Saturday, April 7, 2012

Week 33 Update

At 230am, my Zz monster is still not here yet so decided to do a post. At week 33, the gynae says that hopefully we hv another 3 -4 weeks left and he feels that looking at the size of the twins, we do hv a chance of lasting till week 36, which would be better for the gals too..

1) My weight
- Haiz.. It's a big jump ah.. Haha.. I've gained abt 14 kg since  being pregnant.. Not sure how heavy the gals r now coz we didn't do a scan today.
2) Sleep
- sleep for the past week has been gd. Generally I wake up abt twice / night but that's already quite gd compared to waking up every hr. But it's also starting to be more difficult as I become heavier. Even a simple turn on the bed is kinda painful and I wonder how I'm gonna take it for another 3 more weeks.

3) Preparations
- this is like the 2nd most frequent qn asked: "are u prepared?"
- well, technically, we are prepared. Much prepared this time round then the first time. All the things that's required has been prepared, washed, n placed in their rightful positions. I can't think of another thing that I hvnt bought that's essential.. But having said that, one can nv be over prepared right? I'm sure when the gals arrive, we definitely will reach a stage of feeling lost, tired n stress.. But that will b another entry on its own..

4) My thoughts
- the wait has been so long that right now, it juz feels like a dream. Sometimes I will feel stressed abt it, if something really bad will happen to the gals before D-day . Sometimes I will be fearful n wonder if we really know wat we are getting ourselves into. After all, Joy's been an extremely easy baby n she's been on auto pilot mode for a long time. Did all three of us know wat we are in for? On other days, I will stand in awe of God's goodness that He has chosen us to be the parents of these two girls, that He has chosen to bless us, not one but two additions in the family. How amazing is that!

5) swollen feet
- From the start of week 31, my feet has started to swell, so much that I'm tempted to use a needle to poke thru it to see if it will ooze out any liquids . Haha.. But I'm thankful that i had 30 weeks of normal feet. I remember during my first pregnancy, the swollen feet kinda stick to me pretty early in the pregnancy. Hopefully they don't swell any further.

6) Leg cramps
- I think this is pretty common for most preggies and I too had my fair share of extreme leg cramps when I had joy. However, for this pregnancy, I've so far only had it once, n it was manageable. Another thankful plus. 

7) appetite
- my appetite has started to increase! Haha.. I feel like I can eat a cow for lunch, n maybe a deer for tea and something for dinner n supper! Yes, it's a lot.. I know.. But at least I've managed to hv a normal diet at least for the past 30 weeks and thus the relatively okie weight gain up till week 30. Well, I've only another few weeks left so juz let me eat n indulge for a while.. Haha.. 

8) Photography
- we did our maternity cum family photo! Yes!  Coz the last time we wanted to do it on the scheduled date n Joy juz popped a day earlier. Well, now we finally have another chance at it, and joy's 5 yrs old now. How fast time flies! Overall, I think the experience was very good and all three of us had a lot of fun!

9) On Buffets
- this has been eliminated from my meals till 2nd may becoz primarily we hope that the twins stay inside me as long as possible so that they can grow as much possible. Joy did popped out prematurely after a buffet dinner and we didn't want a repeat of that again. But we will be going for a buffet dinner scheduled on 2nd may because my c-sec date is on 3rd may anyway and this is my last chance to try natural.. Haha.. C how then la... 

10) Mobility
- very low primarily bcoz of my swollen feet n the pelvic pain from the pregnancy. Right now, every distance is minimized n most of the time I'll be waiting in the car while Joy & daddy shops around.

11) Work
- I should be meeting my last few appts this week! Yeah! N hopefully after that I can do some couple time with Uncle Pig.. Hehe.. 

Think that's all for now la.. 

P/s: right now we are also praying that the start of my delivery would be after we drop Joy in school rather than at night as if it were at night, we would hv a problem to find someone to look after her. Pls pray for us too, thanks!

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