Wednesday, March 21, 2012


As the news slowly sink in n I get used to the current new countdown, I started to research on the average twin delivery timing. According to babycenter, the average delivery for twins is only 35 weeks, compared to a singleton which is bet 37-40 weeks.

Hmm.. I muz hv forgotten abt this info when I read it when we first found out we were having twins. Coz I do rem telling my friends that it's common for twins to arrive a mth earlier.. But somewhere throughout the pregnancy, I kinda forgotten abt it and was aiming for a 37/40 week pregnancy. Haha.. I guess that's juz me la.. Blur as usual. Anyway if it's countdown to 35 weeks , then I'm really left w 4 more weeks!!! So exciting! If its to 37 weeks, then it's another 6 weeks time..

Overall, now I really hope that week 35/37 come asap bcoz since the beg of last week, besides the common symptoms that I've been experiencing, I've also started to feel breathless and a serious in ability to zz.

1) Breathless
- in recent days, the breathlessness could b so serious that even having a conversation would leave me gasping for air. I seriously told Uncle Pig that I needed an oxygen tank.

2) Lack of zz
- I think it's somehow related, but bcoz of the breathlessness, every turn on the bed would leave me seriously out of breath or my heart beating so fast that I would juz wake up. It makes sleeping fearful n disruptive .

However, much as I really love to see my twins soonest possible, I'm also praying that they be here in God's timing, that they develop well inside me. Coz the earlier they r out, the higher the chance of having development complications. I guess compared w the two , not being able to zzz seems easier than they coming earlier .

Anyway while I'm still awake in the wee hours, I've also decided to end my wk earlier as scheduled. Would be tying up all the current outstanding issues and stopping wk by 1st week of apr ba.. :p

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Man @ Work

@ 9pm on a Saturday night, my uncle pig decided to start painting the house! Yes, after spending 3 days at a staycation n coming back totally exhausted, he decided that his birthday is over n it's time to get things started.

I wished I could help him but knowing him, he prefers doing it all, his way, his style n at his timing. I have nothing against painting at night, esp since I've gotten a serious flu over the past few days. So seriously, I can't smell a thing! But juz 心疼him that he has so many things to do, at so little time and there's nothing much I can do to help. And truth be told, I do enjoy seeing my man at wk. yes, not the sadist kind, but juz seeing him putting every ounce of his mind n energy n doing something serious, makes him so charming. I juz hope that the painting job will not drag pass midnight so that he have enough time to zzz. We do have a packed schedule every Sunday, plus the fact that I'm still down with flu, means that he has to be the mom and dad of joy, and everything else imaginable.

Looking at him busy bringing joy for swims n rides at the staycation juz makes me ultra guilty also that I'm so useless n unable to help him. Esp when the purpose of the staycation was to celebrate his bday, but I think it ended w him being more "on-duty" and tiring. I'm so blessed that I didn't hv to do a lot of things I don't enjoy doing coz he's here helping. I really shld treat this man much better than I do now. :p

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Week 30 update

I think it's been a long time since I've updated my pregnancy. Everything's juz happening so fast that I didn't hv time to note down the happenings or the details!

Anyway we juz visited the gynae y'day. And I thought it would b gd for me to write down the details since I can't zz after my pee break at 530am.. 

1) Weight Gain
- I've gained a total of 9kg till date (I think) and the babies are weighing approximately 1.3kg each (based on 2 weeks ago)
- not too bad and I'm quite happy w myself too. :) 
- I'm juz praying that I don't suddenly gain an astronomical amt in this last lap. 

2) Gestational Diabetes
- I did a sugar test a couple of weeks ago n I was classified as a borderline diabetic case. There was nothing much required to do, except to watch my diet and cut down on those sugary stuff. 
- its been hard for me coz I can't rem since when my daily fluid intake has always been on sugar fluids. I can skip water for the whole day n rely juz on juices, coffees, n other sinful drinks. But I've been trying. To at least reduce it to one a day, and the rest w water. Yes, pure H2O.
- Hopefully by the next sugar test (next week) things will b better 

3) Baby stuff / nursery 
- we hv kinda gotten most of our things ready, juz that they r all still in their original packaging. The nursery still looks like a storeroom but Uncle Pig says it will b ready by next week. Yes I'm looking forward to that. 
- he will also be doing some light painting in our house, and I'm praying that we have enough time for all these things 

4) Backaches n other ailments
- till date, the pregnancy has been pretty smooth n the only ailment I've been suffering from is backaches, which has been a frequent ailment even before pregnancy. 
- oh N I do hv some stretch marks here n there but it's still okie la.. Lazy mummy who didn't apply consistently 
- swollen feet n leg cramps are seldom n I'm thankful for that . I rem during my last pregnancy, I was always awaken due to the sharp leg cramps but til date; this has only happened once w the twins. 

5) The Date
- at this visit, the gynae also talked abt delivery dates. As predicted by me, he's also saying that based on track record (joy being a 37 week bb); the twins shld b coming latest at week 37 too.. Gasp! He says chances that they come after that is pretty low, esp w the fact that they r approximately the size of 2 singleton pregnancies. 
- he also suggested we fix a date for c-section on 2nd of may, week 37, although he feels that I might even deliver much earlier. 
- I did tell him my preference is for natural delivery which he assured me would b the case, if the twins r in the right position. Coz having twins, he says he has a low threshold for complications b thus prefer things to b less complicated. My PD friend whom worked with him did tell me before that even w twins, he's saw my gynae delivered naturally before n I really shldnt worry too much abt that. 
- okie lor.. Haha.. Juz that 2nd may seems really early. Which means we only hv abt 6 weeks left! Agggh! And I hvnt even cleared half of my wk and i was still hoping to rest- complete rest- during the first week of may. Guess I really need to speed up my wkg process. Stressed! And I've been telling pple that I still hv 8 more weeks left, for the longest time ever.. Blur me..
- Nevertheless, I'm still thankful for what God has blessed us with, the twins, joy , uncle pig n my manageable work .. I'm thankful and amazed by how God works in his own special ways in his timing and so touched by his love for me. Thank you God for all the things made possible. 

Okie I shall stop now coz the zzz monster is here.. Finally! Hope to catch some rest! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An unfortunate incident

Today something unhappy happened. It's disturbing that I don't even know how to start this entry.. Haiz.. 

It started a few days ago when someone commented that there were some malicious comments made on FB by this person abt the mgmt and asked if I was aware.. I was not aware obviously coz I had blocked her from my FB a long time ago bcoz she was constantly complaining abt this n that.. N I juz didn't wanna be caught in that sticky situation of judging her or being affected by her comments.

Anyway, when I was showed the current comments, it was indeed fierce n malicious n targeted at the mgmt. I didn't wanna speculate n did not report to anyone since I figured that not many pple had access to her wall anyway. This was when I was totally wrong. Coz in the next few days, several advisers texted me n asked me wats with it? And this was when I felt I could no longer pretend nothing has happened. If it is a misunderstanding, then it shldnt b firstly aired on FB n secondly it shld b clarified before the thing blows up entirely. 

I told the mgmt abt it n after clarifications, they said it was a small misunderstanding n nothing of such had happened. Although I felt weird that if it was a misunderstanding then the comments shld b removed n such incidences such nv b repeated. But today, another colleague asked me the same thing again n I realized that not only was the comments not removed, there were additional ones! 
I know I shldnt let such things affect me. My intention was nv to bad mouth them but to make sure that whatever happened within mgmt shld remain there n not spread to the common ground leading to people taking sides, esp if it was only a misunderstanding to start w. 

What is more disheartening is that this act was by a Christian couple friend that I know.. I asked God why? Why did things have to be so ugly ? Why do Christians have to do such things? Or God have I done wrong by doing my act too ?A thousand qn but no answers. Like if it was a pure misunderstanding, then y are there sequels to it? Why did they spread such comments on one side n yet ... ? 

God says to be slow in anger and to treat yr neighbour like you. And I'm not angry abt it, although its disappointing? I start to ask if I had failed to c things fr their pt of view since there's always two sides to a coin. I just pray that God you solve this situation, that You give this couple healing, that they overcome the bitterness, that they come out of it a better person. Most importantly God I pray that You give me peace, that You help me forget this whole entire episode, I pray that you salvage the situation and that all it turns out is juz a small misunderstanding .. I pray for forgiveness n peace for all of us, in Jesus name I pray, amen

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

On confinement nannies

Ever since we are expecting twins, one of the popular questions is " Who's gonna do yr confinement for u?" Which I would proudly declare as Uncle Pig coz he knows how to cook all the confinement food I like and he knows how to take care of newborns. Simple answer, case closed. 

Of coz this was unimaginable by some of my friends who felt that it's best to hire professional help, like a confinement nanny so that I don't end up killing him before the end of the 1st mth. haha.. Well, at least for friends, they are still okie.. They will voice their opinion and that's it. But of coz, when yr mum happens to be one of them, then things aren't that simple. 

Almost Every weekend over dinner, she will ask " How are we gonna cope w/0 hiring an auntie?" and sometimes u know that she's asking bcoz she is worried. But on other times, u wished that she juz stopped asking and offer more substantial help ie cooking for me would be ideal.. Or coming by to take care of me or the twins for a few hrs a week would be nice too.. But being her and knowing her, she wouldn't do that. It's a taboo to enter the house of a "uncleanse" mother, who has yet to pass her confinement. I rem during my last confinement, I struggled w my auntie and begged her to let me stay w her for the rest of the mth, which she plainly rejected. It did hurt at that time, and ever since then, William and I kinda depended on ourselves for parenting. 

Anyway during this pregnancy, a lot of friends n relatives are concerned for us, plainly bcoz we are expecting twins and I did contemplate hiring one too. Esp when my friends who recently delivered commented that theirs was gd help. I thought abt giving myself and a new auntie another chance, esp since its been 5 yrs so the trauma has been more or last forgotten. 

Before deciding, i prayed to God.. And I pray that he showed me signs n guide me along bcoz only He knows best - my needs and my shortfalls. And He sure did. Cause immediately after that day, God reminded me of a friend of mine, who had twins and no parental help as she was in NL when she delivered. She married an Ang moh, and they don't hv confinement nannies there. She also didn't hv much help fr either side of her parents. I consulted her and she too felt that it's do-able, esp since she's done it before and also bcoz we weren't first time parents anymore. Bearing that in mind, I really felt more assured and I thank God for everything. 

Then recently, one of my close friends delivered too.. And I called her to check on her too.. N her only complaint was that the auntie was too nagging, bossy and highly irritable.. All her complaints on day 1 after the confinement.. - another gentle reminder that I shldnt juz follow social norms bcoz they might not be the best for me.

The day the air con took a break.. 

In the midst of the pregnancy we decided to do some major Reno to remove some of the original fixtures and made new ones, so that they were not as space consuming but equally gd storage spaces, if not better. 

The original TV console, shoe cabinet made way for a whole new stretch of built in cupboards, covering the entire stretch increase my storage place n made the entire living room bigger. We also removed my walk in wardrobe n replaced it with another built in one, coz I realize that even though it's nice to hv a walk in wardrobe , a simple wardrobe would saves much more space . And indeed it did. 

We also decided to service the air con units n shift one of the units to a more central location at the living room. 

All these done in a span of a few days and I'm thankful to God that we did it bcoz now my house does look much bigger, with cooler air too! 

However today upon returning home, uncle pig informed me news that the air con compressor has broken down! Huh?? But I Thot the pple juz came that day to do servicing? So how? How r we gonna survive tonight w/0 air con, esp when today is a hot hot day? 

Suddenly I realize that air con has become an essential part of my life, more impt than rice or anything else! I can skip rice for days, n I can zz separately fr uncle pig , but I can't zz w/0 my dear a/c! Arrgh! 

It's only when things like that happen u realize the importance of it, n how reliant I've bcome. It has unknowingly become an essential part of me, without me realizing. The only consolation is that this is the first time it happen, in the 6 yrs that we've stayed here n I surely hope that the pple can come tomorrow to solve the prob!

Nevertheless it was an interesting experience coz we activated 6 fans , w Uncle Pig zz in the living room bcoz it's much cooler. He had volunteered to give me that first class sofa but it was pretty uncomfortable so I decided to sweat it out in my room. Haha.. Thus this posting is at 4am, after one of my night pees but I'm too hot to zz further.. Wonder how do pple zz w/0 a/c.. How could they? =p