Monday, March 28, 2022

A day of thanksgiving

I look like crap today (even the filter doesn’t help).. hahaha.. haven’t showered coz I wanna swim then the rain came etc. 

Nonetheless I’m grateful for all that I have. My life is complete, not perfect but complete. with a husband who makes me the best out of me, and 4 annoying but otherwise healthy kids. Thankful for the chance to still be able to carry a baby at this age: though it’s tiring but I’m thankful for this precious gift. Thankful for a job that is able to cover our bills and still have time with the kids. Today, I feel privileged to be a parent, to be able to hug my baby as he struggles with his nap. Today I’m thankful that I’m sitting here with joy, waiting for the GP to see her. (Not Covid, but just fever and fatigue) teenage life is tough I guess, and it’s not helping when my girl wants to have it all on her plate. She’s currently running for house captain; and then execo for NCC air next; and doing a food channel on IG. Sometimes my heart ache for her when I see her take on so many things, but I guess the best gift I can give her is Time and support.

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