Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy 1 year old!

- Drafted on 27th Apr 2013-

Lying down on my bed half naked and breast feeding grace, and staring at party balloons, I know I am 幸福的。The girls are finally one today and in a couple of hrs time, we are gonna celebrate with some friends , have a small party and relax. 

365 days since they came into our world and its a huge milestone in my life, if not the Choos. I never quite imagine life taking care of twins although I did blog/believe/say that I'm gonna have a pair of twins even before I was ever pregnant (bcoz of my mom being a twin herself ) but after having a pair myself, I often wonder why God gave me! Hahahahaha.. My God must be thinking why is it so hard to satisfy humans? Didn't I juz ordered a pair of twins and didn't He juz delivered his promise? After having twins, I kept wondering if only I had a child one at a time, then mayb we could have 4 kids in total. Or maybe we would be able to manage our time better with each and every single one of them. But bcoz the twins really exhausted all our means (esp when we can't rely on either set of grandparents for much help), we decided that this is it. 3 kids and I've completely my national commitment . Mayb God has plans for us that I can't see now la.. But I am still grateful for him for what he has done for us, for bringing me to the valleys and to teaching me to lean on him in all situations , to trusting him in all. Yes I'm grateful for all. It's when one has reached the valley before he starts to appreciate the scenery at the mountains., (chim hor)

At this moment, I'm grateful and happy and satisfied. And I wanna pray for all my friends who's going thru their struggles right now, be it infertility , work or r/s, I juz wanna assure you that God is with You and His promise is real . I pray that soon you will be able to ride thru the valleys, that whatever seem the world to u now will soon come to pass, that You trust God in yr walk with Him, and may He guides yr passage walk. In Jesus name I pray , amen!

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