Monday, January 7, 2013

Crazy Weekend

It's been a while since the thought of getting a helping comes back so strongly again. This happens again this week, when Joy and Vera are down w flu.. It's especially difficult for Vera as she gets more cranky and demanding. Joy is bigger and thus she's pretty much okie with it.

Oh, and Uncle Pig is down with an eye infection. It's why pple say it never rains but storms. Everytime whenever the kids or he fall sick, things always seem so impossible to carry on. It's always at this moment I ask God, " why?" The many Ys in my head like " Why did we have twins?" Or "why didn't we have steady grandparents to help?" Or " why wasn't I more capable so that I can help in the chores?" Or " why am I always so tired?" The many many whys ...

I always feel bad whenever Uncle Pig only has 3 hrs of zz or lesser.. And this time even though battling an eye infection, he also had to take care of poor Vera.. He says the only thing I can do is to zz so that I can cover the days but even daytime sometimes its hard to take care of two.. Esp w Grace crawling everywhere. Today I counted the no. Of bumps on her head. There were 3 in total; and the latest one was because she fell down fr my bed while I was trying to calm a wailing Vera.. Haiz.. Why didn't God give us 8 hands so that I can carry the 3 kids to prevent them fr falling down or killing each other? I know it sounds exaggerating but today these was a moment when all 3 cried, when Grace wanted to kiss Joy but ending up knocking her teeth thus hurting Joy n herself. Vera is the constant crying baby . At that moment , I was too tired to cry. I only prayed for 8 hands so that I could hug all of them.

Now looking forward and praying that God sent some help soon.. Yes, we've decided to get a helper last week though I was still half hearted but after today, I think yes, we need one la.. So that the housework can b done magically , so that there's a 1:1 adult to child ratio when required, and also so that Uncle pig can really fall sick.

Lord , right now we wanna pray that You sent us the right helper for us, that she be willing to stay in our family, that she will serve more as a help rather than hindrance. Lord I also want to pray that despite the additional help we are getting, we will continue to be hands on with the kids, and that we will be able to teach the kids (esp Joy) to take up some of the housework . Oh and we wanna pray that You heal the sick soon! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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