Friday, September 30, 2011

Double Blessings

This morning I woke up , hand on my tummy as thou making sure I can feel the twins in me.. Everything seem so juz seems like y'day when doc told us abt our infertility report, n the procedures tat we have to do.. The medication, the rounds of IUIs tat we did, the many prayers tat our CG n friends prayed n cried together w us, the decision to do IVF, then the many rounds of injections, n now here.. It juz didn't seem possible, unbelievable.. And it juz is pure sweetness. I wake up each day feeling full w sweetness, n thanking God for his blessings.. The period when I was down, esp w the low egg retrieved n the probability that maybe nothing to b transferred, I know God was with us.. And I thank God for his presence, strength n everything made possible.

I had lunch with two of my best friends, J&J, and told them that maybe it was the long wait, maybe it was our age, which made this pregnancy even more treasurable. We started our search for infant care when we knew about our blood test result, pram shopping y'day after the scan, and now I have a mental checklist of the things required to buy/do.. haha.. talk about being kiasu parents... i didnt rem doing all these when i was pregnant with joy..

I also had a practical conversation with uncle pig.. in fact, he initiated it.. maybe he realised that two's a completely different ball game or he doesnt wanna overload me with things.. he has suggested of closing the bakery and operating it from home again.. which is something I had really hope he could do.. considering the fact that joy will be starting pri sch in 2 yrs time, plus the twins.. i really hope that either one of us could be a full time parent, to stay at home and take care of the kids.. anyway, i could see the reluctance in his eyes...of giving up his biz, and I pray that God, you provide a solution for this bah... I don't know what's best for us, but I know God always has plans.. so we shall just surrender it to Him la..

Right now I'm pram & infant seat shopping.. havnt really decided if we should do a twin pram tat comes with those infant seats, or should we just recycle Joy's pram and sling the other one... anyway, the bulky twin pram makes it hard to put itself our car boot too.. haha.. i welcome all pls drop me some..thanks! :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

1st ultrasound

1st ultrasound scan
Finally! The long awaited scan is here.. Couldn't zz well last nite coz was so excited abt it tt I ended up feeling half asleep at the clinic today. Haha.. 
Anyway we prayed tat we will b able to see the heartbeat today which was crucial in today's scan.. At 6weeks 5 days, we could c the foetus, and the faint heartbeat.. But wait! There's another one at the other side, the gynae was saying! Huh?? Two?!! I thought we were expecting a singleton based on the bloodtest previously? Gynae says tat surprises happen at times n now,yes we r expecting twins! Praise the Lord! Can't wait to let Joy know abt it.. Haha.. 
We were so thrilled tat after tt,nothing tt the gynae said seems to register in me.. Both uncle pig n I were filled w emotions tat tears juz swelled in our eyes.. Tears of joy, of course. Everything still seems like a dream come true.. 

Wat I did chk with the gynae was the 3 embryos n if they did made it to b used in the later cycle.. But they weren't gd embryos n kinda stop growing n thus can't b used.. Oh well, tats fine for me too.. At least I didn't hv to face the torment of freezing many of my babies for future use. God knows how many's required n He gave us juz the right no. He shows tat He's in control ALL the time n I can't express fully how I'm amazed at His plans..thank you Lord .. I pray tat U continue to protect the 2 babies in my womb, tat they continue to grow healthily n strongly.. I pray for Yr Guidance in walking the rest of the journey.. Like wat some of my friends say, there's so many things tt we need to do now.. N I pray for guidance n wisdom thru this route.. Thank u Lord!-amen

Thursday, September 22, 2011

On Faith

During my 2ww, I did feel lost, and afraid. Maybe it was due to the long days of having nothing much to do.. especially as the blood test came nearer, feelings of potential disapointment crept in. Uncle Pig found an article for me to read, which I thought would be nice to share it here...

On Faith
Phyllis, a patient who had an extensive pancreatic cancer that was no longer responding to treatment, went home to die. Several months later she returned to the office. One of my partners examined her. He opened the door of the examining room, and called me: " Hey, Bernie, you're interested in this stuff."

I came in and he said, "Her cancer is gone."
"Phyllis," I said, " tell them what happened."
She said, " Oh, you know what happened."
" I know that I know, " I said, "but I'd like the others to know."
Phyllis replied, " I decided to live to be a hundred and leave my troubles to God."

Peace of mind can heal anything. I believe faith is the essence, a simple solution, yet too hard for most people to practice.

Now I felt I had a dilemma: If God's love could cure people, I wondered, why should I remain a surgeon? So I returned to him and said, "God, you know one of my patients got well leaving her troubles to you. Why should I remain a surgeon? Why not just teach people to love?"

And God in his beautiful sweet, melodious voice said to me, " Bernie, render unto the surgeon what is the surgeon's and render unto God what is God's" (I find that God does that a lot - speaks in parables and leaves you totally confused.) Since then I've come to understand that God and I both have a role in getting people well.

Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story I've adapted.

A man with cancer is told by his primary physician he'll be dead in an hour. He runs to the window, looks up at the sky, and says " God, save me." Out of the blue comes that wonderful melodious voice saying, "DOn't worry, my son. I will save you." The man climbs back into bed, feeling reassured.

His physician calls me and I walk in and say, "If I operate in an hour, I can save you"

"No thanks, " says the man, "God will save me."

Then the oncologist, a radiation therapist and a nuritional therapist all tell him, "we can save you"

" I dont need you, God will save me," is his reply to all of them.

In an hour, the man dies. When he gets to heaven, he walks up to God and says, "what happened? u said you'd save me, and here i am dead."

" you dumbbell. I did try to save you. i sent u a surgeon, an oncologist, a radiation therapist and a nutritional therapist."

-- Adapted from Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul , by Bernie S. Siegel

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Blood test part 2

Did my 2nd blood test today n gynae juz called to reconfirm tat everything is in order n based on the level of my Hcg, most likely we are expecting a singleton! Which is quite a gd thing on it's own, considering tat we'll be able to take the hospital ward package, dont need to change a car, pay double of infant care fees, n me forcing uncle pig to quit his biz.. Haha.. So okie la.. Although I thought it would b nice to hv twins, the financial n non-financial commitment will b much harder for us to cope. So I guess God knows what's best for us coz after uncle pig went thru the sums w me y'day , I did a short prayer to God asking him to give us the no. Of kids He think ww could cope comfortably.

Right now, I'm juz simply grateful for all He has done n looking so forward to getting all the things ready when bb arrives! I'm officially pregnant! Yeah!

P/s: I also did a calculation of the total cost for our IVF n I'm happy to say tat the total is less than $14k, minus the $6k u can deduct fr Yr medisave, effectively we spent abt $8k cash in total.. Not too bad considering tat it's fr a private clinic. thank God again for keeping the cost low..

Friday, September 16, 2011

Feelings after >12 hrs

After > 12 hrs of receiving the news, I think both uncle pig n I had trouble falling asleep.. Looking at his FB posting he only zz abt 3am while I woke up suddenly at 330am, simply amazed by wat God has done for us, n super excited to receive our new family member (s) in 9 mths time! 

But before he/she/them come, there r still a few hurdles to clear.. The coming blood test on sat (yes, again! Haiz) to make sure everything is in order, the 6th week scan in 2 weeks time to make sure we hear the heartbeat(s) , and the viability tat the foetus can make it to full term. These are still the many hurdles we need to clear, and I was pretty pissed w uncle pig for his FB posting n declaring it to the whole world. Had really wanted to wait till we cleared the major hurdles before we tell our friends. But I guess he was too excited abt it n his friends were too smart to capture the subtle post.. 

How amazing tat in a span of 4yrs, my attitude towards pregnancy would change so much. When I was preg w joy then, I was filled w resentment, n thought tat it was too early for us to accept another member in the family. I was emo n sad at every stage of my pregnancy - fearful if I had the ability n heart to take care of the little one, sad tt I had to go thru some morning sickness, n feeling tired all the time. I was not aware of what's going to happen to me then. Fast forward n now, it's all feelings of gratefulness, excitement. I'm thankful tat God decide to give us another chance, to love n care for someone else. The timing in His own ways couldn't be any more perfect. We r more ready now, and I know I wanted it too. Uncle pig was so excited tt he started to shortlist names in the afternoon. Talk abt being excited! Haha.. Looking forward to my full blown morning sickness, my first scan, shopping for the little one(s), redecorating the nursery,the first kick(s), changing to more comfy shoes, n many many more!

Lord, we thank you for what U have given to us, and I pray that u continue to protect the foetus in my womb, so that they will continue to grow n develop to full term. Lord, I pray for a gd result for this sat blood test n I pray for Yr divine protection thru this 9mths.  - Amen

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Day....

Gynae juz called.. It's positive! Praise the Lord! Thank u for praying for me! Cried juz now when I received the news. Can't imagine this happening.. Need to do another blood test on sat thou to make sure everything's okie.. Right now I can't breathe at all.. So excited happy! Even asked gynae a dumb qn juz now if he knows it's one or two n uncle pig says tat not impt at all.. Thank you God for answering to our prayers!
Pray tat the baby (s) continue to grow n develop.. Thank you!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Counting down to the last 3 days..

It seem so long but finally everything is coming to an end. In another 3 more days, I will be going to the gynae again for my last ever (I hope) blood test to check on the result. It's as though going for a school examination to know if you have passed it n thus able to move to the next stage or if u have failed n need to discuss the next best way to move on..

To sum it up, the whole journey has been pretty pleasant.. There weren't the horrid side effects tt I've heard, or the emo rollercoasters tt I was afraid abt, or the super painful injections tt come w blue blacks n bruises.. I am thankful tat God protected me from all of those.. Wat I did experienced were a little bit more bloatedness during the 2ww, which was kinda weird coz I Thot the bloatedness shld hv come during the stimulation stage n not now when there's only 2 of them (hopefully) in me.. But the discomfort did cause a small alarm to me.. When I started to feel breathless after a flight of stairs, or when I can't lie down to zz coz I can't breathe. I've learnt to adjust my body n take things really SLOWLY..

But looking at the whole thing, it really is quite okie.. N if I were to choose again, I would still do it..
Would my answer be the same if I knew the result? Yes. I've tried my best, the ways I know to conceive, and if the end result is still the same, I will accept it. It's juz like taking the exam even if you know you only had a limited resources, but you will still sit it, try Yr best n let Him do the rest.

During this period, I've seen also, how Joy grown, to be a mature young adult, and let mummy rest whenever possible. She no longer demands me to go to school with her in the mornings, and she's okie if I stay at home for the whole day, and she even told my mom recently that "we can't go USS now coz mummy can't walk now and need plenty of rest". This warms my heart. God, sometimes when I see her and Uncle Pig, I stand in awe of the blessings you have given them to me! Without them, I'm sure the whole IVF journey would be completely different, and right now, I'm so thankful for these 2 sweet souls in my life. Thank you Lord!

I also pray right now for God to grant us the desire in our hearts n I hope that our friends can pray together for us. I know a couple of u guys have been with us thru the whole journey.. N I'm grateful to all of you.. But I hope that no one ask us now.. let us take our time to keep you updated coz kinda feeling the stress when more n more pple ask.. Nevertheless thank you for Yr love and care showered on us thru this while!

Friday, September 2, 2011


2ww - 2 week wait, where there's nothing much to do, except to wait.. wait to see if the embies managed to attached itself properly, and grow. Of course, I still need to have some medication, but they are mostly tablets, and not injections. It just seem yesterday that I made this impulsive suggestion to Uncle Pig about doing IVF, and right now, we are almost at the end of the cycle. Before the start of the cycle, I was afraid, fearful of how things would turn out, and how would I survive the whole of the journey. But right now, I'm thankful that I went thru it.It really wasn't that hard after all, I mean seriously.. I had thought that it would be ten times more difficult, but I'm glad that I've tried, and God was with us when we went thru this cycle. I know things could only be so easy and smooth sailing, because He was with us all along. And now I need to leave it to God. In his own ways that I might or might not understand, I know He will always want the best for me. - Amen

p/s: trying to rest as much as I can right now and trying to cover my time at home... bored..yes, i'm starting to feel bored...haha

ET (Embryo Transfer) on 1st Sept

After the procedure on mon, gynae called and informed me that there were 7 eggs retrieved from the 8 follicles scanned, which was a huge relief. I had expected a lot lesser, but I'm thankful for the 7 eggs that God has blessed us. Further later, out of the 7 eggs retrieved, 5 managed to be fertilised! Praise the Lord! This is definitely something that I had not expected. I was still jokingly telling Uncle Pig that we might not even have to go to the ET stage coz I didnt think any of the 7 would be fertilised. (Coz I've heard of people who had >10 eggs and yet only 1-2 eggs were fertilized and made it back to the ET stage).  At that moment, I just prayed that God will see us through it all, and regardless if there were 1, 2 or 0 eggs to be transferred, I will leave it to the Lord. It's something that's not in my control but in His control. And when the gynae called to tell me the results and that we are gonna do the ET on thur, I was pleasantly surprised. And I know that all these were only possible because of Him.

Anyway, so we went for the ET on thur. It was much easier and less painful than on Monday. However, what was unpleasant was that I was required to be on complete bed rest till end of the day. So it was pretty inconvenient, cause it also meant peeing on the hospital bed. Yes, peeing on the "pee pan", as explained by the nurse. Although I empited my bladder immediately after the procedure (cause the gynae requested for a FULL bladder at the start of the procedure, so that its easier to transfer the embies properly), I still resorted to using the pee pan, TWICE! Yes, twice.. no choice... coz really drank too much at the start..haha.. it was pretty inconvenient, but the nice nurses at Gleneagles, help to make it less discomfort. =)