Saturday, March 17, 2012

Week 30 update

I think it's been a long time since I've updated my pregnancy. Everything's juz happening so fast that I didn't hv time to note down the happenings or the details!

Anyway we juz visited the gynae y'day. And I thought it would b gd for me to write down the details since I can't zz after my pee break at 530am.. 

1) Weight Gain
- I've gained a total of 9kg till date (I think) and the babies are weighing approximately 1.3kg each (based on 2 weeks ago)
- not too bad and I'm quite happy w myself too. :) 
- I'm juz praying that I don't suddenly gain an astronomical amt in this last lap. 

2) Gestational Diabetes
- I did a sugar test a couple of weeks ago n I was classified as a borderline diabetic case. There was nothing much required to do, except to watch my diet and cut down on those sugary stuff. 
- its been hard for me coz I can't rem since when my daily fluid intake has always been on sugar fluids. I can skip water for the whole day n rely juz on juices, coffees, n other sinful drinks. But I've been trying. To at least reduce it to one a day, and the rest w water. Yes, pure H2O.
- Hopefully by the next sugar test (next week) things will b better 

3) Baby stuff / nursery 
- we hv kinda gotten most of our things ready, juz that they r all still in their original packaging. The nursery still looks like a storeroom but Uncle Pig says it will b ready by next week. Yes I'm looking forward to that. 
- he will also be doing some light painting in our house, and I'm praying that we have enough time for all these things 

4) Backaches n other ailments
- till date, the pregnancy has been pretty smooth n the only ailment I've been suffering from is backaches, which has been a frequent ailment even before pregnancy. 
- oh N I do hv some stretch marks here n there but it's still okie la.. Lazy mummy who didn't apply consistently 
- swollen feet n leg cramps are seldom n I'm thankful for that . I rem during my last pregnancy, I was always awaken due to the sharp leg cramps but til date; this has only happened once w the twins. 

5) The Date
- at this visit, the gynae also talked abt delivery dates. As predicted by me, he's also saying that based on track record (joy being a 37 week bb); the twins shld b coming latest at week 37 too.. Gasp! He says chances that they come after that is pretty low, esp w the fact that they r approximately the size of 2 singleton pregnancies. 
- he also suggested we fix a date for c-section on 2nd of may, week 37, although he feels that I might even deliver much earlier. 
- I did tell him my preference is for natural delivery which he assured me would b the case, if the twins r in the right position. Coz having twins, he says he has a low threshold for complications b thus prefer things to b less complicated. My PD friend whom worked with him did tell me before that even w twins, he's saw my gynae delivered naturally before n I really shldnt worry too much abt that. 
- okie lor.. Haha.. Juz that 2nd may seems really early. Which means we only hv abt 6 weeks left! Agggh! And I hvnt even cleared half of my wk and i was still hoping to rest- complete rest- during the first week of may. Guess I really need to speed up my wkg process. Stressed! And I've been telling pple that I still hv 8 more weeks left, for the longest time ever.. Blur me..
- Nevertheless, I'm still thankful for what God has blessed us with, the twins, joy , uncle pig n my manageable work .. I'm thankful and amazed by how God works in his own special ways in his timing and so touched by his love for me. Thank you God for all the things made possible. 

Okie I shall stop now coz the zzz monster is here.. Finally! Hope to catch some rest! 

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