Friday, July 25, 2014

One of those emo days

Have you ever had days when u wondered why things doesn't seem to be working out for u ? Today is one of those days.. I had a couple of appts and all ended up with a NO .. Some of the appts were a Not yet while one of it was NO..

I'm sad not becoz I failed to close the case and earn my comms. . Of coz I will be worried in that context but today I'm worried coz I failed to convince the client who is a sole breadwinner to get even a term policy to insure himself in the event he meets any mishaps.. I'm disappointed with myself coz he has 2 v young kids.. I wondered if it was bcoz I had not tried hard enough , mayb coz I wasn't desperate enough , mayb I wasn't pushy enough.. Mayb today I was defeated even before he said no.. A lot of maybes.. One of the times when I'm not sure if letting him have his way was the right thing for him .. what if things didn't happened as planned ?

One of those days whereby I felt that I failed as a consultant to help others .. One of those days when I can only pray and rely on God that He knows best for everyone .. and that I tried my best , my very best to do what I felt right for my clients .. that is my philosophy fr day one.. to be a financial adviser to help others. .

God , I know You place me here for a purpose .. I pray that You give me the wisdom and words to speak to my clients and the people I meet . I pray that You help me guide them, I pray also that You guard my heart , that it remain truthful and committed in serving You. I pray that You guide me in all ways Lord,  in Jesus name I pray , amen !

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
- Psalms 139 23-24

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