Thursday, August 1, 2024

Intentional Coincidences

It’s hard to give thanks when there are struggles. And this few days have been a tough week for us, for William especially. My hero, my CEO, is struggling. Bcoz of his childhood oppression and lack of communication with his family. Anyway I don’t wanna talk too much into that. Coz it’s his private space. I will hold the fort for him for now, while he takes his time to rest and reconcile and recalibrate. 

God works intentionally and I know I haven’t been forgotten. Yesterday I had a good-lunch appt with my client. It wasn’t so much of work work but we shared a lot of deep honest conversations. She’s contemplating quitting and joining me as an adviser. But the risk of quitting and leaving a comfortable paycheck to a zero baseline is high. I understand and see the huge leap of faith needed. And I shared with her, that should she come on board, we will work towards what she wants, her goals. I didn’t go salesmanship coz honestly I’m stressed too! If someone joins me, and trust me, and I end up not helping her reach her goals. I told her that too. Sometimes I think I think too much.. hahaha.. I know, and I can’t help it. 

Right after we parted, I bumped into a colleague who was heading the same direction. She’s a manager and once a while, I’ve mentored her on various occasions. Was sharing with her how unsure I am, if I could be able to help others on this journey. She smiled, and shared how many times it’s my easy to understand concepts that helped her, which honestly I don’t remember. Was nice talking to her and we arranged to meet next week for me to go thru her work. 

As I jumped from one train to the next train, I saw my another director! What are the odds that I’m going to have all these conversations all the way from lunch to home!? I believe God planted them because I needed assurance, I needed someone to tell me to wake up from my idea.. that if I wanted to help others, as long as my heart is willing, God will provide whatever it’s necessary. Thank you God!

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