Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Feeling not that good after a photo shoot.. didn't bring a black jacket for the shoot coz I was only told abt it the night before..  I had long outgrown my jackets and it's tough to find something that's my size and flattering..  haiz.. I brought my white one and in the end , was told to borrow from a guy colleague which I could barely fit. 

Felt terrible abt that..  people must have thought I'm trying to b outstanding by not adhering to the dress code..

I did rush to a shop I frequent to see if I could find anything suitable but they had stop selling suits.. 

Note to self.. either invest in one or just potang the next shoot..

This is too hurting to my soul.. 😔


kiss my lips said...

whats wrong w a white suit?

Lena said...

Coz everyone was wearing a black one lo.. so I look different.. and why aren't u there ah !? Next yr I also potang

kiss my lips said...

i dont like such events... stayed home with my son hahaha