Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Remembering a friend...

Coincedentally, today was the birthday of a very special friend, someone whom, becoz of her, I started writing and praying to God purposefully. How times have changed.. I wonder always, how she would have grown as an adviser if she had continued on with her life, if she would get married, have kids etc.

I remember after her passing on, every now and then, while waiting for my appt to come, I will always pray and write to God; for her for me and for the many many things. If she's still here, she would be in her 9th yr in this biz. Sometimes I wonder, why didn't God save her; or what would have happened if I had smsed her a day earlier, instead of the day things happened? Would things have changed? Or did God save her, just that we didn't know? All these, I wouldn't know. I just pray that God, You stretch your hand to her; even though she's no longer around.

Deeply missed in my heart and always believing that we will meet again, someday some how.

Lazy Afternoon

- Posted on 23rd Nov -

@ 340pm, I'm enjoying my carrot cake and strawberry shake; my "me" time before going to Joy's school to pick her. The princess's instructions was to come NO EARLIER than 445pm (note the precision).

After having kid(s), you realise how one shifts his/her priorities and let the child(ren) take centrestage. Indeed, I'm sure 10 yrs ago, @ 21 yrs old, I never imagine that @ 31, I would be married to a wonderful man/husband and father of my 3 kids.

@ 21, I most probably was more concerned about my 21 yr old birthday bash and busy preparing for my FYP. But i was already attached to Uncle pig back then. =) Though i didnt realize he was the ONE back then. No such visualization about marrying him or even having kids either! Yes, I didnt even believe that i would get married, not to mention having kids.

Look at how things have changed in a short span of 10 yrs. Happily married, mother of 3 lovable kids & probably a lot of pounds heavier in weight, I'm thankful to God for all that He's done for me. The roundabouts that I've walked in my r/s with Uncle Pig, the struggles with everything; motherhood, breastfeeding, depression, infertility, etc.. so many challenges in life, which schould would nv be able to prepare us fully. But God, he prepares the road ahead for us. He walks with us and guides us in every step, every path.

I wonder how would my life be @ 41? Would it be such a drastic change as compared to the past decade? Would my loved ones start to leave this world by then? I'm worried and scared, esp whenever Uncle Pig reminds me of the inevitable truth that one day he will leave this world and I really should learn to take care of myself before that happens. Yes, it irritates me, even though I'm a Christian and I know I will see him again eventually. It always makes me cry whenever I think about the possibility that he might not be able to withness the girls grow up, get a job, get married, have kids etc and growing old together. And whenever this happens, I remind myself that I really should treasure him more NOW. And I do hope that we'll be able to grow old together, that we'll be able to bicker, stratch his back and enjoy his cooking and travel together.

In the bible, Matthew talks about worries and how we should leave it to God. It's always my favourite massage. Guess I just have to surrender completely to Him and know that He has plans for every one of us.

Okie, shall stop now. Time to make my way there, by the princess orders.

Matthew 6:25-34

25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
28 “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

False Alarm?

- Posted on 15th Nov -

Sometime in Aug, my period was late for a good 15 days before arriving, causing so much distress to myself. Coz back then, the twins were barely 4 mths old n we were barely surviving n the last thing I want is another surprise.  Yes, those were the days.

Come fast forward to Nov, and this time round my period is late again! Though I hvnt really been keeping track of it. Esp when my period is unstable now due to breast feeding . I am a little excited abt it but at the same time I'm afraid that we might not be prepared for it. Of course, God always go ahead of us and help prepare us for the journey ahead. So we shall c. May God prepare us for whatever that's ahead , In Jesus name I pray,
- Amen

P/s: and yes, we are not buying a kit to test. Whatever will come, will come. :p
p/s (2): by press time, the period came liaoz..haha... =p

Finally, an answer!

- Posted on 9th Nov -

We finally found the answer to Grace cranky nights - breastmilk ! Yes, wat she's been looking for all these while is breastmilk , not me la.. Hahaha.. Another bittersweet moment .. But I'm coping well.

After our malacca trip, I was just randomly talking to uncle pig today that Vera seems to be preferring FM more than BM, thus the reason why she always drink much lesser when it's BM but always seem to have a big appetite when we are overseas. And after several testing, it's official! Vera is a FM baby, which I'm okie too.. So she would b solely on FM except when she's on cereal.

Grace on the other hand behaves exactly opp of Vera.. She can drink a lot of BM but when it comes to FM, she can actually skip a feed! So she's a BM Kia! Haha.. So anyway uncle pig decided to give BM as the final feed for Grace, which she happily drink n zz! No struggles no crying.. Happy grace!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Living my life as a fugitive part 2

After nearly 2 hrs since my last post, Uncle Pig and I succumbed to Grace request. It was not because she kept crying but bcoz she kept having disturbed sleep tat we decided tt she shld c me . It was as if she was waiting up for someone while catching some rest.

Once I sat next to her, her two arms stretched out to me excitingly, with a beaming smile. I carried n hug her for a while before putting her back to zz. While sleeping she held on tightly to my hand, and kept smiling in her sleep! The moment was priceless and to me, it meant the entire world. The moment when I meant the world to her, and she to me. Such is the joy of parenting and motherhood.

And she zzz soundly through the night.

Living my life as a fugitive Part 1

About a mth ago, I started to nurse Grace every morning, esp after Vera decided tt her nursing days are over. Maybe because of this, maybe because she has also started to recognize people , Grace has started to b more attached to me. Then started the nights when she will cry n cry, refusing to let daddy do the closing and I had to rush in to "rescue " .

That kinda started my closing days with Grace , about a mth ago. Initially because I was always st home for most nights, plus with our Penang intensive care, she started to wait. Yes, wait for mummy to come back to close her. Honestly it felt shiok to feel wanted, esp when I seldom spend time w them in the day. I even told my colleagues tt I was kinda happy deep down. But as the days passed, something need to be done, to change this. Not bcoz I'm tired of closing her, but bcoz I won't b home for most nights n I can't bear to her waiting for me , crossing her bedtime.

So today, after showering Joy, I " disappeared" into Joy's room, so tt daddy can do the closing. Despite hearing her cries and knowing exactly wat she wanted, I juz hide myself . It was a terrible feeling but it took shorter than I expected for her to zz, which was a great relief.

But after zz for abt an hour, she started to fuss again. Maybe cause she could hear my voice. Maybe she could sense me looking at her in her sleep . I had to secretly go out to get water, to go to the toilet n also hid in the room so that I don't give her the wrong signals again - living like a fugitive .

I really wanted to juz go to her n tske her from uncle pig, so tt I can settled her easily n we all could zz. But what happens if I do tt?? She might wake up again Tom , hoping tt mummy s around . Yes, even though I might b able to remedy the situation today , then wat abt Tom or the day after ? There was no easy way out. The separation was Antagonizing n painful. It also reminded me abt Joy s days when she would wait til 10-11 plus late at nights no matter how tired she was, even though I didn't nurse her bk then. She eventually stopped waiting after entering childcare coz it was really too tiring for her.. Haha..
I do hope tt my fugitive days would b over soon..

6 months old

- Posted on 27th Oct 2012 -

I never thought this day would come, when the twins are finally 6 months old! Yes, it's been 6 mths since the girls entered into our lives and we've managed to survive! Yes, we survived, in the midst of hearsays that taking care of multiples can b a nightmare , but yes, we've crossed the 6 mth mark.

It wasn't a nightmare or as exhausting as I thought it would b, although yes, we do have our share of exhaustion days .

Having them thus far has been more of a dream come true, then a nightmare la. Waking up in the wee hours, n seeing them sound asleep, is pure bliss.. I think all parents agree with me tt babies look most adorable when they are asleep.. Haha..

I thought I better record some of the milestones they hv reached, before I forget abt them.

@ 6 months:

1) Drinking
- On average, Grace drinks abt 4-5 oz every 3 hourly, with a 7 oz for her closing feed. Vera, on the other hand, is still pretty volatile. She can drink 3-5 oz every 3 hourly, sometimes skipping a feed if we are outside n she's simply too distracted to think abt drinking. Both of them are drinking pretty much the same amt as when they were during the 1st mth.

2) feeding
- we started on cereal a mth ago. So far, Vera is the one who's easier to feed. She can finish abt 3 teaspoons and asking for more while Grace doesn't really enjoy the eating yet.

3) Sleeping
- Grace usually zz fr 7pm-7 am , though she's been waking up for a feed for the past two days. I hope that's only temporary. Vera , is the challenging one . She wakes up every night , not bcoz she needs to feed, but simply to chat w her papa. They would watch tv, chat n after 2 hrs, end up zz in the living room. I hope this will stop soon too

4) flipping
- Grace started to flip abt 4 mths old and is pretty gd at it now. It is no longer safe to put her on the bed, even with pillows blocking. Vera on the other hand, is not keen on flipping at all. She turns abt 90 deg and that's abt it, which I'm okie w it la..

5) Crawling
Grace has started to crawl backwards for the past 2 days with Vera only watching her sister do all the stunts

Think that's about all, gotten rush and take care of my kids for now... =p

Thursday, November 1, 2012

- Posted on 21st Oct -

Penang trip

Abt 2-3 months ago, my mom suggested that she bring Joy to Penang, together with her company employees. After discussing with Uncle Pig, we decided that it was time for the whole village to embark on their first ever family trip! Yesh! When the twins are barely 6mths, the Choos are flying!

The decision back then was because its been almost 2 yrs since our last trip with Korea being our last trip and a last min cancelled HK due to my eye operation. We wanted to finally bring Joy overseas again, since she has always loved to travel or maybe it was the delight from the in flight entertainment .

Now, almost 1 week before the trip, I certainly was not looking forward to it.. Dunno how we r gonna manage the flight , the budget flight (yesh, we r flying budget!) esp since with the arrival of Joy , we have never flew a budget flight before, not counting the ad hoc hours that Vera is zz nowadays plus the need to sneak in a few pumping sessions in the midst of a package tour! It does seem a handful , but William and joy are so looking forward to it, such that the enthuasium does spill over to me too. Well, like wat I tell some of my friends, it's only for 3 days and we will pull through it all. :p

2 days prior the trip, and the twins are plagued with a fever due to a vaccination jab, with Grace having diarrhea as well. In fact, her diarrhea continued throughout the trip. Plus Joy came down with a super high fever on the end of the first night . She muz have gotten it from sch as few of her classmates have juz recovered from the fierce virus . It was the first time her fever crossed 40degrees. She went from being energetic to restless, to shivering. Despite the episode, I thank God for giving us the chance to take gd care of Joy during this trip. Looking at her now, n recalling the many times I snapped at all, it juz dawned on me that she is after all, a five yr old. Her independence has sometimes made me take her for a young adult , but she is after all a child, who yearns for the attention of her parents. Shall make it an effort not to neglect her again .

The trip was fun , despite all the many episodes. I manage to really spend 3 whole days w my family n even though I didn't get to visit much of Penang or taste their local delights , it was still fun coz it juz means that travelling was possible . N maybe next time we can go further. =p
I posted this on my FB account on 2nd Oct and thought I placed it here too..

@524am, 看着我的双胞胎和老大熟睡的样子,让我感到非常幸福!I'm so truly blessed to have them in my life. So tempted to wake them up! Haha.. Attempted to hold grace by her little fingers n when she snuggled, I was hoping tt she might lift up her eyes n catch a glimpse of me. *guilty*

Life is beautiful and God is good.

Happy 5 mths !

- Posted on 27th Sep 2012 -

Today the twins r 5 mths old! Yippee ! Another milestone reached! Another mth before they start on solids, another interesting phrase.
Today I bumped into an ex colleague who also has a pair of twins, but they are younger, only abt 2 mths old. Looking at how exhausted the daddy is, i have almost forgotten my 2 mths struggles n sleepless nights. My only encouragement to him was that all these will eventually come to pass. How true it is!
At 5 mths, they hv formed a routine. A typical day starts at 7am and usually zz by 730pm.. W Vera waking up occasionally at 2am for a tiny feed (2oz). Joy has also grown to be more matured and less jealous of the twins. It could also be because they r now more awake n more playful.
I still remember my plea to him abt hiring a helper to alleviate the household chores. He finally relented in aug. I remember how thrilled I was when he finally gave the green light. But as of now, I m less keen of the idea liaoz., though he feels tt it might still b a gd idea to get nevertheless. How fast things hv changed!
Looking at how fast my 3 princess grow, I sometimes hope that time will juz pause for a moment before they grow too fast n become independent, when one day their friends become their world...
Lastly I like to thank God for blessing me with a 101% hubby n 3 easy princesses .. Haha.. Although I do hv to agree tt Ms V is always testing our limits. But irregardless , thank God for his multiple blessings, and for guiding us in every steps!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A little prayer...

John 14:1-4 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

Right now, I juz wanna pray for a friend , a very close friend that God you heal her wounds, you protect her from more hurts, that You heal her both emotionally and physically. Though we may not understand the reason why, or when she will conceive again, but Lord, I pray that You'll be with her, in these moments of sufferings and indeed, tough times. I pray Lord, that You give us the rainbow soon. We know You are the Healer and the Creator of Mankind, and nothing, yes nothing is impossible in yr eyes. Lord, then I pray that You heal my fren of the wounds, that You breathe life again in her womb, that she will be able to experience motherhood again. And that we will be able to testify your goodness.

Lord, the wait is long and tiring. I pray that You carry my fren and her entire household, that they will experience your goodness, yr promise. Lord, it is hard to carry on w/0 your presence, so I pray that You be with her , let her know of Your presence; protect her like a mother would protect her young, hug her and give her warmth. I pray that she will only look to you for comfort, for strength and have faith in You. Indeed, it is always easier said than done- to believe in the unseen for seeing isn't believing but believing is seeing! Lord, I pray that all things will come to pass, and she will see light after the tunnel real soon, In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Yeah to sleep!

Yeah to sleep !
After I blog a few weeks ago abt the hectic nights, and when they are abt 3 mths old, it's confirmed! They are really sleeping thru the nights! A typical night would b a last feed at abt 730, n both will zz fr 8-6 or 7am; w Only Vera waking up once in the night. To which we are so ever grateful . Indeed. A check w several of my colleagues n I realized tt it's not always a fact tt bb will zz thru.. And some are still having multiple night feeds..

Juz so grateful tt the girls r giving us some time to rest n prepare for the next day.

Joy has also become more used to the twins ard, w "shared love" . She even started to do flash cards w the twins today. I know it's too early but at least this can keep all three entertain for a while. Haha.. I hope it's not a 三分钟热度 thing.

Haven Bakery

- Posted on 3rd Aug -
After resting for 7 mths, Uncle Pig decided that it was time to reopen Haven Bakery. As the ever supportive yet practical wife, I had mixed feelings with his decision.

I welcome the news bcoz it was after all a waste to close the biz after 3 yrs. the network n his mega fans were something tt was a pity; esp when our personal friends had no alternative bakery to look for.. The primary objective of Haven Bakery was pretty , tasty n healthy cakes.

Then y did I object? Coz the no. 1 step required to start the biz was to buy a fridge for his cakes. The price tag? $2000.. 不算多但也不少。ESP when I've already spent a lot on HB already n I'm afraid tt this biz become a pastime again; with the returns much lesser than the efforts put in.

Looking at his new "toy", I hope that this will b a wise investment. For starters, my frens were simply thrilled with that idea..

Will have to lean on God for his plans for us, and trusting that everything will be taken care by Him.


-Posted on 30th jul -
Recently met up with the acquaintance at a bday party. She was the one I talked abt previously when both of us were trying at abt the same time. Time flies, my twins are alrdy 3 mths old n I could c her envious eyes when she carried my girls. I told her that she should try again and I pray for her that it will b her turn soon, to experience motherhood, to enjoy the diaper changing , the bottles feeding n sleepless nights which many, including me, has taken for granted.

In another separate incident, a close friend of mine is in the midst of her IVF cycle. It is an emo rollercoaster ride for her too, not forgetting how tiring n painful the entire experience is as well.

As I look at these two friends of mine, I juz wanna pray for both of them right now. Lord, I pray that you breathe life into their womb, that You let them conceive . Lord, you grant their desire, their desire to have children. Lord, You carry them , when they r in their lowest valleys, give them strength n courage to persevere , You give them faith, that it will b their turn soon, in Your planned timing , in Jesus name I pray, Amen

3 mths old

- posted on 26 Jul -
In a couple of hrs time the girls will b 3 mths old.. A relatively big milestone in my opinion. They r now much bigger, no longer the small tiny babies we brought home.

Sleep wise for the past two nights have been a blessing w both of them falling asleep fr 7pm - 6am, almost 12 hrs of zzz, with Vera waking up once for each nights. I hope that this finally means the end of pockets of zz but a longer stretch of deep zz. I do hope that at 3 mths old, we can finally kiss the UK/US timings gd bye.

Looking back, I'm thankful for God's blessings upon us, the opportunity to take care of two more princesses n hopefully more to come. (yes, I'm serious.. Haha)

I know that as time passes, they will reach many milestones n before I know it, they will no longer be dependent on us. So really muz cherish this moment, the time when they r still consider infants, before they start flipping, crawling, walking.. I hope that they take their Time to reach these steps.. Some of my frens ask how r we gonna cope when they start running ? Seriously I don't know. But I know one thing for sure - God will be with us all the way. He will guide us thru these baby steps, He will protect us and He will walk with us and even carry us in our lowest valleys.

To my 3 princesses , I pray that you will grow up to be God's people, to be honest n sincere in treating others, to help others and to be a shining torch to others. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Babies at 10 weeks...

- written on 17th jul 2012 -

A lot of pple thought the hardest thing for twins is when they cry together ..But I think thats fine.. Coz once pacified we can all zz together.. The hardest thing I feel is when they wake up at completely diff timings .. Haha...  But I'm learning n enjoying every moment !

A typical hectic night feeding:

12am Last night feed for both of them
2am Grace wakes up for feeding
3am Vera wakes up for feeding
4am Grace feeds
6am Grace and Vera feed
630am Joy wakes up for school..
* This is when Grace was drinking on a 2hrly shift, while Vera was on a 3 hrly shift..

Not forgetting that I still need to squeeze in two pumping slots in the nights in order to maintain my relatively low milk supply..

I don't know when things will get better... ( Joy started to sleep thru pretty soon after her 1st mth)
I just know that I wanna zz all the time...and I'm not even doing as much night duties as Uncle Pig..
Praying to God that He gives us the strength to continue on...

First day @ work

First day @ work

- written on 6th Jul 2012 -

Today I went back to work, almost ten weeks since I delivered. I thought I would hv stayed at home for a longer period of time, but both Uncle Pig & I felt tt it was better for me to go bk to wk. (read here)

I had tried working fr home abt two weeks ago but it was hard. There wasn't a moment that I was either feeding the twins, pumping or washing bottles. I was dead tired. And stressed. Their constant demands plus Mil surprise visits were giving me stress. I was worried also w how Uncle Pig was gonna cope when I was not ard. How would life be? How was he going to hv rest when he would b "on shift" 24 hrs a day.

I was worried yet excited when today came. Worried for obvious reasons; excited bcoz I love my work. I hate to admit this but my work gives me satisfaction n recognition. I was excited also bcoz I wanted Uncle Pig to know tt mayb it's really time to hire some help ; which he kept saying that it was not required.

Outcome of today?
It was gd. I enjoyed my time busying in the office, while he managed to cook dinner, n even ironed clothes today! He says that it's manageable n ask me not to worry. I was glad. Guess its back to work! Yeah!

One of those intense fights...

- written on 2nd jul 2012 -

the past two weeks have been hectic.. because everyone at home (except Uncle Pig) has fallen sick.. either a short 3 days or over a longer period.. the twins are down with wheezing, and Vera had it more seriously and had to be on nembilizer. Joy had her allergy cough and was coughing pretty bad.. haiz.. i too had those irritable cough too... and its at this time, the first time ever since the twins were here, that I really think having an extra pair of hands really really could help tight us over.. and this is the first time I quarrelled with Uncle pig over having a helper, so that we could focus on taking care of the kids, the now-demanding Joy, ever fighting for our attention, the small tiny twins and perhaps some couple time...

this was what I texted him (even though we both were in the house)....

" Sorry dear.. Mayb it's the menses, mayb it's the long day, mayb it's the sun, or mayb it's juz the long battle... But at this moment in time I juz wished for another pair of hands, someone to take over when u n I are exhausted, someone to wash the bottles when all I wanna do is juz watch a bit of tv n zzz, Someone to iron my clothes regularly so tt I don't hv to worry abt u not having enough rest; someone to supervise the twins while I spent some time alone w joy..

I know that most probably we end up underutilizing this extra pair of hands considering how hands on both of us r.. Maybe all this exhaustion will come to pass sooner than I thought.. But at this very moment, I hope tt u can reconsider hiring one again..."

So did he agree to hiring? Some might ask... of course.. no lah... he says no... no.... and no.... because in his view, the cons of hiring is more than pros... and yes, it might be tiring and exhausting now, but we will all overcome it eventually... (ya, right... but i cant see it yet, my dear..) I asked him does that mean I never will be able to go back to work, since it almost seem impossible for 2 of us to cope, and if i were to go back to work, then how would he be able to cope?

Uncle pig, being him, says I can go to work, as long as I'm ready, and not to worry. Becoz he is Uncle Pig (hahahha...) and he will be able to manage. At this very moment, I told him I'm going to work for 2 reasons:
1) If he can't cope, then yeah! We are hiring!
2) If he can cope, then gd la.. i can go back and work..else no income...then how to feed everyone?

So it seems like a win-win-win situation for everyone.. and so yes, i'm going back. yeah! Yeah to my freedom .. I didnt know working can be such a happy thing..but it is to me now, at this very moment...

Today was the Day

- written on 25th May 2012 -

Today is a special day bcoz today is actually my EDD, the day the twins should hv turned 40 weeks. But of course they have arrived here abt a month ago.

Today is very important to me, not only bcoz it's my EDD but also bcoz it marks almost the end of the 1 month confinement. Yes, time flies and it's coming to a full month! Yeah! It's like a mini graduation whereby the mama greets the world w her newborns , and a chance for the world to see both mother n children. It marks the end of confinement, being enclosed n isolated for a mth..

Recalling back, I definitely enjoyed my 'honeymoon' this time round as compared to Joy's era. The previous round, I was so overwhelmed by the many changes and slipped into post natal depression pretty much early. But this time round, I was prepared. Like a student prepared to go to the exam hall, like a cancer patient preparing for her chemo fight, I was prepared not to let history repeat itself. I wanted to make this confinement (probably my last) a memorable and happy one. After all, receiving a new live(s) into our house is a joyous event n we shld b happy abt it. I'm glad tt I manage to do that. =p

Sleepless night

- Written on 23rd May 2012

@2am today, Vera refused to zz again... My night owl .. In fact she's been like this on alternate nights. Woke up at 2am for milk, after which, she remains wide awake. Most of the nights, Uncle Pig will juz take this shift n let me continue to zzz. Of which by 6am I would wake up again for my next pumping session n cover the rest of the morning if Vera remains awake. (which she usually would ko by then)

The frequent night shifts hv kinda taken a toll on him n tonight he woke me up at 3am for help, which I gladly obliged. I would hv continued to let him rest if not for the fact tt Grace woke up abt 330am requesting for her feed. I either had to risk forsaking my half asleep Vera or wake uncle pig up so tt we could each handle one, n hopefully shorten the process. I did the latter.

Sometimes when both requires yr attention concurrently, it can b quite chaotic . Juz this evening, as I was alone with the twins n both wanted me to carry! What to do? Their necks are still soft so I can't do it w my both hands carrying each. I had to use my legs too! Kinda funny when u think abt it.. Haha.. How how? I sat cross legged n put grace on my lap while carrying Vera on my arms as she was colicky n had to be kept in an upright position after feeding. Really felt quite proud of myself. I didn't panic n I manage it well. Both babies were happy. I'm happy too..


 my cheeky vera...

Happy half a mth !

- written on 13th May 2012

Times flies and the gals are 15 days old! I've survived half a mth of confinement (C)! How amazing! I rem tt during the last C, I would hv cried buckets n buckets of water, for reasons tt didn't seem important anymore. But during this time round, C is pretty much more manageable, despite the fact tt we didn't hv any additional help at all. I'm so looking forward to the baby shower! Haha.. N then I would b able to assure my mom tt despite all her initial concerns, we survived! N to all the relatives tt had insisted we either hire a maid or a CL, we survived too! Haha.. * as one can see, I'm already on a high note juz thinking abt it!

Since the arrival of the twins, friends n close relatives hv been sms-ing /asking us how we r coping. And the standard usual qn would b "how's the twins?" , of which I would reply " they are gd! " I mean seriously, there's really nothing much to complain abt. They zz well, eat well n cry okie.. Haha..

The close 2nd question would be " are u still breastfeeding them?" This qn comes up ALL the time! It's as if there's no alternative solution to it but excuse me, there's still formula milk if I'm not bf-ing them, not that I'm not. It's as if the entire country has been brainwashed to believe tt breastfeeding is the best n there's strictly no other ways to go abt. Yes, I agree tt Breastmilk is the best for the child, but often, I don't know if it's more stressful breastfeeding the twins, or the stress tt comes fr answering all these pple, which is more jialat? The stigma of not being a worthy mother if u didn't bf yr child seems more overpowering then the struggles one face at the initial stage like sore nipples, blocked ducts, infection, fever, etc.

Yes, I know the benefits and yes I'm doing it. Then why am I so pissed? Becoz I feel tt the emphasis should b on the overall well being of both mother n child. I'm sure all mothers would want to bf exclusively but not all manage to do it, for various reasons. So rather than ask something total irrelevant (Seriously, how does one benefit by asking the mother if I m bf-ing my kids?), shouldn't the emphasis b on the kids or on the overall management of the household? Eg " r u coping well?" " would u need add pair of hands to help u over the weekend?"

I mean seriously , unless u r one of my "bf buddies/advisers" , I really appreciate if u don't ask. I hope no one ask a new mother especially, coz I'm sure she would feel even worse or hv shortchanged her child if she's not doing it.

I can't seem to emphasize enough tt the greatest gift a mummy can give to the child is LOVE and not milk!!! N i hope for all the new mummies out there, don't b stress abt milk la! The more stress u r, the longer it takes to come. After all, we all grew up w formula, didn't we? And all of us turn out okie too! Put the emphasis on rest in this crucial mth n taking care of yr precious addition(s). They need u. =p

Continuing to enjoy my confinement n my time with my precious gals and thanking God everyday for all the things He has created for us! God is good, all the time!

While waiting for my appt today...

Looking at my past entries only did I realize how loooong I've not blogged! I did write once a while but they always remained in my Hp coz ever since blogspot made some changes, I hvnt been able to load my entries via my hp. Hopefully will b able to post them soon .. Haha

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A happy confinement

I had blogged abt this entry abt a week ago but I'm not sure why the contents didn't appear.. After that, I kinda forgotten wat I had wanted to write so only now did I finally hv the same "mood" again. 
Even before my delivery, uncle pig n I had agreed that we were gonna do away with all the traditional norms of confinement n focus on the emotional well being of me. After all, despite doing a trad confinement the previous time only made me slip into depression n I hardly felt any better throughout the entire mth. 

We were going to do away with a confinement lady as Uncle Pig was gonna be the confinement daddy. Despite objections from my family n some friends, we decided to go ahead with our decision becoz it was after all MY confinement, and certainly I can choose to do wat I want. Well, so far, after coming back home for almost ten days, I'm proud to say that I've not regretted my choice. Yes, it's tiring for both of us but at least the advantage of being on our own is that we have the choice of doing the way we wanted and there was no one ard to say NO!

When some of my colleagues came visiting at my place, I even suggested ordering pizza delivery to host them. They were shocked! Haha! I think my mom would flipped if she knew.. Well, it's my choice.. N after all, people across the other side of the planet don't practise confinement n eating pizza is a norm n it was my comfort food too! =p

Breastfeeding is also another area that I decided not to stress myself too much with.. Coz during the previous time, I was so strict on myself that I wouldn't allow anyone to give Joy formula milk. To me then, formula was juz like "poison" and it was best she be introduce at a much later stage.  This time round, as Grace n Vera were premmies, they had to take formula. It was not an option at all as the PD was concerned w their initial low sugar levels. I took it to my stride n continued to breastfeed as much as I can. Even now, when they've become more accustomed to bottle feeding, I told myself that I will give as much as I can. And most importantly , the best gift for the kids is not breastmilk but Mummy's Love. And that shall be my focus.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

D + 3 Days

Day 3

After delivery on Friday, everything still seems so fairy tale. That the twins are finally here, that after all the struggles w infertility, our precious gifts are here.

Both of them r doing well, and they look completely diff so there wont b a case of mistaken identity. And we r so grateful for all the blessings showered by God, our family and friends.

Tom we will be checking out of the hospital and starting on our new life! Although I had wanted to stay at the hospital for a couple more days, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we will leave Tom. I'm very grateful for the love and care showered upon us by the doctors and nurses here. The nurses here, are especially caring and I really admire their courage to be a nurse, really!

Tom we will have to cope with living w/0 help, and the uncertainty does bring fear along with it. I pray to God right now that You be with us when we go home, that we will be able to cope with the day to day taking care of the kids, the household , that I will remain sane while being able to cope with breastfeeding . Lord, I pray that You help me bf the girls, that I will have enough to feed both of them, that they will be able to latch well so that I don't suffer from any sore nipples n other discomforts. I pray that we will be able to cope well , in Jesus name I pray , amen !

Sunday, May 6, 2012

D Day

At 230am after finishing my last dose of medication for the evening , I find myself super awake. It's difficult to zz on the hospital bed and I've forgotten how I managed to do that 5 yrs ago!  Unlike uncle pig who is "sound sound" asleep, although I'm tired , I find it super uncomfortable to lie on the inclined bed. Oh dear! I don't know how I can survive the few nights here..  My next course of medication is at 6am and I do hope that I can catch some sleep before that.  oh! N something impressive abt the toiletries here! It's all from Crabtree & Evelyn! Haha.. Nice surprise though I'm not a fan la.. Haha
It's now coming to 7.. I've taken the meds at 6am n doc will b doing his rounds at abt 8.. Would like to know if we would b seeing the twins today or Tom . My initial suggestion was for me to stay for another day n we will do the surgery on sat. But uncle pig feels that we shld juz do it today coz he don't c a major diff in waiting for another day. N the prolong wait will only make me more tired. Hmm.. I was still hoping that maybe the doc can discharge me today n I will come bk again on week 37 for the original scheduled surgery. Well, we will c how it goes. Having waited for so long for the twins, the last few hrs can b excruciating. 
@ 12pm, the gynae has confirmed that we will be doing a c-section later this evening at 7pm. I'm supposed to take this last meal, before I start to fast. It's pretty exciting and yes, finally, we are gonna see the babies soon! The feeling can't be described and I'm just so excited that we will finally see our little princesses soon. God is so good!

@ 645pm, I was wheeled to the operating theatre. Uncle Pig was taking some final pictures, before all the action begin. Right now, I'm simply nervous. I just pray that the operation will be successful, and that the gals will be fine. =p

@ 730pm, the girls are out, and we hear their loud cries! Both are healthy, and Grace weighs 2.78kg, while Vera weighs 2.74kg. Although only 40 grams apart, their size looks a lot different.

Thank God for the smooth delivery, and once again, for creating the miracles that we have prayed for! Amen!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week 36 update

It is with a heavy heart that I'm composing this entry. Juz seen my gynae and he's concerned abt my raised blood pressure & protein in urine. So here I am , at the labour ward monitoring my blood pressure n Bbs' heartbeats to c if it's necessary to do an earlier delivery or if we could wait till 3rd of may.

1) weight gain
@ 36 weeks they r abt 3.1 kg each n my total weight gain is 20 kg! Faints! So much weight gain..

2) status update
After staying at the labour ward for the whole day I'm finally shifted back to the normal ward! Yippee! Much as I want a normal delivery , looking at how things r, I think most likely we will either do a c sec on fri or sat (assuming I can tahan further) coz the additional days I drag, the longer the twins can stay in and develop further. Well, we will c when the gynae comes tomorrow la..

Right now , I'm juz thankful that Joy is coping well with all. In fact, she sounded pretty chirpy at my mom's place when I called her an hr ago. I'm hoping that she can tahan her first night w/0 us.. And if so, then she doesn't need to bunk in at the hospital with us.

Pls also pray that the twins will come in God's timing and also if possible a normal delivery. However, the most important thing is that they will be delivered safely and if a c sec is required, may God grant the doc the wisdom to decide otherwise. Pray that I can zz well to prepare for the delivery, that I will be optimistic with everything, that I will be in the best spirits. Thank God for all that He has blessed us and we are looking forward to embarking on the new exciting journey together. In Jesus name I pray, amen !

Sunday, April 22, 2012

When will it be my turn? 

Today I had a gathering with my friends and we were all talking abt our delivery experiences and due dates. It's been a long wait for me and now I'm left with 10 more days. I had wanted to really tahan till week 37, but the excruciating pains experienced last night made me tempted to shorten it to week 36. 

Surely there won't be much of a difference bet 36th and 37th week right? I mean, yes there will be a difference la but will the difference b significant? So much so that is it worthwhile to wait for an additional 7 more days? I was an owl last night, having only zz fr 730am - 9, and another half hr at 1130am. Zz was difficult n a rare commodity. N if this repeats for the next ten days, by the time the twins r here, I seriously doubt I would have any ounce of energy left to take care of them. 

Having heard of mummies delivering their twins super early in their pregnancy, I'm thankful that I managed to last till now but I'm also tempted to shorten it myself. I really wanna c the twins soon too! Kinda excited n wondering if they will look like joy.. Haha.. Hopefully the excitement don't set me off to another sleepless night. Hopefully my water bag burst tonight! Hopefully hopefully hopefully.. Hopefully tonight I can zz well and change my mind!

Relationships can be so fragile..

Had lunch with a very old friend today. Had always wanted to catch up with her but bcoz all of us were busy with our own lives, we only met at major occasions like weddings etc.. I initiated today's lunch bcoz I suspected that something was going wrong between her n hubz. Both of them were my personal friends and crossed their paths at my 21st birthday party, dated and got married.. It was a long relationship that span more than ten years and I was delighted when it was finally their turn to walk the aisle a couple of years ago.. But relationships can be so fragile at times. There was another woman in the picture, they started  barely a few mths ago and hubz is now sure that "she" is the one and wanna end the marriage. My heart sank when my friend told me this. She was still in love with this man, wanna forget him n give each other another chance. But the decision was not mutual. It seems so unbelievable. 

Right now, I juz pray that she will pick things up soon, that the wounds would heal soon although I think it always take time. Oh God, I pray for this couple, that You fix their relationship , that You carry her and You heal her wounds. I pray that she/they will turn to You, to know you and I pray that in the midst of all these, something gd will come out of it. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week 35 update

It's been a slow week but finally we are at week 35. Everyday seems to be passing by slowly n the wait seems so long. Anyway @ week 35, it seems a milestone on its own. I've passed 7 days and there's another 14 days left. (small yeah!)

1) weight gain
- its a lot! I've gain 4kg since last week! Gasp! The twins are at abt 2.8kg each.. They've only gain 300 grams each since last week weighing . Anyway the gynae did reassure me that the huge gain is normal for a twin pregnancy n I really shldnt b worrying too much. He's quite pleased with how the twins developed and commented that it would be nice if we could push ourselves a little bit more n tahan till week 36. 

2) delivery date
- it was original slated to b on the 3rd of may but looking at how uncomfortable I am w the swollen feet, my backaches n everything, the gynae did say that we can push the date earlier, but Ideally it would b best if we can tahan tahan, so that the girls can stay in me n grow fully. Yes, I'm really trying, trying to tolerate all of it that comes along. Zz has not been easy, together with the pains n swollen feet n not able to do much except be waited on. 

In no time I won't be able to see my toes i guess! But in the midst of all these discomforts , I'm also so appreciative of what God has done for me, by blessing us with two wonderful lives. Uncle Pig says to look at this as a situation that God has set for me, a challenge for me to overcome. If I could overcome all the heartaches while TTC-ing back then, this surely is a manageable task for me. Ultimately, God is with us all the time n in times of despair, we just hv to look to Him, for help.  Yes, it will be manageable for me and yes I should try to be more optimistic abt it. I still have Uncle Pig and Joy who dotes on me n waits on me like a queen. I'm so thankful for them in my lives and I really should count my blessings. I love them and I thank God for them. 

Okie, shall stop here for now. Trying my best to be optimistic and happy abt things and counting each day as it goes by. For now, let's juz look forward to week 36. :p

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 34 Update

Yeah ! It's week 34! Finally! Seems like such a long time. We went for our gynae check up today (FYI: it's weekly visits now and they are expensive!) 

1) Weight 
- this is the no 1 thing I'm most concerned with bcoz in the event the twins go into labor, a gd weight will help them go a long way. Well, since the last scan a mth ago, they are now abt 2.5kg each ! Wow! Uncle pig n I were surprised by how much they've grown n thankful for the comfortable weight. Yes, this kinda explains my own weight gain of 15kg (I hope). Haha.. But yes, it juz feels "safe" knowing that they are quite big for now. 

2) Counting down to 21 days
- since my last emo entry, Uncle Pig n I have been trying to countdown by the days and now we are left w 21 days. The gynae feels that I'm gonna go into labour even before that and I'm quietly hoping that it will be too, but in God's timing coz He knows best. 

3) Buffet
- I know the plan was for us to only celebrate at the end of the mth but I was feeling so blue that I suggested celebrating our anniversary today! Haha.. N at his fav buffet place at Todai, MBS. I didn't eat as much la, so don't worry. It was nice, juz the two of us enjoying a little of couple time.

Happy day today. Took an afternoon nap after the lunch and wondering how I'm able to zz tonight. But that is for later. =p

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pregnancy Blues

Ever since my last entry, my physical and mental condition kinda got worse. I was becoming more immobile, such that getting off bed itself was an uphill task, not to mention catching a movie. I was so depressed that I weeped on sat night. The thought that there's another 24 days left is dreadful n I shudder to think how I can cope doing some of the daily things when it seems harder by the days. My sleepless nights were back n my swollen feet got worse, such that they hurt even before walking. The thought that I'm finishing my wk soon also scares me. What am I gonna do after tue? Coop at home for the whole day for Next 24 days? That will simply trigger another set of problems on its own. 

Uncle Pig says to count each single day as it goes, and not think so much abt it. I'm trying. And sometimes trying aren't enough. I hate it when everyone has to serve me, that I can't seem to do anything useful nowadays. I wonder why is it so easy for so many twins-mummy to go thru they their pregnancy but it is such a trying journey for me.

Haiz.. Complain complain n more complains.. Before this become a super whining entry, I better stop. Trying to b positive, so that Uncle Pig will not worry abt me, and trying to count each happy thing as a blessing. Moreover the longer the girls stay inside me, the better gd it is for them too.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Week 33 Update

At 230am, my Zz monster is still not here yet so decided to do a post. At week 33, the gynae says that hopefully we hv another 3 -4 weeks left and he feels that looking at the size of the twins, we do hv a chance of lasting till week 36, which would be better for the gals too..

1) My weight
- Haiz.. It's a big jump ah.. Haha.. I've gained abt 14 kg since  being pregnant.. Not sure how heavy the gals r now coz we didn't do a scan today.
2) Sleep
- sleep for the past week has been gd. Generally I wake up abt twice / night but that's already quite gd compared to waking up every hr. But it's also starting to be more difficult as I become heavier. Even a simple turn on the bed is kinda painful and I wonder how I'm gonna take it for another 3 more weeks.

3) Preparations
- this is like the 2nd most frequent qn asked: "are u prepared?"
- well, technically, we are prepared. Much prepared this time round then the first time. All the things that's required has been prepared, washed, n placed in their rightful positions. I can't think of another thing that I hvnt bought that's essential.. But having said that, one can nv be over prepared right? I'm sure when the gals arrive, we definitely will reach a stage of feeling lost, tired n stress.. But that will b another entry on its own..

4) My thoughts
- the wait has been so long that right now, it juz feels like a dream. Sometimes I will feel stressed abt it, if something really bad will happen to the gals before D-day . Sometimes I will be fearful n wonder if we really know wat we are getting ourselves into. After all, Joy's been an extremely easy baby n she's been on auto pilot mode for a long time. Did all three of us know wat we are in for? On other days, I will stand in awe of God's goodness that He has chosen us to be the parents of these two girls, that He has chosen to bless us, not one but two additions in the family. How amazing is that!

5) swollen feet
- From the start of week 31, my feet has started to swell, so much that I'm tempted to use a needle to poke thru it to see if it will ooze out any liquids . Haha.. But I'm thankful that i had 30 weeks of normal feet. I remember during my first pregnancy, the swollen feet kinda stick to me pretty early in the pregnancy. Hopefully they don't swell any further.

6) Leg cramps
- I think this is pretty common for most preggies and I too had my fair share of extreme leg cramps when I had joy. However, for this pregnancy, I've so far only had it once, n it was manageable. Another thankful plus. 

7) appetite
- my appetite has started to increase! Haha.. I feel like I can eat a cow for lunch, n maybe a deer for tea and something for dinner n supper! Yes, it's a lot.. I know.. But at least I've managed to hv a normal diet at least for the past 30 weeks and thus the relatively okie weight gain up till week 30. Well, I've only another few weeks left so juz let me eat n indulge for a while.. Haha.. 

8) Photography
- we did our maternity cum family photo! Yes!  Coz the last time we wanted to do it on the scheduled date n Joy juz popped a day earlier. Well, now we finally have another chance at it, and joy's 5 yrs old now. How fast time flies! Overall, I think the experience was very good and all three of us had a lot of fun!

9) On Buffets
- this has been eliminated from my meals till 2nd may becoz primarily we hope that the twins stay inside me as long as possible so that they can grow as much possible. Joy did popped out prematurely after a buffet dinner and we didn't want a repeat of that again. But we will be going for a buffet dinner scheduled on 2nd may because my c-sec date is on 3rd may anyway and this is my last chance to try natural.. Haha.. C how then la... 

10) Mobility
- very low primarily bcoz of my swollen feet n the pelvic pain from the pregnancy. Right now, every distance is minimized n most of the time I'll be waiting in the car while Joy & daddy shops around.

11) Work
- I should be meeting my last few appts this week! Yeah! N hopefully after that I can do some couple time with Uncle Pig.. Hehe.. 

Think that's all for now la.. 

P/s: right now we are also praying that the start of my delivery would be after we drop Joy in school rather than at night as if it were at night, we would hv a problem to find someone to look after her. Pls pray for us too, thanks!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


As the news slowly sink in n I get used to the current new countdown, I started to research on the average twin delivery timing. According to babycenter, the average delivery for twins is only 35 weeks, compared to a singleton which is bet 37-40 weeks.

Hmm.. I muz hv forgotten abt this info when I read it when we first found out we were having twins. Coz I do rem telling my friends that it's common for twins to arrive a mth earlier.. But somewhere throughout the pregnancy, I kinda forgotten abt it and was aiming for a 37/40 week pregnancy. Haha.. I guess that's juz me la.. Blur as usual. Anyway if it's countdown to 35 weeks , then I'm really left w 4 more weeks!!! So exciting! If its to 37 weeks, then it's another 6 weeks time..

Overall, now I really hope that week 35/37 come asap bcoz since the beg of last week, besides the common symptoms that I've been experiencing, I've also started to feel breathless and a serious in ability to zz.

1) Breathless
- in recent days, the breathlessness could b so serious that even having a conversation would leave me gasping for air. I seriously told Uncle Pig that I needed an oxygen tank.

2) Lack of zz
- I think it's somehow related, but bcoz of the breathlessness, every turn on the bed would leave me seriously out of breath or my heart beating so fast that I would juz wake up. It makes sleeping fearful n disruptive .

However, much as I really love to see my twins soonest possible, I'm also praying that they be here in God's timing, that they develop well inside me. Coz the earlier they r out, the higher the chance of having development complications. I guess compared w the two , not being able to zzz seems easier than they coming earlier .

Anyway while I'm still awake in the wee hours, I've also decided to end my wk earlier as scheduled. Would be tying up all the current outstanding issues and stopping wk by 1st week of apr ba.. :p

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Man @ Work

@ 9pm on a Saturday night, my uncle pig decided to start painting the house! Yes, after spending 3 days at a staycation n coming back totally exhausted, he decided that his birthday is over n it's time to get things started.

I wished I could help him but knowing him, he prefers doing it all, his way, his style n at his timing. I have nothing against painting at night, esp since I've gotten a serious flu over the past few days. So seriously, I can't smell a thing! But juz 心疼him that he has so many things to do, at so little time and there's nothing much I can do to help. And truth be told, I do enjoy seeing my man at wk. yes, not the sadist kind, but juz seeing him putting every ounce of his mind n energy n doing something serious, makes him so charming. I juz hope that the painting job will not drag pass midnight so that he have enough time to zzz. We do have a packed schedule every Sunday, plus the fact that I'm still down with flu, means that he has to be the mom and dad of joy, and everything else imaginable.

Looking at him busy bringing joy for swims n rides at the staycation juz makes me ultra guilty also that I'm so useless n unable to help him. Esp when the purpose of the staycation was to celebrate his bday, but I think it ended w him being more "on-duty" and tiring. I'm so blessed that I didn't hv to do a lot of things I don't enjoy doing coz he's here helping. I really shld treat this man much better than I do now. :p

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Week 30 update

I think it's been a long time since I've updated my pregnancy. Everything's juz happening so fast that I didn't hv time to note down the happenings or the details!

Anyway we juz visited the gynae y'day. And I thought it would b gd for me to write down the details since I can't zz after my pee break at 530am.. 

1) Weight Gain
- I've gained a total of 9kg till date (I think) and the babies are weighing approximately 1.3kg each (based on 2 weeks ago)
- not too bad and I'm quite happy w myself too. :) 
- I'm juz praying that I don't suddenly gain an astronomical amt in this last lap. 

2) Gestational Diabetes
- I did a sugar test a couple of weeks ago n I was classified as a borderline diabetic case. There was nothing much required to do, except to watch my diet and cut down on those sugary stuff. 
- its been hard for me coz I can't rem since when my daily fluid intake has always been on sugar fluids. I can skip water for the whole day n rely juz on juices, coffees, n other sinful drinks. But I've been trying. To at least reduce it to one a day, and the rest w water. Yes, pure H2O.
- Hopefully by the next sugar test (next week) things will b better 

3) Baby stuff / nursery 
- we hv kinda gotten most of our things ready, juz that they r all still in their original packaging. The nursery still looks like a storeroom but Uncle Pig says it will b ready by next week. Yes I'm looking forward to that. 
- he will also be doing some light painting in our house, and I'm praying that we have enough time for all these things 

4) Backaches n other ailments
- till date, the pregnancy has been pretty smooth n the only ailment I've been suffering from is backaches, which has been a frequent ailment even before pregnancy. 
- oh N I do hv some stretch marks here n there but it's still okie la.. Lazy mummy who didn't apply consistently 
- swollen feet n leg cramps are seldom n I'm thankful for that . I rem during my last pregnancy, I was always awaken due to the sharp leg cramps but til date; this has only happened once w the twins. 

5) The Date
- at this visit, the gynae also talked abt delivery dates. As predicted by me, he's also saying that based on track record (joy being a 37 week bb); the twins shld b coming latest at week 37 too.. Gasp! He says chances that they come after that is pretty low, esp w the fact that they r approximately the size of 2 singleton pregnancies. 
- he also suggested we fix a date for c-section on 2nd of may, week 37, although he feels that I might even deliver much earlier. 
- I did tell him my preference is for natural delivery which he assured me would b the case, if the twins r in the right position. Coz having twins, he says he has a low threshold for complications b thus prefer things to b less complicated. My PD friend whom worked with him did tell me before that even w twins, he's saw my gynae delivered naturally before n I really shldnt worry too much abt that. 
- okie lor.. Haha.. Juz that 2nd may seems really early. Which means we only hv abt 6 weeks left! Agggh! And I hvnt even cleared half of my wk and i was still hoping to rest- complete rest- during the first week of may. Guess I really need to speed up my wkg process. Stressed! And I've been telling pple that I still hv 8 more weeks left, for the longest time ever.. Blur me..
- Nevertheless, I'm still thankful for what God has blessed us with, the twins, joy , uncle pig n my manageable work .. I'm thankful and amazed by how God works in his own special ways in his timing and so touched by his love for me. Thank you God for all the things made possible. 

Okie I shall stop now coz the zzz monster is here.. Finally! Hope to catch some rest! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An unfortunate incident

Today something unhappy happened. It's disturbing that I don't even know how to start this entry.. Haiz.. 

It started a few days ago when someone commented that there were some malicious comments made on FB by this person abt the mgmt and asked if I was aware.. I was not aware obviously coz I had blocked her from my FB a long time ago bcoz she was constantly complaining abt this n that.. N I juz didn't wanna be caught in that sticky situation of judging her or being affected by her comments.

Anyway, when I was showed the current comments, it was indeed fierce n malicious n targeted at the mgmt. I didn't wanna speculate n did not report to anyone since I figured that not many pple had access to her wall anyway. This was when I was totally wrong. Coz in the next few days, several advisers texted me n asked me wats with it? And this was when I felt I could no longer pretend nothing has happened. If it is a misunderstanding, then it shldnt b firstly aired on FB n secondly it shld b clarified before the thing blows up entirely. 

I told the mgmt abt it n after clarifications, they said it was a small misunderstanding n nothing of such had happened. Although I felt weird that if it was a misunderstanding then the comments shld b removed n such incidences such nv b repeated. But today, another colleague asked me the same thing again n I realized that not only was the comments not removed, there were additional ones! 
I know I shldnt let such things affect me. My intention was nv to bad mouth them but to make sure that whatever happened within mgmt shld remain there n not spread to the common ground leading to people taking sides, esp if it was only a misunderstanding to start w. 

What is more disheartening is that this act was by a Christian couple friend that I know.. I asked God why? Why did things have to be so ugly ? Why do Christians have to do such things? Or God have I done wrong by doing my act too ?A thousand qn but no answers. Like if it was a pure misunderstanding, then y are there sequels to it? Why did they spread such comments on one side n yet ... ? 

God says to be slow in anger and to treat yr neighbour like you. And I'm not angry abt it, although its disappointing? I start to ask if I had failed to c things fr their pt of view since there's always two sides to a coin. I just pray that God you solve this situation, that You give this couple healing, that they overcome the bitterness, that they come out of it a better person. Most importantly God I pray that You give me peace, that You help me forget this whole entire episode, I pray that you salvage the situation and that all it turns out is juz a small misunderstanding .. I pray for forgiveness n peace for all of us, in Jesus name I pray, amen

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

On confinement nannies

Ever since we are expecting twins, one of the popular questions is " Who's gonna do yr confinement for u?" Which I would proudly declare as Uncle Pig coz he knows how to cook all the confinement food I like and he knows how to take care of newborns. Simple answer, case closed. 

Of coz this was unimaginable by some of my friends who felt that it's best to hire professional help, like a confinement nanny so that I don't end up killing him before the end of the 1st mth. haha.. Well, at least for friends, they are still okie.. They will voice their opinion and that's it. But of coz, when yr mum happens to be one of them, then things aren't that simple. 

Almost Every weekend over dinner, she will ask " How are we gonna cope w/0 hiring an auntie?" and sometimes u know that she's asking bcoz she is worried. But on other times, u wished that she juz stopped asking and offer more substantial help ie cooking for me would be ideal.. Or coming by to take care of me or the twins for a few hrs a week would be nice too.. But being her and knowing her, she wouldn't do that. It's a taboo to enter the house of a "uncleanse" mother, who has yet to pass her confinement. I rem during my last confinement, I struggled w my auntie and begged her to let me stay w her for the rest of the mth, which she plainly rejected. It did hurt at that time, and ever since then, William and I kinda depended on ourselves for parenting. 

Anyway during this pregnancy, a lot of friends n relatives are concerned for us, plainly bcoz we are expecting twins and I did contemplate hiring one too. Esp when my friends who recently delivered commented that theirs was gd help. I thought abt giving myself and a new auntie another chance, esp since its been 5 yrs so the trauma has been more or last forgotten. 

Before deciding, i prayed to God.. And I pray that he showed me signs n guide me along bcoz only He knows best - my needs and my shortfalls. And He sure did. Cause immediately after that day, God reminded me of a friend of mine, who had twins and no parental help as she was in NL when she delivered. She married an Ang moh, and they don't hv confinement nannies there. She also didn't hv much help fr either side of her parents. I consulted her and she too felt that it's do-able, esp since she's done it before and also bcoz we weren't first time parents anymore. Bearing that in mind, I really felt more assured and I thank God for everything. 

Then recently, one of my close friends delivered too.. And I called her to check on her too.. N her only complaint was that the auntie was too nagging, bossy and highly irritable.. All her complaints on day 1 after the confinement.. - another gentle reminder that I shldnt juz follow social norms bcoz they might not be the best for me.

The day the air con took a break.. 

In the midst of the pregnancy we decided to do some major Reno to remove some of the original fixtures and made new ones, so that they were not as space consuming but equally gd storage spaces, if not better. 

The original TV console, shoe cabinet made way for a whole new stretch of built in cupboards, covering the entire stretch increase my storage place n made the entire living room bigger. We also removed my walk in wardrobe n replaced it with another built in one, coz I realize that even though it's nice to hv a walk in wardrobe , a simple wardrobe would saves much more space . And indeed it did. 

We also decided to service the air con units n shift one of the units to a more central location at the living room. 

All these done in a span of a few days and I'm thankful to God that we did it bcoz now my house does look much bigger, with cooler air too! 

However today upon returning home, uncle pig informed me news that the air con compressor has broken down! Huh?? But I Thot the pple juz came that day to do servicing? So how? How r we gonna survive tonight w/0 air con, esp when today is a hot hot day? 

Suddenly I realize that air con has become an essential part of my life, more impt than rice or anything else! I can skip rice for days, n I can zz separately fr uncle pig , but I can't zz w/0 my dear a/c! Arrgh! 

It's only when things like that happen u realize the importance of it, n how reliant I've bcome. It has unknowingly become an essential part of me, without me realizing. The only consolation is that this is the first time it happen, in the 6 yrs that we've stayed here n I surely hope that the pple can come tomorrow to solve the prob!

Nevertheless it was an interesting experience coz we activated 6 fans , w Uncle Pig zz in the living room bcoz it's much cooler. He had volunteered to give me that first class sofa but it was pretty uncomfortable so I decided to sweat it out in my room. Haha.. Thus this posting is at 4am, after one of my night pees but I'm too hot to zz further.. Wonder how do pple zz w/0 a/c.. How could they? =p

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Counting down to ten weeks!

Entry blogged on 18th Feb........

Yes, it's that fast.. We are finally seeing the twins in another ten more weeks! Although The expected EDD is 21st of May, but if the gals can tahan n stay in me till 1st of may, we will b more than satisfied. Coz by then they would be abt 37 weeks, which is also about the same as Joy. Well, if they can reach 40 weeks that will be the most ideal scenario coz we would hv more time to prepare for everything .

The thought of merely 10 weeks only sent me to sleepless nights frenzy coz it feels that I hvnt completed my work yet n I really really don't hv much time. Ahhhh!! Plus it juz seem that we hvnt completed our shopping list even, not to mention preparing the delivery bag.

Lord, I pray that You will deliver the twins in yr timing, that you give me enough time 2 complete my work @ hand, motivation and energy to meet up with all my clients. Lord, I pray that you will help provide for all, and that they will all be timely. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

A Hearing Aid (Part 2)

This is the hearing kit that Uncle Pig went to collect y'day. It's the same kit that the clinic recommended him, but at 25% discount.

Thank God that he manage to find a small shop in Chinatown that sells the same model, but at much cheaper price. During the trial testing of the hearing kit, did I realize the seriousness of his hearing, or lack of hearing. Sounds that we've always taken for granted, conversations that we always had, all these were nv in his hearing radar since a long time ago. And all along, I always thought that it was juz a small humming sound that he was hearing, once a blue moon. But while he was doing the analysis, I realize that he had always been suffering in silence. My heart sank. I was not aware, nor was I sensitive to him. I even picked on him, when he can't hear me at times. Haiz.. Y am I such a wife? Y wasn't I more understanding or sensitive?

I thank God that at least now I know and I thank God that Uncle Pig had taken the initiative to wear a hearing kit , ignoring the glances of others. He did look pretty sporty with his new toy! Haha.. I also wanna thank God for helping us find this clinic that offers the same pdt at 25% discount!

God, right now I wanna pray that u help Uncle Pig get used to using it, that there will be little interferences, that it will help reduce the humming sound and the kit will be able to last us for a long time. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
p/s: blogged on 16th Feb, but didnt get to upload it till now..hehe..

Monday, February 13, 2012

Every Day can be a Valentine's Day

Was looking rhru my past entries, and trying my best to recall how we celebrated Valentine's Day last year, but to no avail. I only blogged about the eve of V-day, which was spent in church, and the few days after V-day where we were embarking on our family trip to Korea. Nothing was mentioned about V-day last year...haha..gasp!

Anyway, not that it mattered to me. Coz after dating for several years, I suggested to Uncle Pig about scrapping the whole celebration on V-day, coz I felt that it was an overly commercialized event and I guess, I always felt that we can always treat each other better, n not juz in one day of February. Having said that, I was kinda taken off guard, when he planned his surprise this year.

This year, the celebration started on 10th Feb, on a friday morning where I woke up with heart-shaped French toast for breakfast, which was nice. I had ordered for French toast for breakfast the night before, but having it heart-shaped was sweet.

After breakfast, we went to the office as I had to prepare for my evening appts. I was greeted with a nice bouquet of purple roses! Kinda surprised coz i really didn't expect it. And it was one of my fav flowers, coz it was the flowers we used for our wedding. Nice!

The beaming Uncle Pig was so super happy, cause he had managed to pull off a couple of surprises, without me suspecting anything! Usually, I would always kinda figured out even before the actual day. haha...

Anyway, Sat proved to be even exciting cause he had "pre-booked" me way in advance, that we were going for a date on Sat. And yes, I enjoyed sat even much better too! First of all, being a control freak, my usual pattern is, I always need to know in advance where and what are the things we are gonna do for the day, but on Sat, I simply leave it to him. I didn't cause where or what we'll be doing, but just the dress code to start the date.

After dropping Joy at my in-laws place, we headed to Suntec. He says we are gonna have Tony Romas for lunch, and since it was still early, we went for a cup of coffee at Ya Koon's. After coffee, we headed back to the carpark (which I thot was kinda weird, coz Tony Romas is just a 5mins walk), but I followed obediently..hehe.. he drove to Marina Bay Sands..haha... coffee at suntec, was just simply becoz we were too early for lunch, and he was afraid that I would be too hungry by then...

Lunch was at this international buffet called Todai, a Korean restaurant, with a huge spread! And the nice part of it, most of the food were in bite sizes, so we wouldn't add up stuffing ourselves juz by trying all of them. Nevertheless, we didn't get to try all la...coz the spread was really too much... food is nice, service is nice too..juz that it's too crowded...will try going there on a weekday lunch and hopefully it will be better. Sashimi is super fresh, and the cold crabs are nice and aided with scissors.

After lunch, he brought me to watch the Musical the Wicked. I've not read up much on the musical, but several of my friends have watched it, and said it was good. My personal opinion was that, the musical tend to be a little draging at the start and there were times when both of us had problems trying to stay awake. (maybe it was the food). But it didn't matter if the musical was super good, or there was no one performing, becoz what mattered was that, it was a date, with him. A long awaited date, and a date that I treasured so much. =)

Back in the car, i asked him, when was the last time we actually dated, and both of us couldn't really rem when it was. He attributed it to his busy weekends while baking for Haven Bakery, which was kinda true. After the bakery was closed, I could really see parts of my house being much appreciated, and me being overly pampered by him. Haha... I guess, I just can't share him with the world. Sorry mummies but I'm sure you will find another baker!

p/s: paiseh, that this entry is kinda long..juz wanna start blogging down our dates, so that at least I will rem...haha...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Hearing Aid

Today while waiting for Joy's class to end, Uncle Pig & I stumbled into a hearing clinic at the mall. It provided a free hearing analysis within 5 mins n he suggested going for it. ( I think largely bcoz recently his hearing went from bad to worse). 

The outcome: it reaffirmed with the last test we did at TTSH tat his left ear nerve was severely damaged n there was no known possible cure at the moment. So in addition to the relative loss of hearing in one ear, he would also hear the humming sound. But what they suggest alternatively is to start using a hearing aid so that it can still continue to receive the sound waves from his left ear to the brain. The rationale for doing this is so that, the brain doesn't "close" the left channel as time passes due to a long period of lack of messengers. Sounds pretty logical to me. And I was puzzled y the pple at TTSH did not offer this advice. 

So yes he would need a hearing aid. I didn't want to rush him into getting it on the spot bcoz to me, getting an aid is a BIG thing. It's bigger than getting his first pair of long sighted glasses when he was first diagnosed of 老花眼- a sign of aging. It didn't matter that the aid itself was pricey, but the main crux of it is, Uncle Pig muz be prepared to acknowledge tat his hearing has failed & it was necessary to use an aid to help him . It was like a woman agreeing to remove her breasts becoz of breast cancer- something that may seem logical but hard to do. 

While @ home, he started to research more onto the different models n brands. Apparently, at least based upon our limited research at the moment, the model that was recommended is really a very gd one, bcoz it's water proof, and comes with several modern gadgets. I'm kinda surprised how hearing aids has evolved over time with technology improvements. Looking at my gentle giant do his due analysis, my heart go out to him when he commented tat he was aging faster than his peers. I think what he was concerned about was not being an old man at 40, but if he had the abilities to continue to take care of me & the kids, with his accelerated aging. Seeing him worry, sent tears to my eyes. This is the man that has given his all for this household and even now, his main worry is still on us. 

I thank God once again for blessing me with you, and also for the random ear analysis that we juz decide to do spontaneously. I pray, Lord, that You give us the wisdom to choose the right hearing aid, & I wanna trust You Lord, that this clinic is the right clinic, one that is professional & right-priced. Lord, if it's only right for us to get a second opinion, then I pray too, for wisdom to decide on this. Lord, I wanna trust that You will help us in situation. In Jesus name I pray - Amen

Monday, February 6, 2012

24 weeks update

Juz as I was feeling better n feeling the feeling of in my "honeymoon" trimester last week, the backaches n lower half pains came back this week. The pains were more unbearable than the backache n I could literally feel my uterus undergoing a free fall whenever I stood up or was abt to walk. It's really time to get a maternity belt, I guess. And Thank God we didn't register for Vegas.. Coz I was feeling so gd last week that even a 14hrs flight seem achievable. 

@ 24 weeks: everything seem to be happening so fast n in another 10-12 weeks time I'm gonna be due. It's a bittersweet moment.. Sweet bcoz after all the pains n heartaches, finally we will b seeing our precious two soon.. Bitter bcoz I'm not sure if we were (or at least for me) prepared mentally, emotionally to survive the rollercoaster initial mths. I survived terribly during my first mth when I had joy, despite the fact tt Joy was an easy easy baby.. Even slipped into depression n the thought of having doubles did scare me at this moment. My only consolation was tat we r no longer first time parents, thus we will b more experienced n able to cope. But bcoz things happened so long ago, honestly, I can't really rem how to take care of an infant! Hopefully William is not like me! Just have to trust God for his protection upon my household, and tat He provide helpers for us in times of need, and give us wisdom in taking care of the little ones.. Thank God for everything He's made possible. -amen

Friday, February 3, 2012

Home alone on a Friday night

Home alone on a Friday night. Uncle Pig brought joy to one of his long time friends gathering. I can't rem when was the last time I spent fri night home alone. Before he closed his shop, fri nights used to be the nights when I had to pick Joy from sch n make her zz while he does his last min baking for his weekend orders. It was mostly a time when I arranged gatherings so tat Joy will b kept occupied. 

It was pretty shiok to reach home at 7pm alone. I had the freedom to do the things based on my own time, my own way n my own routine. There was no need to rush home to make joy zz, or surrender the tv to let hot catch her fav cartoons . I was the king of the house for tonight! Yeah! 

Of course, after catching my fav drama n reading papers at my leisure time, by 10plus, I had run out of things to do. Haha.. Tired n sleepy n maybe I shan't wait up for them. Maybe I shld hv gone for the gathering, since all of his friends brought their spouses along. Pity him, he had to bring his daughter along bcoz his wife was kinda anti-social. Haha.. And much as I'm bored now, I think if I were to choose again, I would still prefer "Me time" @ home vs "vase @ social gathering". Kinda critical but thats me & I don't know when it starts to change (maybe with age?) but I juz dread striking new conversations w new pple or maybe shallow topics at acquaintances gathering. And I'm blessed in the sense tat Uncle Pig never pressurized me to attend his friends / relatives gathering and neither would I do so. We had choices. 😊 And sometimes I feel tat he does enjoy his gatherings better when I'm not with him. Coz w me by his side, it's comparing to bringing another infant to the meet up. On Good Days, I would start playing w my hp or signaling him to go home almost immed after i finish my food. On worse days, I start to rebute the childish comments made by his friends, which can be pretty awkward. Haha.. Guess I'm a spoilt child but socializing with not -impt pple is really not my forte. I'm glad tat Uncle Pig is not a typical spouse who expects his wife to attend all the gatherings. I'm glad tat he loves me n accept me for who I am. 

Anyway they are back so I shall stop here for now.. Enjoy yr weekend!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Retinal Detachment : Review

After a mth since I did my operation, I'm here again for a review. I do hope it's the final review although I seriously doubt it as my vision is still blur n I've been seeing a few floaters during this past week.

Nevertheless I'm still thankful for the many things tat has occurred in this short span of 30 days.

From the initial pre-assessment of only having half of my vision for my left eye, to doing an emergency & super traumatic operation on New Year's Eve, and having to rely only on my other senses for the initial few days. I'm thankful to God for his miracle healing. It seem so long ago but its only been a mth when I couldn't even open my two eyes becoz the left eye was so swollen tat it hurt even trying to open the right one.

It was a situation whereby there's nothing much one can do except pray and ask God for protection. It was when I really felt helpless and a time when I could only look to God for peace, for help - complete reliance, just like an infant relied completely on mummy for milk.

Im also thankful for Uncle Pig, his prayers & constant caring tat help speed up the healing process. At the review today, the doctor even mentioned tat it was a test of his love for me. I don't know y he said tat, but it was true. I wouldn't have make it, if not for Uncle Pig.. 他那种无微不至地照顾和爱护,只希望我能赶快康复。我真的深深感受到了,也非常blessed他在我的身边。Actions that may sound trivial but matters so much to me.. Eg, Although it was only required to clean the eye once a day, but it was having so much discharge tat we cleaned it every few hrs, changed the dressing n he made sure the tape was "double-sided" so tat it won't hurt my face with the frequent changing of dressing. When I was well enough to stop putting on the eye patch, I rem asking him why my eye still remained so swollen n red, and I rem his reply vividly " Dear, you have not seen the worse." Indeed. According to him, for the first week after the op, my eye was red swollen and blueblack, very scary. And although the gentle giant was worried n heartbroken, he had to swollen his tears whenever he sees me, for fear tat I will realise how jialat it has become and be overly worried. It's a testimonial of being there for better or worse & how deeply blessed I am to have him as my hubby. =)

After seeing the doctor, he concluded tat I was recovering very very well such tat there was no need to see him again until July! Much as I'm puzzled why he said so, a trip back to my regular optician, Hazel, confirmed this as well. Although my degree will increase by 150 deg n my left vision will be downgraded to 6/9, both felt tat it was already much better than most patients. For this, I'm thankful. The doctor even suggested going to HK since we missed out previously! Haha.. Such a sweet doctor.. Sweet tat he remembered. I've made my new pair of glasses today and so looking forward to wearing them ! Thank God also for Hazel, who was alert n highlighted the problem. She even called me a few days ago, juz to check my recovery process, something beyond her call of duty.

Thank you also to all who prayed for me before, during and after the op. Thank you for all yr prayers and love.

Happy CNY!

During one of my sleepless nights, I went thru some of my past entries and stumbled upon the conversation I had with my Ah-Ma during the last CNY. It was something tat I had almost forgotten, but the main gist was on "不孝有三,无后最大。"

I had told her back then tat we were stopping at one, so as to simplify the "explanation process" on why our #2 and more weren't here yet. So much has changed since a year ago. Not tat I now have a "heir" (actually it didn't matter to me la), but the joy of going to cny gatherings n no longer having to face the pressure n questionings from "helpful" relatives was much greatly appreciated. Ultimately it was still a gift(s) from God and I'm thankful tat we didn't have to wait too long for this 2 precious gifts. I know of some of my closer friends are still trying, and my prayers are with them, tat they too get their deepest desire, in God's timing.

Anyway, during our CNY celebration in Melaka, everyone was pretty excited tat I'm expecting twins. This was bcoz I come from a family with many twins history. Haha... My mom was a twin, my paternal cousin was a twin too n whose wife juz gave birth to a pair of non-identical twins as well! So no one suspected tat mine was from IVF (not tat I would hv hide, if anyone asked.), since I had hereditary history from both sides of my family.

Well, the gd side of it was tt I could seek gd advice from these people, on taking care of multiples. But the bad side of it all, was tat they can be pretty insistent on their way of bringing up the kids too. Almost everyone i met during CNY, seems bewildered tat we r not getting either a confinement nanny or a maid to help us. We also wouldn't have help from either parents as mine are still wkg while my MIL is too old to cope w a newborn. My cousin hired a maid, a confinement nanny and a midwife to take care of his newborns while
It juz seems like we are seeking a route with no returns when we decided to juz rely only on me, uncle pig n joy.

Am I crazy to do this? Did I really think thru carefully before embarking on this decision? It juz seem so scary, esp when u talk to these people. Then why did we decide on this? Torture freaks? Control freaks? Or juz simply crazy? I like to think as having had a confinement nanny during my first delivery, was such a painful experience tat we decided to scrap tat idea altogether. I would hv preferred having a maid, but having one also means tat we tend to b more nuan n leave more things for the maid to do. Eg, if we do hv a maid, we would expect her to clear the table after we finish our meals, tidy the place etc. which currently is done by joy n uncle pig. I would want joy to grow up with initiative n not always relying on a maid or me to wear her clothes for her, tidy her room , and many more. Thats the reason why, despite all the rest we can take w the addition of another helper, we decided not to, at least for now until it really becomes unmanageable. And I'm not saying tat kids who grow up w maids tend to be spoilt, but I do know of some cases where the child really juz sits there n expect the maid/mom to do everything n tt definitely is something I don't wanna see it happening.
. I do find another friend who also had twins and didn't hv help like us coz she was staying in Europe when she delivered. And so far , she's been very assuring and encouraging. Hopefully we will be able to cope by ourselves n I don't end up killing uncle pig. :p

Friday, January 20, 2012

It's pink, Pink & PINK!

Today @ 22 weeks, we went for our detailed scan @ NUH. The scan was to cover basic things like the features of the twins n to check for structural defects like cleft lip, heart murmur n such. It took quite some time as I'm having twins, so the space inside me is kinda limited to squeeze two n hv a decent scan. 

Anyway, the conclusion of the scan is both babies look fine, with no structural anomalies. And yes, we are having 2 more girls in the family. I was pretty delighted during the scan to know this, even though I was a tiny disappointed at the 18th week scan. But during this scan, I was simply satisfied, that God has given me two princesses to take care, to love and im happy with it. =p

My weight, their weight & our weight:
The twins are approximately at 500grams each, which is similar to the size of a singleton and the gynae was happy with it. Even though this means tat I've gained the most for a one mth period so far - 3 kg this mth & 4.5 kg since being pregnant. But as long as the girls are healthy, it's fine. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

(Nite) Toilet Training for Joy

We've started to toilet train Joy for the nights this week. Joy's been toilet trained since she was 2+, ever for her afternoon nap. But she continued to be on diaper when she zz for the nights so tt all of us could hv gd quality zz at night. So unlike her peers who have either scrapped the diaper altogether or hv reduced their pees on the diaper, Joy remains to be very reliant on it at night. 

But the 3 of us agreed tat we will start diaper training once she reaches K1, which is now.. So far it's been quite terrible, with Uncle Pig setting alarm on a 3hrly basis to wake Joy up for her pee breaks. We had wanted to do it on a 4/5 hrly schedule but the first night resulted in us always missing it, and ended wetting the bed when we got up.

Looking at how both of them only getting pockets of zz every night hurts me n there was nothin much I could do. I juz hope tt very soon we will be able to extend the intervals n thus getting more quality zz. 

Saying Goodbye

It's finalized. Today over lunch, Uncle Pig told me tat he's closing the bakery. The initial plans of doing it from home was scrapped becoz he can't find a fridge big enough to keep his cakes. He had sold his 2 - door fridge to his supplier as it couldn't fit into our house. And the initial plan was to trade in the 2-door fridge for a 1-door fridge but the supplier didn't hv any ready stocks and further waiting will juz mean nearer to my EDD. Thereby resulting in the fridge being a white elephant . 

Much as the practical reasons of closing the bakery outweighs opening it, when he finally decided on it, I did feel a bit of sadness n pity. Sadness tat he had to give up his passion, tt he had to sacrifice it for the family, tt he had to say goodbye to this r/s.. 

Nevertheless , whichever decision he makes, I will support him.  

Monday, January 9, 2012

21 weeks update

Yes, it's one of those nights when the Choos have all zzz except me.. Yes yes.. I think it happens to all my pregnancies (actually 2 only) where I can't seem to zzz.. Or at least at nights... So since I can't, might as well do another update on my pregnancy since its been quite a while.

1) Sleeping Patterns
- Like I've mentioned, my zz clock has kinda tilt to another time zone. I kinda am able to fall asleep abt 3plus am, and wake up abt 11am.. And by 2pm, will take another nap.. Then by evening, I will be so super awake.. In fact, I woke up today at 5am and hvnt zz a wink. And i wanna zz at the normal hrs so i waited till Joy's bedtime, which was abt 9plus..Deep zz as at 9pm, which was perfect, but only to wake up at 11pm for a pee break, n ended up feeling super energetic! Arrgh...

2) weight gain
- I've gained 3kg since being pregnant! Sob sob.. N it was only 1kg during the last check up (less than a mth ago)! Need to cut down on durians and Swëët stuff..And suppers!

3) Appetite
- bigger, but still manageable..

4) tummy
- for the first time in Jan, I've really noticed tat I'm pregnant! Prior to this, it juz felt like a bigger tummy due to lack of exercise and such but this few days I've realized tt my tummy is big! Really big! Kinda like due anytime.. Which is not the case! I wonder how I'm gonna survived the 3rd trimester.

5) cravings
- survivable; at least I haven't asked Uncle Pig to drive to Jurong for Nasi lemAk yet!

6) Mood swings
- still jialat.. Not sure if it's due to my pregnancy or the fact tt I'm on MC, thus the day seems longer and thus, more temperamental. Even had a mini fight with Uncle Pig (for reasons I don't rem know already) just a few days ago, after I had promised to treat him better.. Haha.. But he's ever so sweet la..

Okie, brain is sleepy now.. Woohoo! Will try to catch some sleep.. Yeah! Juz rem tat if I hadn't had my retina detachment, we would be at Disneyland now, enjoying the cold weather n buying lotsa toys there.. But anyway, we will be going USS Tom.. N hopefully the weather is gd, n not crowded.. Gd night!