Monday, January 6, 2020

Reflections reflections reflections..

This was my new yr resolution for 2019. I couldn't be more grateful by how much God has done/worked in my life for ticking most of what I've set out to do for 2019. It wont be possible if not for God. 

1) weight
- I've lost 8kg in 2019, it hit 10kg occasionally then I would feel good and happy and start feasting again. what I told yp, im happy with my current weight. It's still on the bigger side, but im satisfied. I hope I can hit the 60s, but I wont b too disappointed if I didn't. 

2) Work
- I set $550k gr last yr not believing that I couldnt achieve it bcoz 2018 was a breakthru yr. Meaning it was the highest i had ever achieved since i joined. But God has his plans. Not only did i crossed $550k, i actually cross more than that! (Its a whole entire story which I would dedicate an entry on its own)

3) Service 
- I did have small breakthroughs here, having gone for my first street evangelism - something my friends or me would have imagined me doing. 
- I also did a small sermon/sharing during the xmas wasnt something I could do naturally or enjoy doing but I will do it, if that is what God sets out for me to do. 

4) Love
- the judgemental me.. hahahaha.. I try la.. hahah.. I try to bite my lips and remind myself when the "judge" in me props up; reminds myself that I'm not God and that we are after all, Work in Progress.. 
- we didnt get to visit the children home last yr, which I hope we could do it this yr. 

5)Personal development
- I did a couple of books last yr but that was it.. I wanna do the flower arrangement class this yr..

And that was my resolutions for 2019 and my progress.. thankful that I manage to hit most of it and hopefully I can start planning for 2020..hahaha..I know I'm late but i need to reflect on what happened last yr before i can move forward.. 

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