Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Uncle pig send Me this while I was having appt. The thought of getting a second car, just for indulgence (mainly) came up again.. hahahah.. especially because I’m having quite a handful of face to face appts this mth. 

For today, he had to fetch me there, like old times.  J says I really shouldn’t get a second car and I know that’s a logical thing to do. But I’m illogical.. hahaha.. the flesh is WEAK too.. the nonsense me kept telling the logical me that if I had a car, I would have scheduled more f2f appts. Hahaha..and if I worked more, I probably “earn” the car back by this year end. 

I went to office after my appt today. It feel good to be working in office too. And it felt good that I can just take the train home after that. Hahaha.. I text him back that we will see the number of f2f appts I have for this mth before we discuss this again. 

Reasons for getting one:

- coz I want to buy something for myself

- Work 

Reasons for not getting:

- lazy to drive

- under utilise 

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