Sunday, March 4, 2018


I did my first night swim today, while the girls were clued to the Chingay telecast on TV.

I had gained 3 kg since the start of the yr.. argh. .( Kinda obvious from my photos) And thus needed to go back to my exercise regime. The thing abt exercising / swimming is this , before u start, there would b a thousand and one reasons why you shouldn't and don't feel like doing. But once u completed it, you feel good abt it. This happens to me all the time. . Lol..

And being someone who has PCOS also meant that one is more prone to weight gain, insulin resistant and thus diabetics. N being an emotional eater certainly didn't help.  Haha.. (I eat a lot when I'm emo.. I eat a lot more when I'm happy.. )

Anyway I'm glad I did it.. gotten do it more diligently. I need to be healthy so that I have the energy to be with my girls, to grow old with mr Choo, and enjoy our time together..

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