick, not nice and messy (imagine using toilet paper vs thin panty liners)

But by evening the thin patches were giving me problems coz they can't adsorb the huge flow n the constant peeling was hurting my face. So I switched back to what the hospital provided . Anyway there was only one piece left, which I hope can last till the next day before I go for my review.

However, by 1045pm, the conventional one was soaking wet and was pretty uncomfortable. (imagine wearing a goggle but filled with water) and uncle pig suggested going to the pharmacy or neighborhood to look for more supplies. He suggested me to zz first if i was tired, which I did.. Kinda half waiting n half zz-ing. After a while, I did fall into deep zz and when I woke up suddenly, I realise tat he's not back yet! My first reaction was to call him , in my half zz mode. He answered, (chirpy mode) saying " I'm at SGH now, and if I can't find it here,I will come bk" . I replied okie and hung up. After hanging up, did I realize tat the time was already 125am!! Omg! How long has my man gone out? Poor darling! 2.5hrs!! Oh dear! I called him immediately n asked him to come bk, irregardless if SGH was available.

My heart ached for this man, who has been running ard for the family, rain or shine, 24/7. I know he's especially tired, with the shifting of his office, my eyes, and everything n it pains me to c him running around at 1am juz to find pads for his Queen! I know he loves me, and never will I doubt him again. Heartache and glad tat he's finally back home safely.

Hopefully the review would provide some answers on the heavy discharge. Have decided to include a pic of me in the eye patch that my hubby painstakingly went to find..  Thank you dear!

Monday, January 2, 2012

RD - Day 3 Updates

It's day 3 since my operation on Saturday , and based on the review by the doc y'day, he says I'm okie to fly.. serious? Really? Yesh yesh, can fly to HK.. but of course we have to do a final review on Wednesday, before we can really confirm it. Anyway, I told Uncle Pig that I'm not comfortable flying coz of all the risks involved and much as I really yearn for a trip to relax, before the twins are here. But if the trip entails more of care-taking and less of enjoyment, then we shall stay at home bah.. it's a pity course, we've paid for all the tickets, accomodations and such, and mostly are non-refundable.. but I guess, we can always go another time. :)

Anyway, I was glad to make the decision not to go y'day, coz I woke up feeling very bad today. I dont know why it's the case because, by right, shouldn't I be recovering and feeling better as the ay passes? But instead of feeling as good as y'day, I felt worse today. My eyes were swollen, and opening them was not something easy. I'm closing my eyes while typing this blog! Haha.. but that's bcoz i'm using a keyboard, so it's much easier.. Anyway, my migraine is back and I'm also wondering if it's connected to the eye.. nevertheless, pls continue to pray for me.. and once again, thank you for all yr prayers!

I guess, this journey, sometimes resembles our Christian walklife when at times, you feel that you are moving ahead at full speed, but sometimes, God just wants you to rest and stop, and seek Him. We meet obstacles here and there, but we have ot remember that God's with us all throughout, and I know He's with us now. It can only be him, that I healed so fast for the first 2 days and I'm completely thankful for that. I just have to continue to pray for his healing powers on me, so that by wed, I can say byes to the eye patch and give a good testimonial on wed cell grp!

Okie, think that's for now..

p/s: will be pretty slow in replying msgs coz I can't really read the small words on my hp..

Uncle Pig..

More than 10 yrs ago, Uncle pig met with a motor accident while on his way to meet me. I then became his "nurse". I had to take care of him, cook for him, be his walking stick and even showered him.
Fast forward to today, and he's doing the same to me. 真的很感谢你这些年的照顾与爱。看见你就这样睡着了,心里好心疼! 谢谢你老公无微不至的爱。。。