Friday, January 7, 2022

Brand new year brand new start

This was lunch, my deliberate attempt to eat clean and healthy again. Haven’t been super consistent in going for my cupping sessions and my weight has been on a yo-yo. I eat clean when I make a conscious effort but the eating gets screw up each time I don’t have enough zzz , then the craving for carbs or sugary stuff come in..

I do wish that with this new year , sleep will b better for everyone and then I can focus on healthy living and work too!

I walked to Poiz twice today. The first time to get the lunch and the second time to get a cup of kopi. I contemplated ordering the kopi on grab but paying $8 for a cup of kopi was just not worth it. And in the end, I’m glad I “worked” for the calories. Needed the extra dose of endorphins as well, just to keep me chirpy and energised. I’m having 3 zooms today, and also 3 zooms the day before.

It feels great to work (be it exercise / work work). 

Thankful for the fruitful day and thankful that January is packed to the brim.

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