Thursday, May 10, 2012

A happy confinement

I had blogged abt this entry abt a week ago but I'm not sure why the contents didn't appear.. After that, I kinda forgotten wat I had wanted to write so only now did I finally hv the same "mood" again. 
Even before my delivery, uncle pig n I had agreed that we were gonna do away with all the traditional norms of confinement n focus on the emotional well being of me. After all, despite doing a trad confinement the previous time only made me slip into depression n I hardly felt any better throughout the entire mth. 

We were going to do away with a confinement lady as Uncle Pig was gonna be the confinement daddy. Despite objections from my family n some friends, we decided to go ahead with our decision becoz it was after all MY confinement, and certainly I can choose to do wat I want. Well, so far, after coming back home for almost ten days, I'm proud to say that I've not regretted my choice. Yes, it's tiring for both of us but at least the advantage of being on our own is that we have the choice of doing the way we wanted and there was no one ard to say NO!

When some of my colleagues came visiting at my place, I even suggested ordering pizza delivery to host them. They were shocked! Haha! I think my mom would flipped if she knew.. Well, it's my choice.. N after all, people across the other side of the planet don't practise confinement n eating pizza is a norm n it was my comfort food too! =p

Breastfeeding is also another area that I decided not to stress myself too much with.. Coz during the previous time, I was so strict on myself that I wouldn't allow anyone to give Joy formula milk. To me then, formula was juz like "poison" and it was best she be introduce at a much later stage.  This time round, as Grace n Vera were premmies, they had to take formula. It was not an option at all as the PD was concerned w their initial low sugar levels. I took it to my stride n continued to breastfeed as much as I can. Even now, when they've become more accustomed to bottle feeding, I told myself that I will give as much as I can. And most importantly , the best gift for the kids is not breastmilk but Mummy's Love. And that shall be my focus.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

D + 3 Days

Day 3

After delivery on Friday, everything still seems so fairy tale. That the twins are finally here, that after all the struggles w infertility, our precious gifts are here.

Both of them r doing well, and they look completely diff so there wont b a case of mistaken identity. And we r so grateful for all the blessings showered by God, our family and friends.

Tom we will be checking out of the hospital and starting on our new life! Although I had wanted to stay at the hospital for a couple more days, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we will leave Tom. I'm very grateful for the love and care showered upon us by the doctors and nurses here. The nurses here, are especially caring and I really admire their courage to be a nurse, really!

Tom we will have to cope with living w/0 help, and the uncertainty does bring fear along with it. I pray to God right now that You be with us when we go home, that we will be able to cope with the day to day taking care of the kids, the household , that I will remain sane while being able to cope with breastfeeding . Lord, I pray that You help me bf the girls, that I will have enough to feed both of them, that they will be able to latch well so that I don't suffer from any sore nipples n other discomforts. I pray that we will be able to cope well , in Jesus name I pray , amen !

Sunday, May 6, 2012

D Day

At 230am after finishing my last dose of medication for the evening , I find myself super awake. It's difficult to zz on the hospital bed and I've forgotten how I managed to do that 5 yrs ago!  Unlike uncle pig who is "sound sound" asleep, although I'm tired , I find it super uncomfortable to lie on the inclined bed. Oh dear! I don't know how I can survive the few nights here..  My next course of medication is at 6am and I do hope that I can catch some sleep before that.  oh! N something impressive abt the toiletries here! It's all from Crabtree & Evelyn! Haha.. Nice surprise though I'm not a fan la.. Haha
It's now coming to 7.. I've taken the meds at 6am n doc will b doing his rounds at abt 8.. Would like to know if we would b seeing the twins today or Tom . My initial suggestion was for me to stay for another day n we will do the surgery on sat. But uncle pig feels that we shld juz do it today coz he don't c a major diff in waiting for another day. N the prolong wait will only make me more tired. Hmm.. I was still hoping that maybe the doc can discharge me today n I will come bk again on week 37 for the original scheduled surgery. Well, we will c how it goes. Having waited for so long for the twins, the last few hrs can b excruciating. 
@ 12pm, the gynae has confirmed that we will be doing a c-section later this evening at 7pm. I'm supposed to take this last meal, before I start to fast. It's pretty exciting and yes, finally, we are gonna see the babies soon! The feeling can't be described and I'm just so excited that we will finally see our little princesses soon. God is so good!

@ 645pm, I was wheeled to the operating theatre. Uncle Pig was taking some final pictures, before all the action begin. Right now, I'm simply nervous. I just pray that the operation will be successful, and that the gals will be fine. =p

@ 730pm, the girls are out, and we hear their loud cries! Both are healthy, and Grace weighs 2.78kg, while Vera weighs 2.74kg. Although only 40 grams apart, their size looks a lot different.

Thank God for the smooth delivery, and once again, for creating the miracles that we have prayed for! Amen!