Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy day!

Accidentally saw this while heading for my airport appt..  I had forgotten that llao llao is at the airport.. lol.. it's after all my favourite yogurt ! Hahahaha..  I know I will have to get it even though I'm trying to eat healthier..  Hahaha..  it's comfort food.. and it's a lot healthier than eating chocolate cake mah.. hahahaha.. 

I felt like a kid unleash on candyland. Probably bcoz I'm already on holiday mood. The village (minus joy) are going to HK this Sun; their first trip to Disneyland and I get to meet some of my friends whom I haven't met for yrs.

So thankful how this mth turned out. I know I was feeling Emo and unsure since I came back fr rio . And it was indeed a quiet October for almost 3 weeks. But certainly and surely the Lord has plans and not only did He provides , He does it in mega fashion. So grateful for all that He has provided, be it for my work; the protection on Grace and us on the car accident.. so many blessings; so many things to be thankful for.

I pray that more people will get to know my God and how he heals and protects; and how with Him, I have nothing to worry about.

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
Hebrews 10:36 

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