Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy 8.5mths

- Drafted on 7th Jan 2013
Time flew past especially fast over the past few weeks that I missed out a post for their 7mth! Haha.. N lazy mummy is too tired to do a backdate. This shall be a short post too, in view that they r still in the midst of being sick and mummy is juz "stealing" some time while making them zzz.. 
1) movements 
Grace has now mastered crawling and she can move everywhere as long as she's motivated to do so. She has also mastered sitting up from a crawling position. Lastly, she has started to try standing up by relying on support. 
Vera, my dear princess, on the other hand also has several milestones. She has learned to flip and also started crawling backwards .
2) Feeding Solids
Ideallythey will have 2 meals everyday, with a cereal at about 10/11 am and a porridge at 4/5pm. However, sometimes when we go out, we missed out a meal or sometimes uncle pig is too tired then we will feed a bottle of baby food instead. It works fine, and we are pretty flexible with either too.. As long as it s to our convenience.
3) Milk
- their milk feeds continue to be volatile and I've grown to be immune to it. I was hoping that they eat more, so that the milk intake is not a concern. But sometimes they can eat juz a meal and hv a bottle of milk shared between both sisters. (Talk about dieting!)
3) Appetite
- Vera is a darling when it comes to feeding. She's not fussy with food and she eats everything and anything that we give her. 
- Grace on the other hand is a very fussy eater. She only eats some food and u can really tell when she doesn't want anymore. Coz she will keep her mouth shut or she will simply look everywhere else except at u. 
4) Sleeping pattern
- Vera has been fully trained by Uncle Pig. She will drink her last feed at her cot at 6pm and zz till abt 1am when she will ask for another bottle. But even that is done in her cot and she will zz on her own after Tt. 
- Grace needs mummy to b closed. Haiz.. At 6pm, she wants me to hold her bottle, and she will drink on my bed. Halfway through, she will want to latch, and eventually she will zz .. But bcoz she latches, she will wake up more frequently and basically all her night feedings hv to b latched coz she refuses to drink fr the bottle. So on some nights she will end up zz on my bed because of the frequent feedings. On good nights she will only wake up at 1am, followed by 6am. Seriously trying to wean her off.. Haha.. Love hate r/s

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