Friday, February 3, 2012

Home alone on a Friday night

Home alone on a Friday night. Uncle Pig brought joy to one of his long time friends gathering. I can't rem when was the last time I spent fri night home alone. Before he closed his shop, fri nights used to be the nights when I had to pick Joy from sch n make her zz while he does his last min baking for his weekend orders. It was mostly a time when I arranged gatherings so tat Joy will b kept occupied. 

It was pretty shiok to reach home at 7pm alone. I had the freedom to do the things based on my own time, my own way n my own routine. There was no need to rush home to make joy zz, or surrender the tv to let hot catch her fav cartoons . I was the king of the house for tonight! Yeah! 

Of course, after catching my fav drama n reading papers at my leisure time, by 10plus, I had run out of things to do. Haha.. Tired n sleepy n maybe I shan't wait up for them. Maybe I shld hv gone for the gathering, since all of his friends brought their spouses along. Pity him, he had to bring his daughter along bcoz his wife was kinda anti-social. Haha.. And much as I'm bored now, I think if I were to choose again, I would still prefer "Me time" @ home vs "vase @ social gathering". Kinda critical but thats me & I don't know when it starts to change (maybe with age?) but I juz dread striking new conversations w new pple or maybe shallow topics at acquaintances gathering. And I'm blessed in the sense tat Uncle Pig never pressurized me to attend his friends / relatives gathering and neither would I do so. We had choices. 😊 And sometimes I feel tat he does enjoy his gatherings better when I'm not with him. Coz w me by his side, it's comparing to bringing another infant to the meet up. On Good Days, I would start playing w my hp or signaling him to go home almost immed after i finish my food. On worse days, I start to rebute the childish comments made by his friends, which can be pretty awkward. Haha.. Guess I'm a spoilt child but socializing with not -impt pple is really not my forte. I'm glad tat Uncle Pig is not a typical spouse who expects his wife to attend all the gatherings. I'm glad tat he loves me n accept me for who I am. 

Anyway they are back so I shall stop here for now.. Enjoy yr weekend!

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