Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Through my line of work , I've had clients who became my friends after a while .. And right now I juz wanna pray for this couple and their child, charlene. At birth, Charlene is borned with a rare brain disorder n thus began the route of beating the odds ahead of them. I went to reread their blog again from Day 01. And indeed God has been gracious and God is good. Charlene has battled so many milestones that we normal people might have taken for granted , but each milestone is a battle worth fighting for and we rejoice at each milestone. 

Time flies and Charlene is coming to 4 yrs old. (A miracle on its own.) And right now, from my understanding, Charlene is fighting for the battle to survive . Yes , she is sick, very sick and the doctors have said Tt her lungs and heart have lost its functions and its only a matter of time ...

As a Christian , I know this is not the end and we shld rejoice as the child will see The Lord soon. But as a mother, my heart goes out to the family. It's not easy to let go. It's not easy to simply decide not to let the doctors intervene anymore and carry the child in yr hands when the next time her heart stops.  Even for me, a stranger who only sees them once or twice a year , is finding it hard to accept. I feel so hopeless when there's nothing much I could do to help. 

Lord, there's nothing I can do but I juz wanna pray for this family . I pray that the parents will be comforted, they will have peace in their hearts. Lord, I want to believe that everything happens for a reason and is part of ur plan. And though we do not understd y certain things happen, we want to believe that it is for the best of our interests. U r our Father in Heaven, and what U says we have to obey. Lord, I pray also, that U remove Charlene's sufferings. As an infant, she's been through more trials than her peers . Right now, God, I pray that You remove the sufferings. God, I pray that You carry the parents in walking through this valley. It has been a difficult and long journey and this period is the toughest . I pray that You comfort this family, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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