Monday, February 15, 2021

Happy CNY


This is a reminder to myself to always be PRESENT in my kids' lives, no matter how challenging/tiring it is. Coz eventually, it shows, if the kids have LOVE in their lives, or are distanced from you. We are not perfect parents, but we try to make the best out of what we have.

We met up with 2 other families for CNY gathering yesterday, friends whom we known for many years since Joy was in her preschool. But yesterday, was the first time, we left the dinner earlier. Coz the girls were glued to their hp, and for my twins who had no hp, they felt super lonely. Joy didn't dare touch her phone after I told her (before the start of the dinner) to spend time with her friends instead of on her phone. But her other 2 friends, were simply more interested in their technology gadgets. Its pretty sad, actually. When you see them there, but not there. So obviously, my 3 girls were bored the entire night. Its my fault, for forgetting to remind them to bring their books along to read. 

Its a pity to leave the night early. But I was tired. Tired of asking the other girls to stop looking at their phones when their parents aren't interested. They were "free" since their kids were not bothering them. Tired of the language/ words they used, I certainly didn't expect teenagers / girls of today (maybe I'm conservative) to use such words. Its just awful. And call it selfish or what, I certainly didn't want my kids to use such language. I'm sure they are exposed it in school/ social media / environment, but Joy knows that such language is forbidden in our household and if she can't follow our rules, she's free to ask another household to adopt her. ( I do realise that I can't always use this all the time..hahaha..) But when we shower the girls with LOVE & TIME, they will realise that despite it all, this is the family/ home that they would rather be in. 

I find parenting very similar to planting. Shower it with enough LOVE & TIME, and eventually you see the fruits of yr labour. Neglect it, and weeds will will come, inhibiting its growth. Ignore the weeds, and eventually the plant suffers. 

Sweet Grace left this on my desk this first angbao from my

Just finished my zoom this morning, going to spend the rest of the days with the girls, doing homework today...hahaha.. happy CNY!

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