Monday, January 21, 2013

To stop or not

- Drafted on 13th Jan 2013-

Recently the thought of stopping breast feeding has been lingering on my mind. Two weeks ago When the kids had fallen sick n having even 6hrs of zz was a dream, it became a strong thought. I've decided to list down to prevent this post become a long winded entry .

Pros of weaning:
1) 母牛的日子已经九个月了
2) tired of pumping every 3 hrly
3) wean Grace off the breast so Tt:
- she won't keep waking up middle of night to latch
- she wont end up perpetually on my bed.
- so that daddy can do night closing/feeds.
4) more attention/time can b spent on the kids instead with the pump
5) fatigue

1) increases their immunity. Grace was actually not sick coz she's still on BM but Vera caught the bug fr joy
2) I do enjoy nursing Grace even though it could b 3am .
3) ticket to snacking
4) dwindling supply makes pumping pointless but prolong periods could worsen situation.

I did prolong the pumping periods when the girls were sick coz I was really tired n determined to stop it. However I'm having second thoughts now Tt a helper can come, plus the sick days r almost over.( though I'm still v sick). I'm afraid of regretting my decision once it stops completely. I know I regretted It during joy era even though that was a much easier decision as I only pumped exclusively back then. Now it involves Grace.. Ahhhh! I know it's exaggerating n most likely she won't remember it but I do enjoy the attention now. Haha.. I like babies.. Esp before one yr old when their world revolves only us.. Haha.. Simple .

Daddy's gonna start the sleep training for grace today. I hope I can tahan the long night. God be with me and guide me in making the right decision for your children: in Jesus name I pray amen !