Sunday, December 30, 2007

Re: Back to Dating!

Went out with william yesterday....a day reserved specially only for the 2 of's been a long time since he planned so many surprises for me...i guess ever since joy came along, we didnt really have time of our i was pretty touched and grateful that he made the effort to plan the whole day event with surprises. And thou i was always quite sharp to notice his "surprises", i was completely kept in the dark..hehe...

Surprise #1
The day began with a pump at home before heading for the idea where or wat we watching..then he mentioned tat it's gonna b "the legend" (or someting along tat line)..i was thinking "Oh my god! HOpe it's not tat, coz it's not my kind of fav movies.." It was pretty sweet coz i had to close my eyes as we entered the secretive hubby...and yesh, thank's not the legend...but "Alvin & The CHipmunks!" I've forgotten that i wanna watch this show, guess too busy with so many things...and really thankful abt it..hehe...

Surprise #2
After the movie, we shopped for a while before continuing "the blind tour" again..haha..he said to trust him and close my eyes again. I did! He left that moment felt pretty silly coz i know pple ard me would b thinking wat's wrong w this women!!!? But i followed his instructions...hehe..trusting me...and before i knew it, he came back again and gave mi a soft toy! haha....almost cried when i see it! Realli like pak-tor days when the guy will give sweet gifts to the gal...i'm not sayg tat wiliam forgotten abt all these liaoz..but it's been a long time since i received a soft toy liaoz coz after our wedding, i told him not to get any of such for mi (no more place to store...blah blah)

Surprise #3
Dinner was at Botanic Gardens, at a super high class restuarant call Halia Restaurant...i nearly fainted when i see the prices....tat's part of me..the super practical part...very nice place with gd ambience, gd food n gd feel also..coz it's in the centre of a park....really very very nice...feel so nice to b treated like a princess again...hehe...esp so coz i've changed to the nice nice clothes i've juz bought in e more auntie looking..haha...

After dinner realli dun feel like going back coz it's like going back to reality...where i hv to take care of joy...then at home ugly auntie...anyway, told william tat we shld do this more often....n every friday wil b our pak-tor day! But i need to resist the temptation of fixing appts on that special day of the my hubby n bb....thank god for giving them to me!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Re: My maiden entry

Finally got the chance to start my blog...haha...with uncle pig to help mi kickstart the first entry...will update the details of our bb joy soon! SMuacks!