Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2

we've been here for more than 2 days already n I muz say this is one of the better traveling trips tat I've been w William since I've known him.. Haha.. Maybe bcoz this is a package tour so we didn't need to make any decisions; there would b no waiting time coz the bus would always b waiting for us outside; no need to search for reatuarants during mealtimes coz food would always be waiting for us on the table.. It's as though God planned this wonderful trip for us! 
Joy also enjoyed herself very much coz she got to spend time w her ah-ma & ah-gong.. It's been at least 20 yrs since I last travelled w my parents on a package tour.. N they hv aged alot.. It would b nice to travel w them every Yr at least to spend some time w them ba.. I rem tat the criteria for them to bring us on a trip was to complete a travel report each time we came back w them, maybe tats y i've also gotten used to blogging abt it.. Haha
Tomorrow breakfast would be abalone porridge which according to the guide is a must eat in Jeju island, followed by flight back to Seoul to the ski resort. Hopefully we get to c snow n the weather won't b too cold. Joy's looking forward to making snowman n it's only possible if it's freshly snowed snow,according to the guide.. Haha..
Thank God for everything made possible for the trip! 

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