Sunday, September 3, 2017

On DSA...

Had a bbq gathering with some friends and their families over the weekend and during the gathering, I was commenting that Joy would be having a hectic schedule this Sep holidays bcoz she has trainings and needed to be in school 3 times a week. And if she got selected to be in the school team, her 2018 Q1 would b packed crazy with training and trainings. I told the group that although I was glad that she has some exercises in this new CCA, but i won't mind if she doesn't make it to school team. It would mean more time to breathe, be it for her or for the family. One mummy, who also happens to be the tutor of the host's kid frown on my comments. She said that it's crucial that she (joy) make it to school team, so that she could have a shot to DSA subsequently. 

My reply to that was simple. My family don't believe in DSA. Entry to the secondary school should be by merit. Why stress the child by putting her in a school where the results are vastly different? Surprise surprise..  then began a long debate on whether we are our child's roadblock by not giving her the options that she would otherwise be entitled to. To be honest, it is not uncommon for parents to splurge on trainings (badminton/table tennis/swimming) in an attempt that their kids would b the leader of that CCA and thus a shot at the secondary school of their choice. My bro-in law told us that he regretted not hiring top notch coaches for his daughter so that she could b in the DSA program and reminded us not to let slip such an opportunity. 

I guess to say our house view is one of the minority is a huge understatement. My view on this is simple. If all the other kids were already traveling at 100km/hr, and my child is at her own pace at 50km/hr, what good would it serves her? She would lose confidence, always feeling the sense of not being good enough and ultimately lose interest in her studies. The irony would be when she has to drop the sport bcoz she can't cope with her studies. And I'm not sure if the school would stil want to keep her as a student, coz it would pull down the overall aggregate of the school performance too. A check with a client ,who is a teacher in a reputable secondary school, reaffirms that our views are rare and many a times, much appreciated. Phew! 

I guess it is hard not to follow the majority. Be it the coaches or the tuition. Joy was telling me this morning that in P5, she would need to stay back for enrichment classes on Tues and Thurs (apparently it's compulsory for all P5s! If so, why can't it be inside the curriculum schedule) and if she happens to be taking higher Chinese, then she will need to stay back on Mon. Weds and  Fris would be if she make it to the school team. I shudder to hear that she is going to be staying in school for such long hrs come 2018. Then when is the kid going to be able to play ? And that's not counting the amount of tuition and homework a typical school going kid has !! 

I asked joy if it would be a gd idea to drop her Chinese tuition next yr, if she is going to take higher Chinese. Then the Mon extra class offered by school could double up as free tuition..hahahaha... the competitive her says that she would prefer to keep the tuition for now. Coz as it is, she is the only P4 that she knows in her class who isn't having tuition on all 4 subjects. Seriously!??

That is why they say that tuition in Singapore is a billion dollar biz.. and sometimes you question if that's the right thing to do - not giving Joy more tuition. If the best student in Joy's class is also having it for all 4 subjects, then surely we should do so for her yah? Why? Why then aren't we doing so?

Seriously I think there's a lot more in life than academic results. If there is tuition on character development, I would be the first to sign joy up! Coz I feel that's her weakest subject. Hahaha... 

The same group of kakis also went on to comment that we probably won't be able to enjoy such gatherings the same time 2 yrs later in view that the girls would b having PSLE.. hahaha.. the most dreaded 4 letter word in sg I guess.. aiya, PSLE 就不用吃饭meh? I hope that I won't be eating my words 2 yrs from now..haha..but seriously PSLE is an over rated exam la.. why let the 3 numbers dictate what defines of yr child or worse, the love you have for her!? I've been telling my joy over and over again, that it doesn't matter what she scores, be it NOW or for PSLE. Mama and papa loves you the same no matter what. And may we continue to remember this.. that what defines a child is her ability to love and care for others and not what's on her report book. May God have mercy on the kids and reduce their workload la.. so much to do, how to be a child? 🤣

1 comment:

Ac said...

I share your view. pls be my anchor and remind me when the time comes. I too feel this pressure to conform to the majority opinion of what is considered standard. but a large part of me feels that it is all wrong. To me, DSA is like using the side gate to the top school. A backup plan in case academic doesn't make it. But if academic doesn't make it, it simply means the child isn't suitable for the standard of that school, why must die die force your way in right? But I heard another side of the story which, like Joy, the kids feel the competition, the pressure in school.. I say something closer to renee age. A friend say she regretted not starting her girl on phonics and han yu ping ying in preschool because come P1, her daughter was quite stressed up. Her story strike a chord in me... Like we have to constantly find the balance in this "preparation" for academic life for our kids in sg. Cannot help but feel that parents are the one who drive up the aggregate standard of the schools in sg. really kiasu... On another note, go and watch this show "Gifted" by Chris evans :)