Thursday, March 22, 2018

What an eventful night..

Have been driving non stop for the last 2.5hrs.. appt at bkt panjang ended at 9pm and headed home..  was pretty happy that it was a chop chop appt n i probably could still see the girls if the traffic was good..

Went up bke..and the next thing I knew, I was at the wdl customs viaduct stuck in a super bad jam with hundreds of motorists. I hadn't switched on the gps coz I thought it was one of the routes I didn't need to. I had after all stayed at BP for >6yrs before moving to SK.. I knew it was BKE>SLE>TPE .. what I didn't know was I should exit when I see CTE.. bcoz CTE >SLE.. haiz.. when I realize my booboo, I had alrdy passed the woodland ave exit and on my left, cars were jam to the brim and the signs read causeway.. I decided to go up the viaduct..tjinking it would lead me to any one of the expressway. I was wrong again. There, hundreds of motorists were jam packed the 2 lanes (though it clearly wrote motor cycle in 1 lane and car on the other). I was stuck. Really stuck.  And the motorists all seem like ants crowding on food. If i went an inch closer to make way, even more would come from behind to fill up the gap.  I wanted to cry.  Wanted to just drop the car there and walk home. No one gave way. There must be thousands of motorists and all are neck to neck.. I prayed to God hoping that He would send superman or iron man who could just carry me and the car back home. Of coz this didn't happen. I prayed that God help protect me and the car thru the journey. I wasn't an experienced driver and this isn't something I've done before.

I probably was stuck on the viaduct for an hr before there were proper dividers to separate the 2 lanes and I was finally not touching the motorists. My mind kept thinking that there definitely would b a u-turn sign ahead and before I knew it, I was at the immigration. Omg ! I'm really chopping my passport. Told the officer abt my booboo and asked if there would b a legal u-turn ahead. He called and check. The answer was no. I had to go to JB and chop and come back again..he said i could also pump some petrol before coming back..I was thankful I had my passport (coz it's always in the car) but probably tat was why his answer was no...haiz.. anyway I continued my (mis)adventure.

There was little jam at jb and even before reaching the jb custom, I was still hoping to find a gap or detour or something. I also thought of just illegally making a u turn but I scare the car can't tahan the kerb.

Finally chopped at the jb side.. but I still couldn't find my u-turn.. and not long after i was up on a super long and quiet highway..  ahhh!! Where am I going and what have I Done!? Why didn't I switch on my gps after my appt !?? Would I end up in melaka before I knew it? By now my hp had no more data more internet..

I probably travelled for another 20 mins or eternity before the highway finally had an exit. I just took it and did a u turn.. and there , the petrol station. All right. Pump. Better make my time worth (slightly). Did consider getting my magnum as I'm coughing mad now.. better not..

Saw the sign saying wdl and I followed.. jam this time again.. both the jb one and a jialat sg one..  haiz.. by the time I chop both side, it was 11pm...2 hrs . . Then took my bke >sle > tpe.. Wanted to kiss the floor when I reached home.

William came me a hug. He asked if I was hungry.. I must have felt like a kid crying after a fall..i felt lousy but was glad that I was finally home.

I was glad that nothing bad happened to me or the car. I did witness a car/motorist accident right after i chop the sg custom on the way back.

Kept telling myself that I need to drive carefully bcoz it's going to b tricky if I hit any one or anything.

Probably not going to drive for a while.. cox I'm too tired and stressed out by all these driving..

#mistakesonlyLENAmake #misadventure #nomoredriving #马路白痴


kiss my lips said...

no lor pls dont say mistake only lena make. from wat i know, lena lena has a good driver reputation.. i wld hv made the same mistake n i ii will also wanna cry. thnk god u n car is fine!

Lena said...

Hahahah... yes my only consolation is that car and me were fine..hahaha..