Monday, November 28, 2011

15 weeks update

It's been a looong time since i did an update of my pregnancy... haha...anyway, I'm now at my week 15! Fast fast..but wished that it could have been faster. Officially in my honeymoon trimester but I'm not sure if it's because I'm older now, or isit because it's twins that's making me super tired. I'm tired ALL the time...anyway, below is a quick summary:

1) Backaches
- Yes, they are here... it's been bearable when I was having Joy, until the last trimester but right now, I'm already feeling the effects of a backache. Uncle pig suggested getting a back support, which I think we will get it when we go shopping soon... that's when I'm not so tired..haha... and because they (backaches) are here so early, I doubt I will be able to go Vegas in Mar... yes, I think we will forget about that trip, much as I was hoping to still make it, but because yesterday's backache was so bad that travelling to anywhere just seem unbearable as of now. Even told Uncle Pig if its possible that we don't travel at all.

2) Appetite
- Hmm, the morning sickness are gone, but my appetite is still small..or at least i feel tat they are small..haha... but hunger pangs come as quickly as they leave. I'm hoping to continue to remember to take frequent small meals, although my meals been pretty eractic the last week.

3) Twins
- We saw the gynae last week, it's basically to update us the results.. We told him that we were not comfortable with any further testings and will only be doing the basic required mthly scanning if possible. He took it quite well, so I'm looking forward to our next scan in Dec. Didnt see the twins this time round, cause gynae felt tat it was still quite near the last scan and thus not really necessary.

4) Weight
- I'm currently at the same weight as my pre-pregnancy weight, which is good. I guess I wanted to at least maintain it as much as possible.

5) Supplements
- now that we are at our 2nd trimester, gynae did suggest some supplements. The usual ones like fish oil, calcium tablets, multi-vitamins and iron pills. The iron pills were blocked cause one of the side effects was constipation, and I'm already quite constipated now, with the pregnancy.. So good and bad, I get a pill lesser but I need to do a blood test later the pregnancy, to make sure my iron is sufficient. For the rest of them, I took them on the first day and they are still sitting on my dinning table. They are all big tablets! So I'm gonna eat "healthier food" for now, and hopefully, I will go to those supplements once a while so that that's sufficient.
- i feel guilty that I'm not eating them, but they are kinda big, and much as I love my twins and appreciative of this pregnancy, I really doesnt wanna antagonize myself further

6) Body Heat
- this is another factor that's preventing me from travelling. I think I'm on a high temperature ALL the time too. HOT HOT HOT... haha..

okie, that's all for now bah.. Uncle Pig's back with breakfast.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another Prayer


看到他难过,我也不好受。不是我一定要把店关掉,I'm open to maintaining the bakery too.可是他觉得"the one who can earn more should go out n work, while the other shld stay at home."
因为周末订单虽然多,可是严格说起来,赚到的钱也不是很多,可是那个时间和energy used 是不少的。一方面我觉得把店关闭非常可惜,另一方面我不想他为了赚这一点点,把自己累垮了。这就不值得了。而且如果他继续做的话,我就不能在星期五晚上或星期六工作因为一定要有一个人照顾孩子们才行啊!

因为这件事让我非常苦恼。很想做个支持他背后的女人,可是bread & butter issues 也一样重要。

Nevertheless God says to pray in all situations and seek Him.

Lord, grant me the peace to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sometimes God answers faster than we expect

Was mulling abt Uncle Pig's remaining lease @ Fortune Centre. Even though we had informed our property agent back in Oct abt our intention to end the lease by the end of the yr, she has not started arranging for any viewings and our occasional checking with her was often met with snubs saying tat premature termination will result in us paying the penalties.. Blah blah blah.. 

It was not juz finding a prospective tenant tat was frustrating, but the heartache of giving up the shop; the Reno we painstakingly did; the many machinery and equipment and cabinets we bought for the shop and deep down in my heart, I knew tat we can't possibly carry all of it back to our house.

Tat was when a MSG from an ex-colleague came.. She has a friend who is looking for a baking kitchen, and would like to check if we would like to give up the shop! Gasp! Praise the Lord! Coz it would definitely be more worthwhile if we can transfer the lease with the current equipment to a prospective baker rather than selling individual pieces back to our supplier.. After passing our contact to my friend late last night, the prospective person called early this morning wanting to do a viewing today! Double Gasp! So urgent! So timely! So happy that this person came along.. 

The viewing was okie, the person "A" was also a home baker n wanted to get a small shop bcoz of the NEA licensing. Haha.. Sound so familiar.. Anyway we told her as much info as she needed and right now, I juz wanna pray to God for yr directions. 

Dear Father in Heaven, 
Thank you for dropping this contact to us. Lord, I pray to u right now tat you open this door to "A" if this is the right person to take over. Lord, if this is not the right person, I pray tat you close this door and let "A" find another more suitable place. Lord, we pray for yr guidance & directions.. Tat we wait patiently for the right person, in Jesus name I pray, amen 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where shall we go?

Thought that it might be a gd idea to travel for the final time before I deliver, for fear tat we might not be able to afford the time subsequently. Thus we started to source for a place, maybe to spend Xmas since uncle pig will be working till Xmas eve usually. Below are some of our options:

1) HK
- cheap air ticket promo , exp accommodations but affordable food. Overall an inexpensive trip, only thing is that we've been to HK for so many times tat it didn't really seem like a holiday

2) NZ
- air tickets r full till mid jan, so it's out. Otherwise it would hv been a viable option, remincising our honeymoon with gd amt of shopping. 

3) Australia
- okie priced air tickets and accom, exp exchange rate, with gd shopping. Only disadvantage is tat my Aussie fren is dissuading me from going coz she feels tat the heat will most likely kill me..

4) Hokkaido with J & family
- thought it might be a gd idea to tag along w J & her family to Hokkaido since they hv planned for most of the trip and since they also have a young kid, I'm sure the itinerary will be pretty child friendly too. Plus the kids were love each others' company.. 
- weather is extremely cold, expensive trip, and Japan doesn't hv much shopping coz everything's so exp! 

5) Vegas
- actually qualified for 3 tickets to VegAs but its in Mar when I'm abt 30 weeks preg.. Theoretically approved for flying but I'm afraid tat I might b too big to enjoy. 

Looking at the above options or the lack of options due to the many constraints, we decide to shelf the holiday to Feb.. Coz hopefully by Feb, I would hv a better estimate of my mobility n if it's really not possible to go Vegas, we can always do a relaxing trip at Club Med then.. Set! =)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A little prayer

An acquaintance of mine, whom I knew since young, recently embarked on her IVF journey. Like me, she was a PCOS who has tried ovulation pills, many rounds of IUIs and finally decided to do IVF in sept. I don't know her well personally but we always bump into each other at our common friends' gatherings.

It was also because my common friend knew tat I had also recently did my IVF tat she decided to be the "middleman adviser" to her. I gave her advice on the food to avoid at the start of the cycle, the symptoms one would experience at every phase, rejoice with her when she did her egg retrieval and finally consoled her when the results were not as expected. My heart cried out for her too, for someone whom I distantly knew, of her struggles of conceiving a child, of her sufferings she has gone thru & the possibilities of giving it another shot at it.. 

It also made me so thankful that God has granted me so much, so full to the brim where there's nothing I ask for now, fully contented and reminded again that twins is not because of IVF but because God made it possible..

I pray right now for this friend of mine, tat she overcome her grief, tat she look to you, Lord, and seek you. I pray tt Lord U continue to guide her path, comfort her and Lord, I pray tat You grant her desire, her deepest desire, which is to conceive a child. Lord, I pray tat You breathe life into her womb, tat You create the miracle in her life and when everything seems so impossible , You make it possible. Because You are the Creator and You love us more than anyone else. In Jesus name, I pray - Amen

Friday, November 11, 2011

Gynae's call..

Gynae called today.. I think to announce to me the results of my OSCAR scan, which I did a few days ago.. Basically it's a probability test to see the odds of the babies getting Down syndrome n other genetic disorders. I deliberated a long time before going. Firstly because I didn't do it for Joy back then. Secondly, because it wouldn't matter to me (I feel) if my child had it or not because ultimately its my child and God's gift for us & God's gift is always perfect. Thirdly,  of its high degree of probables, the result will only show if one has a higher chance or not n it didn't seem worthwhile to have needless worries over a test result tat might not be accurate in the first place. 

Having said tat, we went ahead with it because firstly, gynae says its his usual practice for ALL his patients & secondly, uncle pig feels tat we shld listen to the gynae. 

Well, the result is this.. One of the twins have an odd of 1:500 while the other has an odd of 1:168.. Gynae thus begin saying tat we shld do even more detailed scans at week 16 & 20, to know more.. Coz he's concerned abt the chances of being the one out of 168, despite the many times I've told him tat it won't have mattered to our recourse.. 

My heart sank, not because of the statistics but because I went ahead for this test, despite the Many reasons why I shouldn't do a test like this.. I took a moment to recompose myself before calling uncle pig to tell him the news. Both of us agreed tat we r not going to do any further tests, as it seem pretty meaningless , at least to us. I was glad that he agreed with me this time. I had peace in my heart and yes, I'm prepared to accept whatever plans God has in place for us. I thought for a long time before composing this. I asked myself if we had the capacity to take care of a special needs child, and I can tell u.. I don't know.. But what I know is this: God have plans for us and whatever challenges we face , He is with Us. He will create the environment with all the help we need and He is with us. In good times and in bad times, He is with us. I'm prepared, if this is in His plans, then Lord, I pray that you guide us along. Let us continue to share with others your goodness, and be the testimony of Your Kingdom... 

It's amazing how at peace I am and I'm thankful for tat. - amen 


Yes they r here.. In full force I think.. Ahhhhhh!!! Stretchmarks! Kinda early I thought , although I have a couple of friends who have advised me to start applying on the cream a few weeks ago. But being the big procrastinator, n always feeling tt my belly is big enough, I thought I could wait a while longer.. Haiz.. Guess I'm going to b a 丑妈妈 le.. The thought of Kate Gosselin's belly after giving birth to sextuplets kept ringing in my mind.. Of course she later went on to do a minor plastic surgery but I know uncle pig would never allow tat on me.. He says he loves me for whom I am n it ain't changing regardless if I hv a belly full of stretches.. Aww... Sweet right? But tat also means saying bye bye to a lot of things like bikinis (not tat I still wear them but having the option to is always gd), and belly dances? Haha.. I guess I'm thinking too much.. Time to hit my books to prepare for my major exam tomorrow! 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Babies Checklist

I've been wanting to come up with a bb checklist, to list down the things we need to get before the twins r here.. So below are them & our progress.. Of coz not all are necessary.. Still contemplating if we should get those optional ones & if they will really b useful..
Bb checklist:
ü  Twin pram (gotten them today, at a HUGE discount..saw them a couple of weeks ago at $500+ and now they are further discounted to $399.. yesh, i know its kinda early... but since we are free...haha...)
ü  Cot & accessories (bought together with the pram)
ü  Infant Car Seat (borrowing from friends)
ü  Breast Pump (existing)
ü  Bean Pillows
ü  Bb Monitor
Pending/ Optional:
Ø  Bouncing chair
Ø  Nursing pillow
Ø  Nursing cover/shawl
Ø  Sterilizer
Ø  Swaddling blankets
Ø  Sleeping bags
Ø  Bb clothes
Ø  Bb monitor
Ø  Infant shower tub
Ø  Handkerchiefs
Ø  Changing table
I think that's all for now.. it didnt seem many actually.. although I did remember that we spend a fortune buying Joy's stuff previously. Maybe cause now we have more friends who have kids, and thus the twins would have more hand-me-downs.. yipee!

Looking forward to the long holiday with my CG at Melaka.. although I'll be bring my exam notes to mug there.. haha...