Thursday, May 9, 2013


- Drafted on 28th Apr 2013-
The party came and left. The twins are offfically 366 days old. Guess everyone was exhausted from the party coz everyone zz before 10pm! Haha.. 
I thought my party was a small scale one but it still seem pretty hectic ! Perhaps we shld juz do a family only party next yr ba. 
It juz seem yday when the same grp of pple came for the baby shower and now there's the 1 yr old party ! God is good and gracious to me. Today joy asked the meaning of names; mine, daddy's and her sisters.

Joy: Used in the Middle Ages, and made popular in the 17th century under the influence of the Puritans, to whom being "joyful in the Lord" was an important duty. In modern times, it generally signifies the parents' joy in their new-born child, or with the intention of wishing her a happy life. 

Grace:  It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Grace is "favor; blessing.

Vera : It is of Russian and Slavic origin, and the meaning of Vera is "faith". 

I googled the definitions in order to answer Joy's question and how true and how apt their names were for them. We named our firstborn Joy, because we were delighted of the new addition to our family, she was God's gift to us and also the key to us coming back to The Lord. 

Grace and Vera were named because I wanted to remember God's grace on us, esp during our struggles with infertility and how hard we tried during that period of time. And it was only through Faith that we were blessed with the twins which we never thought would b possible. Vera is also a challenging one, and I personally have to remind myself that she is God's gift to us and to have faith in what God has install for us thru this child.

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