Monday, January 6, 2020

Lena and her apple trees..

"Supposed we are all apple farmers today and if the goal (COT) is to harvest 600 apples by end of the year, I'm probably 220 apples short and with less than 2 mths left. I look at my apple plantation and there isn't many that are ready to be harvested any time soon. There were more "botak" trees and probably less than 10 apples ready. 

If so, should I still continue to run for it this yr or should I just try again next yr? After all, the math seems impossible. 

380 apples ÷ 9 mths = ~40/mth.

How do I hit 220 in 2mths!? 

And it's not like I'm super motivated for it. I'm comfortable with what I have now; (maybe too comfortable for my own good). I told joleen, I have enough apples to feed my family. We have enough. I'm contented with what God has provided thus far. Then do I still want to do it?"

That was the conversation I had with Joleen and william on 22nd oct 2019. And that was the best analogy that I could think of at that point in time to explain my circumstances back then. 

She told me in her wise words that I should ask myself why I want to do it. Bcoz if I can find the Why? , then will we be able to move to the How..

And thus I did my search for the whys.. this was what I wrote in my journal then:

Why COT? Why not?
1. Breakthru for my work
- 2018 was a breakthru here for me, my best yr since joining this industry. And if I could hit COT in 2019, I would have improved/ better my best yr. 

2. Challenge to myself 
- to be honest, I just worked for 2018 not chasing anything. Just did the best I could, have fun sometimes and the results was unexpected. But for 2019, I want to challenge myself, make it intentional and push myself. If I don't push myself while I'm young, then when? Dont live life with regrets. I don't want a situation when time passes, I look back and ask myself, why didnt I do it?

3. Good testimony for others
- if God is willing, He will make it Himpossible. The goal is so huge that it can only be possible bcoz of God. I wont be able to do it based on my own efforts. Its impossible. 
- Sometimes we need an extra boost of faith to see the miracle.
- When we are faced with a God sized dream, Jesus wants you to see how BIG His father is.
- When God gives us a dream, He will provide the resources to fulfil the dream. 

Lord, it's all about You and not about me. Use me for the expansion of Yr kingdom, that more will come to know You when they see yr works in my life. GOD, the task is too huge and often I'm reminded of how small/little the harvest is. But Lord, if it is in Yr Will, I will do it. I will work as hard as I can, to harvest too! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen!

And with that, I tried the best I could, to run the final lap. 

It has been weeks since then. And I cant tell u how amazed and in awe I am, to testify that not only did I managed to harvest the 220 apples that I thought was impossible, I actually did more than that! And it's all possible only bcoz of my God, Jesus Christ! 

No one thought it was possible. At least I didnt. But each time I was tired, Joleen will say, just do my best and let Him do the rest. And so, that's what we did. Thank you God!

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
Hebrews 10:36 NIV

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