Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fun Outing!

Went out with one of my ex-colleague, Yp n her girl today's nice to skip work at times n bring joy out for fun .. Pure fun.. Usually her routine encompasses stayin in sch till 5plus n when we hv dinner, shower her, it will near her bedtime . I'm glad tat I mAnage to bring her out on my own, without hubz coz usually I'll b so reliant on him tat I won't dare to do tat..
While driving home, yp commented tt it's amazing tt even though I don't work on wed n e weekends, why is it possible that i continue to be one of the top producers.. Which got me thinking.. Shes probably right.. I rarely need to worry abt my sales goal coz God has always been providing .. Juz y'day one of my client called me requsting for a review coz he would want to increase his mthly contribution.. It's always incidents like these where God drop cases that provide for us..
In addition, unlike some of my gd friends, I'm blessed w a relatively easy mother-in law.. While some of theirs r really Monster-in-lawsl!!! Pondering on this I realize tat my life has always been so blessed!! Instead of focusing on the small obstacle/depressing part of my life, I shld focus on the BIGGER blessings in mine... A doting hubby, an easy child, mil, easy career..
Lord I will remember the purpose u hv planted in me, I juz pray tat u give me the wisdom to use the right words to say the right things so tat they will know more abt u n tat they will knw tat it's only thru U tat all things are possible.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

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