Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 3 @ Cruise (10 mths update)

Looking at my two babies (grace & joy) sleeping next to me, I know life is good. Yes it can be exhausting taking care of them but the rewards hv far more exceeded the pains .

My joy , who is 6 this year, is on auto pilot mode. But she yearns for the spoon feeding attention given to her two siblings . I'm glad Tt at least at this trip I'm able to spend some heart to heart talk with her. I need to hold her tightly before she no longer shares her thoughts with me.

My grace , the sticky glue , has been drinking from the "tap" these few days. Although she is more difficult to care for at nights due to the constant latching , I'm thankful also Tt this is the easy way to make her zz compared to daddy's way of walking her around. I hope she will love her sisters like we do as she grow older

My Vera, the playful one & the constantly exploring new boundaries. She's been more sticky to me on this cruise, which I'm not sure why but am thankful for it as this allows me to take care of her more frequently. Sometimes I'm amazed at how brilliant her brain works and I'm juz praying that she will not let her little intelligence cut any shortcuts.

God, I'm thankful that You provided us with this trip, to relax and enjoy as a family. I hope that You continue to watch over these 3 girls as they grow up, that they be good children of God. Lord, use them to their fullest capacity, and I pray that You use me to guide them. God I pray for patience in taking care of them, and much as the journey ahead seems tiring and challenging and unbearable, You provide the strength and wisdom to carry me through . Lord, thank you for all that You've provided us so far. In Jesus name I pray,

9 mths update

- Composed on 27th Jan 2013 -

My twins are 9mths old today! How time flies! It's so difficult to take a pic of them looking at the camera AND smiling at the same time! Daddy is better at it and always have nicer pics than me. 

To me, 9 months old is a big milestone coz it represents an equal time they spent in my womb n out of it.. Hahaha.. But seriously , looking at these 3 kids n the "uncle", I juz wanna thank God for them. Thank God for blessing them to me. No amt of $$ can be used in exchange for them. Not even if they hv made me much  heavier than before, not even if I become so sleep deprived, not even if I can travel the world w the many incentives .. They are my world, my everything, and im enjoying every moment of them, even though sometimes it can b exhausting n heart breaking at times