Friday, January 24, 2020

Goodbye 🐷, harlow 🐭

We are getting there.. probably settling down to the new place soon, in the midst of the many cny hostings.. the twins cant be happier that they finally can scoot again! They didnt get to do it at jewel coz there wasnt the space to do it then.. happy with the pool/playground/scooting fun..

A a resident lend them this float while at the pool.

this is a huge carousel by any

Before we say goodbye to the 🐷 year, just wanna take this chance to give thanks. 

Thankful that we found this place, and even though it isn't near the mrt, the twins and I are really enjoying the benefits of staying near the school. There were days where they only woke up at 645 and we would reach school by 715. Tight, but not late.. hahaha.. 

Thankful that Joy is adjusting well to her new school. As of now, she has been talking on and on about her fantastic her secondary school is, and how glad most of her classmates are like her - first yr in the school.. blah blah blah.. 

Thankful that I've rested for 2 dec and jan have been great, just simply being with the kids and not working much (oops!) .. just trying to take things easy at each season.. work will come from feb onwards and I will accept whatever plans my Lord has for me..

Thankful that everyone at home are healthy; that's most impt to me. Health and time with them.. 

Praying that God protect us from the flu epidemic.. trying not to over react even though most places have ran out of surgical masks.. my God is my shepherd..

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