Sunday, July 20, 2014

On the lesson of telling lies

Ever since joy entered primary 1 , I've caught her telling lies on 3 separate occasions . It was hard breaking when it happened the 1st time , and it was over something very trivial.. We went thru the scoldings and canings too and still the lying didn't stop ..

Today was the 3rd time it happened and it was a back to back lying incident. . I saw her using a different 2B pencil compared to the ones we bought and upon asking her , she said that it was a gift fr a fren.. Further investigation found out that it was something she picked up at her sch " Lost & Found " section .. next I found a packet of sweets in her bag and this same packet actually belonged to a friend of mine who came over last week.. when I asked her who gave her the sweets , she say her friend again. . This time I totally lost it. . Both of us totally lost it. .

I was devastated , by how well she can tell lies one after another. . She was in a break out saying that she no longer loves me , wanna leave this place , blah blah blah. . It's heart wreaking when this comes from my firstborn , the one I pride myself as giving the most attention to in her first 5 years and even till now.. The one I pride myself as always being there for her everything , the one I pride myself never to even use iPhone or its kind for any kind of parenting. .

Coming fr my own background where caning is always the only solution , I know that i can't use the same approach any more . I'm learning yet whenever I seem to have advanced 2 steps ahead , an incident like this always sets me back to ground zero. Who is this girl that I thought I know?

Praying that God give me the wisdom and a lot of patience to guide the girls. .

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