Wednesday, January 29, 2020

happy cny!

Did our first cny hosting at our new place.. was nice to have such gatherings again..
when we were more youthful - feb 2016

The last time we had it was in 2016, when we were still at our HDB. Coz it was impossible to host it at Jewel. And also bcoz it was difficult to invite some without offending others. There, I said it. The hard truth. It was less complicated when we were younger, when we were friends rather than colleagues. And as the company expands, differences enter and sometimes it's just difficult for all to be on the same page la.. that's the main reason why we stopped hosting. Coz it was just too tiring to please everyone. 

But 2020, i decided that heck la.. for anything to change, I shall change first. Even though it might b a tiny tiny step towards change, I  shall do what pleases my minuscule contribution towards improving ties/friendships. 

I'm thankful for all who has made a footprint in my life, and even though I'm not a friend-keeper, I'm thankful for the friendships forged, some stronger than before, some long forgotten.. well, it's time to change what I can change, and move forward.. 😘😘😘

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