Thursday, October 26, 2017

Coffee session

Dear God, there were so many prayers/ requests I have before I pen this. But once I started writing, I really should thank you for all the blessings I have. Thank you Lord, for all you have given to me: the man, the kids and the career. Was just chatting with a friend over lunch today and it's amazing that despite my childhood, my upbringing, I'm blessed that I don't have marital woes; that You have given me the most suitable man for me. Thank you Lord. Recalling back , there are so many marriages that I thought would last but didn't.  There were so many reasons that mine won't last but it did. And the reason is bcoz of you, my Lord.

Thank you Lord for all that you've done, in protecting me and my household.  Thank you for giving me everything I need. Lord, You know our situation. I pray that You be with me. All the days seem empty and today has been 2-0  so far. Lord, I know the purpose for placing me here. Lord, I pray that You strengthen My Faith, use me to help others , be it in advisory/ relationship/ religion. Use me so that I can be a blessing to others, to guide and help others.

I pray that all will come to know You. In Jesus name I pray, amen!

1 Timothy 4:12New Living Translation (NLT)

12 Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity

Friday, October 20, 2017


While waiting for my appt today, I went back to the initial beginnings of my blog..why I started this blog and how I had hoped thru my blog, others would be blessed and hopefully eventually I would be able to remember about God's blessings upon me..

It was refreshing to re-read some of the posts. And I definitely blogged more in 2011 when I was struggling with IF compared to any other years of my

I always remember this stage of Joy, where she would always always pray together with me and for me, that I would conceive. Such was the (strong) faith of a 3 yr old. Even though there are times that she wished she was an only child, I know that she loves her sisters v much. And today is an example of it. It is "chek-chek" season now..  everything the twins want, they want to do it with their big chek chek. And today Vera actually accidentally fell off my bed and Joy managed to coax her to stop crying within minutes. Lol..

Thankful for God's wonderful blessings to me.. thankful that for every obstacle/challenge that happened, He is always with us, to guide us and to teach us. Thank God for everything

Friday, October 13, 2017

Happy moments

When you need an assurance before you go out on ur own party..hahaha.. 

So thankful for him..its bcoz of him, I get to go out on my own him to the max.. 😙😙😙

#energybooster #ilovemy老公 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

This is the state of my legs now, in real time. 一点都不夸张. This is the result of walking > 12500 steps in a single it's my personal "Olympic " record given the fact that I don't really like to walk. Hahaha..

I wished I could say that the aching legs were because of my deliberate efforts to exercise n be healthy.. hahahah... well, let's just say that there was some irresistible  sale going on such that my kakis and I just simply had to "cheong" for it.. hahahaha.. it was targeted shopping and we all had lotsa fun, helping one another pick out what's suitable and nots. 

This was taken at our final stop..  all super tired but 满载而归的样子。。。I always treasured the times we spend together, bcoz with them, I'm always very comfortable. 不需多说什么就可以了解彼此。很她们在一起是我的荣幸。开心😄😄😄

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Happy children's Day!

We celebrated children's day on Friday.
 Joy had a school "event" at NUS, College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT), and parents are to attend the event with the child. So I kinda kena "volunteered". The plan was this.. me to go with joy for this event while Mr choo brought the twins for a movie and we would meet again for lunch.

To be honest, I wasn't very keen to go to the school event coz it meant seeing a lot of parents and having to small talk with them. It is a dread to talk/social/fit in etc.. so for most of Joy's school activities, William had always been the one volunteering/participating. But Joy had "pre-booked" me weeks earlier and I didn't want to disappoint her. The parents are genuinely nice people, but I just don't seem to be able to last an entire conversation with them.. I also felt that it was kinda too early for her to do a school visit to a university since she still need a couple of years before embarking onto the uni at stage.. certainly it's too early for P4s to go on an open house to a university right? But anyway we went.

The crazy hot weather 

And I was glad we did. Although the struggle of trying to talk / fit in is still real, the objective of the tour was rewarding. It was organized by Prof Tan Lai Yong who wanted to let the students understand the benefits of studying. Not just to get good results for PSLE, but why do we study? It is so that we can improve the lives of others thru our knowledge, to be able to create better ways at enriching the lives of the less privilege ones. Also for the kids to have an outdoor work out , instead of always buried in revisions and homework etc.

The kids had some team building exercises where they were supposed to do task 1 & 2. The instructions were simple: the team wins if the time taken for task 2 was 80% of the time taken for task 1. But as usual, the kids were more concerned about finishing it fast. No one really read/understood that by doing task 1 fast, it meant that completing task 2 within the 80% time would b even more challenging. Prof Tan took the time to explain to the kids (& us) that it's not who finish first that matters but who finish most accurately that matters. And most importantly, PSLE is not the final stop in the kid's lives. It is only one of the many milestones in life.

The kids plus some of the volunteers who took time off to bring us around. 

Such words of wisdom, and timely as well.. it's another affirmation that what we have been guiding our kids about exams , life , responsibilities are on the same direction. It's assuring to hear it from someone who have mentored so many kids and also someone who despite not being a high PSLE achiever, have done so much more over the years. Resilient and grit are the things that we should plant in our kids. Not just achieving well for the national exams. Enpathy and kindness are virtues that I really hope Joy could have(more) of. Allowing the kids to try various skills like baking, gardening, pottery or many others, in their early years, so that they can have fun in their childhood.

The tour ended just before lunch with the kids learning the various plants etc. Overall, I'm glad that we went. 😊

Met the girls and uncle choo at Marche at vivo. It's one of the places where it's price friendly for families and comes with a small playground where the girls could play after their meals.

And they loved taking pictures with the cow each time we are here..