Saturday, July 12, 2014

My birthday celebration 2014

Had wanted to compose this earlier but bcoz grace was hospitalised almost immediately after my bday, I didn't had the time to blog abt it..
I didn't expect much this year coz we had agreed to a no frills bday celebration a few years ago.. Honestly when one reach the 30s, what's most impt is a companion for life, rather than the material things in the world.. nevertheless I was caught by surprise when he planned a bday surprise , tog with my colleagues. .
We were shopping in the morning at raffles city before leaving for our lunch venue. . I was on blindfold ! Yes, to the lunch place .. yes , and the cute couple shirt? He made me wear it that morning. . Lol.. its nice to c him fuss over me on my special day.. thanking God for giving him and the children to me.. and the wonderful colleagues who took time to come..

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