Saturday, July 12, 2014

Till death do us part ?

10th Jul 2014
A recent lunch date with a close friend revealed that her marriage was having some issues. She had initially hesitated not to let me know coz knowing that I'm an emo - kia,  she feels that I won't be able to cope with it. How true is that . I find it astonishing , not to mention the fact that I had always find her to be a capable wife handling the household , the kids and also her work. It seems to be a happy family ever after kind of thing ..

Maybe there aren't any more happily ever after kind of stories anymore .. maybe infidelity is more common than cancer nowadays.  It seems that it's rarer for spouse to remain truthful and committed to each other tat my fren started to think of reasons why her hubby strayed , the blaming of oneself started. . but one thing was certain - she was calmer and rational than me. Given my personality , I probably will go to the workplace and make a scene.. but she didn't. . She gave the hubby 2 choices. . That they continue to be "Co - partners " in the family, to bring up the kids and separate 20 yrs later. He could continue his activities outside and she wont meddle with it...Or if he wants , they could divorce now..
When she told me all these I was pretty shocked that she could rationalise and think as a businessman. I was sad for her but maybe coz this is not my first divorce story that I've heard , I was calmer too.. though still deeply affected. 

Is fidelity extinct nowadays ? What happened to the marriage vows we took on D - day? For better or worse , till death do us part? I checked the statistics online and based on 2012, the no of divorces were abt 25% of the marriages in that year. . That seems to be quite low considering the stats ard my circle..

I was perturbed and even had a fever when I got back ! Well, praying for all married couples to guard their marriages like a hawk and to always always not take the union for granted. .

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