Thursday, March 28, 2019

Succumb to emotional eating today.. had mee rebus for breakfast, udon for lunch, potato chips at 9pm and OCK curry puff at 11plus (supper). Omg ! I hadn't had so much carbs in a day since dunno when. Mr choo was surprised he caught me munching the chips on our CCTV (coz I had been quite strict on the no food after 8pm rule). I feel so bloated and full now. I know I will face the consequences Tom morning when I weigh. Feeling so guilty and shitty 😫

I told him I was stressed but honestly I aren't sure what I'm stressed about. Haiz.. maybe becoz the period is coming so the hormones are going crazy. Maybe its the time when the period comes that is making things stressful. (It should arrive the day I fly for Norway.. sianz max). Or maybe its bcoz work has been quiet, so quiet that I have a couple of days where I could just stay at home the entire day. And the fact that I will b away for another 9 days is not helping much. Arghh.. as much as I try to be excited about the trip, I can't. It's hard for me to kick start back the engine after each trip. Mayb by the end of all these travelling, I would be left with no one else to meet for work. Mayb it's time to find another job.

*uncle choo just certified that certainly my period is coming soon since I'm so easily irritable now.😫😫😫

Leaning and praying to the Lord that He will make all things right and that He will never put us in any circumstances that is too much for us to handle. Praying for peace and the ability to enjoy the pockets of free time be it with the family or with Him. Praying for wisdom and patience for my work and when I'm with the kids. I love what I do for a living. I love my kids. But I cant always cope with the uncertainties. Praying for complete surrender onto Him and may the Lord guide me and point me to whichever way His will says. - Amen!

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13 NLT

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Picked the twins and uncle choo from their sleepover camp in sch.. went home to pack for the staycation and drop gigi at her pet hotel before finally coming over here.. and thus began our 5D4N staycation with the kids..

*bought the clothes at huahin.. they are so soft to wear

*Dinner @ HRC

Had dinner at uncle choo fav restaurant and we had to wait for 45 mins for a table bcoz I had forgotten to make a reservation. Had taken for granted that it would always be empty but the sch hols kinda mean every eatery here is full.. lol.. but u know he wanna eat there when he offered to let the girls have pop corn and llao llao just so that we could wait for our tables.. oh well.. it's the hols so rules can bend la..

*beginning of sweet treats

*the man and his 3 princesses

And I'm glad that we came here .. hahaha.. the band sang him a song for his bday! So cool! Listened a couple of oldies before he agreed that the music was too loud and we headed back.. 

Brought the girls for slappy cakes in the morning.. mr choo left bcoz he has a wedding lunch today and I was on my own with the girls.. I'm glad I survived..  

*playing tic tac toe

We went to vivo for some shopping, have lunch before coming back to the hotel for a swim. Mr choo only came back abt 6pm. I told him that he could chill with his relatives since we were going for a swim. I know that if it's the past, I would go berserk by 3pm. The judgemental me would start screaming and killing him many times in my but I've changed and for the better, which I'm glad. Joy helped a great part today, in ensuring my sanity. The bath tub helped too..hahahaha.. 放开了,所以开心多了。。。
We had Texas chicken (comfort food!) for dinner and I ko before have been sleeping so early for thr last 2 nights..  

*waiting to enter adventure cove (AC)

Thank God for the beautiful weather today. Coz it was the only day we could go AC. We did lots of rides but becoz the last trip here wasnt too long ago, Joy and grace knew which rides they wanna do and which they would avoid it entirely. My task today was mainly to help them q for some of them so that they could take more. In exchange, joy would do the rides with grace la.. 

*their #1 fav ride - rocket 

*our baby in the family could also take this by herself too..

*she took 7 times of this


We decided to stop by late afternoon coz all of us were exhausted and baked like red lobsters, despite the tonnes of sunblock I lathered on the girls.. 

*ice cream to end the day aka in order for them to agree to leaving the place la..

Dinner followed by more llao went back to the room and all are fast asleep except me.. thus this thankful for the time to spend with my loved ones..  and may God grant us patience and wisdom to continue to love and cherish one another..

* the big and small trumpet had their orchestral the whole of last night making me hard to zzz 😭😭😭

*more sweets!

We went for more swimming the next few days.. the weather has been crazy hot, but its certainly better than rainy.

*@ Sanrio Fun Fest

*the blazing sun

The girls did all the bouncing castles this morning bcoz the q were short. Respect the teens who were the game coordinators. They were patient with the kids and made sure water was sprayed on them to prevent burns if any.

And we had to dip into the pool one last time, before saying goodbye to the hotel and the end of this holiday. Thankful for the beautiful weather and time spend with the kids, to be able to enjoy the sun, sand and sea.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Bkk/ huahin

Went for a 4D3N trip with uncle choo and the people @ infinity. Yeah! Mini-moon again! Thankful for the opportunity to spend some couple time with him.

Overall the trip was fun, food was soooooo good. I honestly think this is the best trip thus far. Although there were some hiccups here and there; eg some colleagues had problem clearing the immigration that we ended waiting for a long time before the bus could move etc.

Lunch in Bangkok on day 1 before we move to Hua Hin...will definitely come to this place again becoz it's the best thai food that I've had for a long time.

Traffic was so bad that it was nightfall by the time we reach the hotel in Huahin.
While waiting to get our hotel keys..

Trying to take a selfie before the group pic..

And who can resist nutella crepe at the night market? Hahahaah.. only took mouthfuls before I shared the calories with my colleagues..hahahaha

 My room comes with a balcony and jacuzzi! Room is soooo huge..  had to soak bath tub every day..hahaha..

Need to take more pics of the nice room and the pretty lady.. hahahaha

Lazing by the pool doing nothing.. shiok!

Farm animals feeding..  similar to khao yai 

Posey Posey 

Santorini park.. 

On the bus when everyone is sleeping except me becoz I dont sleep well during travels.

Taking a break after crazy shopping.. hahaha.. old alrdy.. no longer can chiong shopping like the past.. desserts here were good! 

The trip ended faster than I expected though I was glad to be going home. Grace was having a high fever on the 3rd day of our trip and I felt bad that we weren't around. Well, I'm thankful for mama and joy who jaga the twins. 

Will be bringing my mama to Norway next mth. It's her turn. Praying that I be able to zzz well and b patient towards her. I love her, but sometimes I love my personal space more.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A season of Thanksgiving

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV

February is the month of giving thanks. In fact, I decided that I should do this on a regular basis.

One of the mornings when we had to finish our taka vouchers before it expires. This is the place where we first met on our first date! Think I will b v emo when this place closes down next time..hahaha..

Mr choo took this minutes before sending me to the mrt station. Only decided to wear this at the last minute becoz both he and J felt that this was nicer over the other dress. As a result, he had to do an Express wash for this. After all, the last time I wore this was when I was in the Netherlands, more than 16 yrs ago. Never thought that I would be able to fit in it again. Told J that I felt like a princess that evening who will go back to being a pumpkin the next day..hahahaha

We managed to go for supper together after the awards night coz Joy was in sch camp while the twins were on a cruise with my parents! 我的孩子长大了!终于有我们俩的私人时间。非常感恩!

Twins also enjoyed themselves very much on the cruise, with the many activities on board.

Them in butler uniform

The hubby gave me a new bible last mth too and I only 随口说说我应该 get a physical bible and ta-da! It appeared on the same weekend in church.. small gestures like this melt my heart always.. need to make good use of it..

I did a mini block session during Jan & Feb and I'm proud to say that I'm now 75kg! Praise the Lord! Never have I thought that this would b possible. It feels good.

I insisted on taking a photo with the friendly people at ASW when I was there last mth bcoz I probably will only see them again in May after all the crazy trips. 
#not a sponsored post

Couldn't have been more grateful for God and the people around me for continuously encouraging me. 

It's like a 2nd chance at life, where I no longer eat unhealthily nor eat at late hrs. Back then, my body had accustomed to dinners/suppers at 10pm; which wasnt healthy at all. As much as I tried to change this, every night without fail, I would feel hungry. But since I've started this program and by God's grace, I've rarely ate after 8pm unless really unavoidable.

My heart is filled with the many blessings. Had wanted to post this earlier but I was lazy to transfer the written entry to online..Haha..  I'm still a pretty much dinosaur, preferring to write than blog. 

Thankfulness and looking forward to the upcoming trips. May God grant journey mercy on the trips and may the kids adapt well.